Why be self deprecating when there are Internet forums available where you can let true professionals do it?
Asked by
ETpro (
November 30th, 2013
My goodness, there’s no need to do it yourself. The professionals on the Internet work for the pure joy of their job. They are happy to deprecate you to your heart’s discontent and do it all for free. They are so tireless at their work that even when you thank them and tell them that’s enough, they just keep giving their disdain.
So hey, pump your own tires all you want. You’ll find plenty of well-practiced experts at criticism and deprecation ready to let the air back out for you.
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27 Answers
Whose ass do I have to kick, @ETpro ?
Tsk. Have you been slumming at Sodahead again?
Hmm! Sounds like you could use some aprecating, @ETpro!
You know, sarcasm can at times be an unattractive quality…
@ETpro Yes, it’s interesting that a polite, harmless, inoffensive internet comment can inspire feedback such as, “Your [sic] a stupid idiott [sic].”
I guess that some occasional, self-deprecating humor can be fun, but it’s annoying if someone makes a habit of sarcasm and irony.
The interwebz is full of daft cunts like that, just allow them to stew in their own shite & laugh at their empty, pathetic lives. Or, dismiss it entirely as it’s really not worthy of your attention.
I detect a note of sarcasm… Just a wee bit. crap load
I find that people that swear a lot aren’t capable of intelligent conversation. Recently I was cussed at for relaying facts that the recipient didn’t like and instead of a rebuttal I received vulgarity. Sadly, it happens. Some people simply can not be reasoned with. It’s just a fact of life and I take heart in knowing that it’s really not my problem. Let them be bitter and hateful. I’m fine with that.
@Seek_Kolinahr Noble warrior that you are, if it is just the two of us against all the asses out there, we’re hopelessly outnumbered. :-)
@Espiritus_Corvus I should have noted that this is just a generic thought for us all. I haven’t been beaten up any worse than usual, and the usual abuse if just fine with me. Keeps life interesting, particularly the “Your sic stoopid sic. comments so common among the professional decorators. I only pop in to Sodahead.com when I am feeling a shortage of abuse.
@glacial Noooooo! You’ll get me so self satisfied I’ll have to check into Sodahead.com for another session of Internet abuse and attitude adjustment.
@OneBadApple You detected the sarcasm in this, did you? Excellent. Let go with both barrels about how ridiculous and inept my question was. ~
@SadieMartinPaul Amazing. I almost quoted your version of the “Your stupid” quote above. One of my all-time favorites too.
@ucme At times, I agree they aren’t worth any attention. But at other times, it’s really, really fund to wind ‘em up.
@DWW25921 Prescient observation. That’s exactly what this question is. That, and a salve for those who take the idiotic criticism too seriously.
Of course, whenever we get slammed, it pays to step back for a minute and ask ourselves, “Is my critic right?” Sometimes they are, and seeing that, we’re the better for it. But all to often they are just professional Critic-Riddicks that exist only to denigrate anyone dares challenge them to think. That the kind that are fun to wind up.
@ETpro Man, I don’t know how you can stand it. You have this strategic talent for surgical debate, a huge knowledge base, and this extremely keen sense of justice. Talk about pearls before swine. If these dullards can’t partake in simple argument, how can you sharpen the skill? There’s no profit. It’s just pure maso…
Wait a minute. Some of those Friday afternoon questions you’ve been asking. OK. I’m tellin’ MOM!!!
I say if you can dish it, you should be able to take it. just sayin’
I didn’t mean you, specifically. I should have mentioned that.
I’m not a fan of dishing.
OK, I’m tellin’ DAD and You’re gonna get it!
Man, this totally reminds me of this thing…so I’m playing this new video game, but their servers or something are fucking up, and I can’t get certain events in the game to appear. It’s a pirate game and you have secrets at sea to find, which are delivered via server. And it’s not my connection, as anyone with the PS4 is experiencing this.
But anyway, I asked on like six different forums, and I have had NO answers at all. Well, that ain’t true…some guy sent me a music video, saying he fixed my problem. Just insulting me for some reason I do not understand. It’s probably a meme I’m not getting, but whenever someone sends you a meme, it’s never good. That’s the rule of the Internet. You don’t have to know the name of the street you live on, you just have to know what your house looks like.
So you know why this question reminds me of this game situation? Because I fucking hate it when people think they know all that which there exists to know, but once there comes to chance to prove as such, the bravest of the brave can only hide behind memes and…I denno. Just felt like ranting. Thought this was a good place to do it, even though it has fuckall with what you just asked. I hate it when stuff sucks.
A badly spelled rant I let wash over me but sometimes I feel my critics may have a point even if I can’t always figure out what it is. It can feel a little unsettling. Let me buy you a beer.
Perplexing. Most people love it when stuff sucks…
Some acts of suction are just no dang good.
@Yetanotheruser I want it. Didn’t you know?
@Symbeline People who try to answer a simple technical question with bullshit are typically doing so because that’s all that’s in them.
@flutherother True, but then again it may seem like the can’t articulate their point because they don’t have any other than being a professional critic. Be that as it may, it’s a go on you buying me a beer, :-)
@whitenoise Yes. You should buy me a beer too. :-)
@OneBadApple One way to assure yourself of a great deal of love.
@Symbeline Doesn’t that really suck?
In Delhi now, Bombay Wednesday.
Non alcoholic country from Thursday thru 19 December. So… meet at Victoria station Wednesday evening? :-)
@ETpro Yeah. It pisses me off. You can spot these people miles away though. They always belittle your abilities to understand something by telling you how simple it is, yet they always fail to actually explain anything. Like say if someone tells you that a spider is not an insect, and you honestly did not know this. But instead of explaining to you the difference between an insect and a spider, they just insult you because you don’t know it. That suctions.
I am not a bright girl, I can admit. Which means, just give me the facts if you have em, don’t confuse me with what is essentially completely useless. I seriously pondered over the song the dude sent me to see what, if anything, would relate it to my problem with the sea secrets. And that was time wasted trying to understand why the secrets don’t appear in the game.
@ETpro Just for the record, I think you’re one of the most intelligent and thought-provoking members of Fluther. I always read your questions and posts with great interest.
I’m grateful that @Augustlan keeps this website civil. Whenever someone trolls, is unduly rude, or posts flame-bait, she swoops in with her moderator’s “pen.”
@ETpro Of course I know. Why do you think I’m tellin’?
@whitenoise You’re a difficult bloke to keep up with. If I have the good fortune of being anywhere close to Victoria Station Wednesday, I will immediately PM you. I’d love to be able to buy you the second round. Sadly, finances and work pressures prohibit my buying a ticket and just hopping over there right now.
@Symbeline I may be far from the brightest bulb in the drawer, but I’m bright enough to know you are bright, and those who use random knowledge as a put-down generally are not.
@SadieMartinPaul I post a question opening myself up for the Internet Deprecation Professionals to have at me, and I get a paradoxical reaction. I really wasn’t out fishing for compliments, but thank you.
@Yetanotheruser Ha! My kind of guy person.
@ETpro You don’t always need to go fishing. Sometimes, the fish just come to you.
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