Nowadays pet owners are using Skype as a way to check in on and interact with their pets. Would you skype with your pet?
Asked by
Smitha (
November 29th, 2013
After seeing this photo I tried chatting with my dog through skype and when I started calling out to him, he got confused and started running around the room for me. Now I have the terrible urge to rush home and hug him.
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13 Answers
No. My cats would just ignore me.
Not a chance, it’s complete bullshit.
They are under the impression (deluded) that their pets are benefitting from the experience, they aren’t. Dogs rely heavily on scent so hearing their owners voice without that dominant trait only serves to distress them further. That’s okay though, because they’ve satisfied their selfish requirements.
Uh, ok, I scype with my friends all the time, the hold their pets up to the screen, uh, hi, catty or barky, the pet squirms around and uh, ok…
I too agree with @ucme. From what I saw, my dog was pretty confused. A dog relies on his sense of smell to interpret his world so if he can hear you but not smell you it’s definitely going to confuse him.
Hubby and I were just saying we wish they had a nanny cam at the boarding kennel. We are on our way to pick up the babies now. Luckily the boarding is cage free and she HAS posted pictures from Facebook in the last two days.
If I’m skyping my boyfriend then I might ask him to turn the screen onto the dogs so I can see that they are ok but it am aware that is for MY benefit. I probably wouldn’t talk to them, I just want to see that they are well.
I wouldn’t Skype my dogs. I never have. I probably couldn’t.
When I do leave them which I can for up to 12 hour increments I feel perfectly fine in trusting them and so I do not have to check in on them.
I also lived in an apartment for awhile and according to a neighbor I had at the time she said the dogs only on occasions made noise and that was because according to her she stood outside my door and teased them by calling their names.
She had a mental illness and an obsession for my dogs so unfortunately my dogs paid the price.
I should of Skyped my neighbor!
I also should of had security camaras in my apartment instead according to the tenants, although Skype may have freaked out my creepy superintendant who one day while I was home walked right in my apartmetment unnanounced, which confirmed for me when the ‘second’ time he came in why the dogs did not freak out, because they always do freak out for new people unless they know the person really well.
I thought the people in the building were mad, I also thought my neighbor was mad. She started telling me the super was “watching” me. After that I was like see ya wouldn’t want to be ya.
I also stopped and had a conversation with the super, I told him I was moving. He said that was too bad. Ironically he asked me if the dogs had ever protected me. I told him my lab is sweet, the Shepard though don’t trust him he will defend me.
After that conversation I thought it was weird so I instead decided to move out of the apartment even sooner than I had originally planned rather than the planned date.
My dog was restless and jumpy there and could never relax. And since we’ve moved he’s been so much better.
@Judi Nowadays many people install nanny cams in their homes to keep an eye on their pet sitter too!
@Leanne1986 I had to leave my dog, a Labrador, in India after moving to Dubai. So I was actually missing him. Now I feel it would be better not to try Skype.
I’ve never been able to get a reaction from an animal on Skype or anything else using a computer. I think the connection is too abstract for them.
Our parrot sort of understand the telephone.
Now I’m tempted to Skype her to see if she gets the picture.
Nope, I do however occasionally set my webcam to motion detection so I can see what my cat does during the day. It goes something like this
walk around room aimlessly.
find spot on bed and lay down for 3 hours
wake up, yawn, get some water, lay down for 2 more hours.
knock some shit off my desk
lay down for an hour
chase something that isn’t there and knock some more shit off my desk
lay down for a couple hours.
and so on…
I have a hard enough time as it is keeping Schrodinger off the computer. Once he finds out he can talk to Milo when I’m not home, it’s all over. Those are devious plots I’m not quite ready for.
My dog just ignores the TV. There’s no way he’d have any clue what’s going on.
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