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SQUEEKY2's avatar

What is one item you bought over a decade ago, that you still use to this day?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23623points) November 30th, 2013

And your vehicle doesn’t count.

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69 Answers

tedibear's avatar

Our house. We moved in ten years ago on the Friday of Thanksgiving weekend.

As for something smaller, my mixer is more than ten years old.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have a bunch of hand tools,and a thermos that are way over ten years old,oh and we bought our house brand new 12 years ago.

chyna's avatar

My bedroom suite. i bought it over 30 years ago.

Seek's avatar

One of my favorite shirts.
A wrap dress I have is pushing ten years ols.
My copy of “The Joy of Cooking” – known as “The Bible” in my house

anniereborn's avatar

75 percent of everything I own. although I didn’t necessarily “buy them”. I have a lot of hand me downs from grandparents and parents. And my clothes I wear until they fall apart.

cookieman's avatar

A great percentage of stuff in my house.

We just replaced my washer & dryer and living room set — all over 17-years old.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I’ve had my leather jacket for 16 years now. It still fits and I still wear it, though I do need to get the lining repaired/replaced.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

My husband! :D

Hey, if I had to buy a license and pay for a wedding, it counts!

flip86's avatar

A pair of Nike shorts that I bought when I was 13, an old zenith tube TV that I’ve had since I was 16, and until recently, a clock radio. The clock radio bit the dust on me a few days ago.

You know you’re getting old when you have to say tube TV

ucme's avatar

This crazy xmas decoration it’s Santa hanging beneath a parachute & when you clap near him he dances like a bastard to a selection of crimbo songs on a loop.

gondwanalon's avatar

My weight bench and my weights.

muppetish's avatar

I was fourteen ten years ago and didn’t have much pocket money to buy things. I know that I must have purchased a book or two, but I have no idea which ones.

There are plenty of items in the house that my parents bought that are still in working condition 10+ years later. The refrigerator is still kicking, though it doesn’t regulate temperature quite as well as it used to. My parents only recently replaced the TV downstairs, which was well over ten years old. My GameBoy Color still works, though the internal battery of the individual games crapped out.

Pachy's avatar

A cheese grater, a blanket, several paintings, a bedroom set, and an antique flip-top sudent desk kind of like this.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well my house and my husband. Lots of furniture and pictures.

JLeslie's avatar

Blender, electric hand beater, eletric hand blender, all my dishes and flatware, all but one serving dish and a gravy boat, some of my glasses, at least half of my clothes, my eyeglasses, my carry-on suitcase, 3 coats/jackets, my dining room table and chairs and one coffee table, my master bedroom set, the majority of my jewelry, a lot of kitchen gadgets, the majority of the framed artwork or prints in my house, a few pots and pans, many baking dishes, I’m sure there is more.

DWW25921's avatar

I bought a llama wool jacket when I was in Ecuador in 1995 and I still use it under a windbreaker on a cold day.

flutherother's avatar

My watch is 35 years old and still keeps perfect time.

talljasperman's avatar

My clock radio , I’ve had it since grade 3.

elbanditoroso's avatar

My waterbed. Have used it for 37 years.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Many, many things. My television, VCR, and stereo system are all 17 years old. I have a nice trench coat and an old beat up watch that are both at least 15 years old. The watch has lost its straps and now resides in my pocket, but I still use it all the time (and somehow, it’s only on its second battery). I have some clothes that are at least 12 years old, as my wife likes to point out on occasion. Some flannel shirts, a pair of pants, a couple of t-shirts, and even a pair of socks. And of course, most of my CD collection is well over a decade old at this point.

janbb's avatar

Kitchen Aid mixer.

wildpotato's avatar

My hammock, my leather jacket, and ~75 books. Also, a teddy bear – but I don’t use it anymore myself; it’s around because it’s my cat’s favorite thing for kneading bread – so maybe that doesn’t count.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I have a stainless steel Seiko “self-winding” diver’s watch I bought in 1973. It works as well as it did the day I bought it—perfectly.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

There’s a reason why so many consumer products are called “durable goods” – they’re manufactured and intended to last for a long time.

downtide's avatar

I have lots of things that are over 10 years old. Our stereo system is 27 years old (it was a very expensive top-of-the-range one when it was new, and will probably be good for another 27 years to come). We replaced our 12-year-old fridge-freezer last year. The washing machine is probably over ten years old now, but I can’t remember for sure.

hearkat's avatar

I have some clothing that is over ten years old. A decade ago, I was living in my mother’s house post-divorce. My fiancé also had mostly leftover items from childhood and hand-me-down furniture in his bachelor pad. When we moved into our place three years ago, we bought everything new.

longgone's avatar

Quite a few comic books I still read occasionally.

OneBadApple's avatar

We have a 30” ceramic gnome in the back yard who stands on a tree stump and guards our house 24 hours a day. His name is ‘Gus’, and he does an awesome job. We haven’t had one break-in since moving in 23 years ago.

And yes, he looks just like that ‘Travelocity’ gnome….

SecondHandStoke's avatar

1991 Eddy Merckx Corsa SL road bicycle frame:

Faema livery.

Lugged Columbus SL chrome molybdenum steel seamless single butted tubing.

Campagnolo front and rear dropouts.

Silva bottom bracket, brake bridge and box fork crown.

Chromed chainstay.

Chain hanger.

Pump peg.

Out of my cold dead hands…

Seelix's avatar

My cat.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

In before Loli asks how the cat is used.

Seelix's avatar

That’s for us to know.

