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talljasperman's avatar

How do I make my remaining 34 years comfortable?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) December 1st, 2013

I’m afraid that life is a terminal condition…. how to I make the most of it and have a pleasant journey?

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22 Answers

pleiades's avatar

What did you dream about becoming as a kid, and then as an adolescent maybe as a young adult?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You can’t get out of it alive. And that’s for sure.

OneBadApple's avatar

I can give you a sweet deal on some very lovely time-shares….

ibstubro's avatar

Can we write a book together?

Haleth's avatar

The most valuable things any of us can do with our time are learning and teaching. It drives me crazy to know that there’s no way I can learn everything I want to learn in the rest of my lifetime; but the attempt is what makes it worthwhile.

From previous questions of yours, it seems like you’re involved in a search for meaning. What do you care about? If you can’t answer that, what are you curious about? Start from there.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Where’d ya buy that nifty death clock?

Coloma's avatar

What I want to know is HOW do you KNOW you have exactly 34 years left?

Seek's avatar

I think he might be shooting for an average life expectancy. Jasper, you’re 36, right?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I’ll let you know when I get there.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Be honest,and enjoy the people your with.

jonsblond's avatar

Invest in a very comfortable mattress. It will be the best money you ever spend.

think I’m joking?

LuckyGuy's avatar

I can’t tell you for sure how to make your life comfortable.

However, I can tell you how to make your remaining 34 years uncomfortable. Eat a lot, gain weight, and don’t exercise. Waking up every day with bad knees, hips and joints is a sure way to start your day miserable.
If you want to avoid that fate, control the two biggest factors that are totally within your control: eat right, and get some exercise. Get your weight down to a healthy BMI level.
Start today. It will never be easier.

Judi's avatar

Living in and enjoying the moment. If you cherish every moment realizing its a gift when you are old and look back on your life you will see that you built something beautiful. It sounds korny but it sure is better than looking back and realizing you wasted your time fearing the inevitable.

elbanditoroso's avatar

We all have terminal conditions.

What makes you think you have 34 years left? You could be run over by a truck tomorrow.

DWW25921's avatar

Never wear a warn out pair of socks.

Coloma's avatar

“Warn” out? Do those pants have an alarm system? lol

janbb's avatar

Connect to someone or something. Don’t stay on the Internet asking pointless questions all day (this is aimed at all of us.)

ibstubro's avatar

Connect to someone or something. Don’t sit in front of the boob tube all day watching soaps and human misery packaged as entertainment. At least get on the internet and interact with real people.


janbb's avatar

@ibstubro Jinx. You owe me a Coke.

ibstubro's avatar

If not the best ever, certainly in the top 10, @janbb.


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