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PhiNotPi's avatar

Has your family ever been swept up into any of the doomsday predictions?

Asked by PhiNotPi (12686points) November 28th, 2013

It’s getting close to a year after the world ended in December 2012, and two and a half years since the Rapture in May 2011, and almost 14 years since Y2K ended the world in January 2000.

Have you/your friends/relatives ever participated in a doomsday event? Did they stockpile food and supplies?

Personally, I don’t know of anyone who really believed in one of the doomsday predictions, but I’m asking this question because I heard some interesting stories in chat last night.

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7 Answers

flip86's avatar

The only thing I had on the eve of Y2K was a flashlight, in case the power went out. It never did.

My uncle turned quite religious after he left his wife and got with his current girlfriend. He gets wrapped up in that sort of thing. I always take it with a grain of salt.

Katniss's avatar

No. I know some people who get nervous about it, but they don’t stock pile supplies.

When Y2K rolled around, I was at a Metallica concert. They stopped playing at a couple minutes before midnight…... We all just waited. Of course nothing happened. Everybody had a good laugh, and the band picked up where they left off.

CWOTUS's avatar

It’s kind of late for that, I guess, since I have been an orphan for almost the last 10 years, and as the head of my own family I am pretty much resistant to any kind of movement (yeah, that can be read in many ways, can’t it?) or sweeping in general (ditto).

Kardamom's avatar

We have one faction of our family that are end timers. They gave up their health insurance, spent all of their savings and did a bunch of other stupid stuff (even though they had little kids at the time) and now they’ve been disappointed that Jesus didn’t carry them off in a spaceship to heaven at least 3 times. I guess the first time was Y2K, then twice last year for the Mayan calendar thing, the thing that people had the wrong date, so there was 2 times last year.

Now they have nothing but problems. One of my cousins is on Facebook at least once a week asking us to pray for her, but never says exactly what we’re supposed to be praying for. I think she and her immediate family were genuinely upset that they weren’t caught up in the rapture.

augustlan's avatar

My mother’s husband’s daughter gets in a panic about this kind of stuff. For the Christmas right before the Y2K thing, she gave each of her relatives a ‘survival kit’, complete with gas masks!

I figured the worst that could happen was the power might get knocked out for a couple of days (at most) due to a Y2K date glitch. I bought 2 or 3 gallons of water, just in case.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Nope. We had a doomsday-themed New Year’s Eve party in 1999, though, just to make fun of people who thought the world was going to end. Apparently, it irritated one of our more paranoid neighbors.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Some friends and I went a bit crazy and started preparing in an end of the world way recently when we had a lot of riots, but never in a prediction magical kind of way.

To be honest. I was kind of expecting something to happen for Y2K, not that nukes would go off and aircraft would crash to the ground, but I did expect to see maybe come PC’s old digital things, or ATM machines to go a bit glitchy, but not even that. Even my plastic 5 bucks casio watch from the 80’s rolled over in to 2000 without a problem.

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