ETpro's avatar

I have a very large Kashan Oriental Carpet that I’ve had for over 30 years. How’s that?

anniereborn's avatar

@ETpro Does it tie the room together? (sorry, someone had to say it)

ETpro's avatar

@anniereborn The room I bought it for looked spectacular with it. Sadly, where we are right now, nothing could salvage the look of this room. All the carpet does is cover up some 100 year old hardwood flooring that’s been brutalized over the years, and keep the chill of the basement from soaking up through the living-room floor.

jca's avatar

Furniture, jewelry boxes, frames, kitchen utensils, decorative mirrors, custom framed prints.

janbb's avatar

Oh – I also have some clothes that are over ten years old. And make-up.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

^Ten year old makeup??

Strauss's avatar

Do tools count? I have several different saws, a miter saw, a drill (with assorted bits and drivers), a level, a square, several hammer, wrenches, a Dremel, with various attachments,

janbb's avatar

@SecondHandStoke Yup; I don’t wear it often!

hearkat's avatar

I have eyeshadow that’s got to be over 20 years old; and others that are definitely over 10 years old. I’m a few months shy of my 10-year anniversary at my job, so I’m using that as a reference.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You need to toss it @hearkat.

janbb's avatar

@Dutchess_III Still works for me. I wore the eye make-up for my son’s bar mitzvah that I had bought for my wedding.

TheRealOldHippie's avatar

Most of my furniture. Why replace it if it isn’t broke or otherwise worn out?

SecondHandStoke's avatar

^^ I’m concerned that the makeup is not only an infection hazard but that more importantly, the color is no longer fashionable.

chyna's avatar

^There’s nothing wrong with navy blue mascara.

janbb's avatar

^^Maybe that’s why I don’t have a boyfriend.

Valerie111's avatar

My straightening iron

hearkat's avatar

I’m the only person who’s ever used my makeup, and I haven’t had any eye infections ever. I’m pretty germ-cautious from working in health care, so I am OK with keeping my powder eyeshadows for several more years. I choose colors based on how they work with my hair, skin and eye coloring and to enhance my features. I rarely wear more than mascara and haven’t concerned myself with fashion trends since middle school. Thanks for your concern, though, @Dutchess_III and @SecondHandStoke.

jca's avatar

I’m surprised that ten year old mascara has not dried up. @janbb.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think she just said she had eye shadow, not mascara….

janbb's avatar

yeah – eyeshadow

cazzie's avatar

My bed frame, dresser, sewing machine, my sofa, countless books and favourite clothing I can not bear to part with, numerous pieces of equipment and dishes in the kitchen (I loves me my kitchen gadgets.) Probably some of my eyeshadow, blush and lipsticks. I finally threw out the old, ragged, useless lump that sat on the couch for 11 years, so I can’t count that any more.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Coffee maker?

MadMadMax's avatar

I have some things I bought 42 years ago to make homemade baby food. My Corona grain mill, my Kitchenaid Mixer made by Hobart and it’s attachments, cast iron cookware (skillets, pots and muffin pans and more). Sieves and kitchen stuff galore was purchased over 30 years ago.

I still own our first bedroom set purchased before we were married (it’s Victorian). That I’ve had 45 or 46 years.

My Cuisinart food processor is about 18 years old or more.

Ten years is nothing. I wear some classic vintage jackets from the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s.

I own jewelry from the 1800’s and a lot from the 30’s. I started collecting antique jewelry when I was in my 20’s so figure I’ve had most of it for 44 years or so?

My leather sofa and chairs, grandfather clock, wall clocks, brass rubbings from England, oil paintings, Persian rugs, shaker style tables and farmhouse table my husband made and much more from 1980’s and 90’s.

We’ve been selling the last of my husbands woodworking tools which are over 10 years old – he had 1500 sq fit shop up north – here you don’t even get basements so they all had to go sadly:

All my appliances although they look very contemporary :Good grief I’ve owned this house over ten years (unfortunately).

Almost everything I own sans skinny jeans and comfy bras :)

talljasperman's avatar

My two front teeth are fake. I got them 10 years ago.

JLeslie's avatar

@MadMadMax You made me think of how old some of the things my grandma owned were. Pots and pans and plates and gadgets and more. Some over 60 years old I bet at the time of her death. Forget the things she had from her parents and inlaws at the time of their deaths, which I have some of today.

MadMadMax's avatar

@JLeslie and would not believe what I HAD to get rid of when we moved from our family home. Holy moley!!!

MadMadMax's avatar

I have my 60 year old brothers little sweater that he came home from the hospital in. My own first born came home from the hospital in it as well.

So I’ve had it for 42 years and my parents had it before that. I don’t do math in my head.

Strauss's avatar

I forgot about our furniture…15 year-old bedroom suite, 20 year plus for the bookcases, and a dining room set that was about 15 years old when we bought it 10 years ago.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Good to see that there are people that still use things they bought a long time ago, in this use it and throw it age of consumer consumption.

talljasperman's avatar

My Nokia cell phone from 2007.

MadMadMax's avatar

@OneBadApple I just got a garden gnome TODAY as a belated gift from my son and daughter in law for my birthday. He’s not as big as Amalie’s gnome but he my gnome all the same.
Willard 14” Hedgerow Garden Gnome

MadMadMax's avatar

Don’t you wish we could post pictures here?

Strauss's avatar

@MadMadMax Where did you get my picture?

Strauss's avatar

<<Here. I was joking! In a strange, funny way, there is some resemblance!

MadMadMax's avatar

You should change your handle to Willard_Hedgerow

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