Who wants to play the five-worded, alphabetic alliteration game? #2?
Asked by
ibstubro (
December 3rd, 2013
Create a sentence with five words where the first letter in each sentence starts with the same letter.
1. Your sentence must contain five words (but you may include small words like: to, a, and, it, is, etc…)
2. It must be a coherent sentence, not just random words strung together
3. The first letter of each word must be the same letter
4. This letter must be the next alphabetically to the previous sentence
5. Once we reach Z start with A
6. You can skip the letter X if you find it too difficult (but I challenge someone to make one!)
7. Please, don’t repond twice in a row. Give other people a chance
1. Have fun!
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588 Answers
Since you didn’t start us off…
Anna’s aggressive attitude arouses antipathy.
Barney began baking banana biscuits.
Carrie Chapman Cat caught crocodiles.
Charley cut cucumbers carefully.
Dirty deeds done dirt deep.
Emile endlessly emits emotive energy.
Frankly, Frankie finds France foul.
Howard, however, held Harriet’s hand.
Howard, however, held Harriet’s hand.
if that happens, just re-post above your letter?
Icy interstates irritate idiotic indolents
Jim joined Jerry’s jamboree.
@JimTurner You’re one word short of 5 there Jimmy. lol
Kinky kleptomaniacs kipe killer kittens
Larry loves lubricating long logs. ;>)
My mouth macerates mangos manically.
Nana, nick nine newborns now!
Ophelia opens other oranges obnoxiously.
Pompous pugnacious people prefer poupon
Quincy querulously quaked the queen’s quim.
Rolly rated rambunctious rats racing.
Sam saw sturgeon swimming smoothly.
Three trains traveled through Texas
Tommy tries tying tigers’ tails.
Universally, Unusual undergraduates urinated underwater.
Volumptuous vixens vibrate viciously violent.
Wally wished waffles weren’t wasted.
Xenophobic Xenophon x-rayed a xanthous xylophone.
Young yellow Yorkshireman yodel “yolo”
Zonya ztruggles zaying zilly zentences.
@rebbel I’ve missed you! How are you?
Zany Zimbabweans zealously zapped zebras.
Ally arrives alert, although always angry.
Turnips taste tangy they’re terrible
Boston backed beans brought Barbra’s botulism.
Cute Charlene’s couture couldn’t cover Charlene’s cleavage.
David’s ding-dong dog, Disco, dove deeply down a dark davenport.
Emily endlessly evolves, eroding Eric’s ego.
Five famous foreigners find fortune.
Gloria guaranteed gilded golden gems.
Hector hates having hot horseradish.
Iggy isn’t ill; it’s ichthyology!
Jack just juggled Jill’s jugs.
Kwit Karpin’ kuz kristmas komin’!
Lenny liked licking lemon lollipops.
Milo munched multitudinous melting M&Ms.
Other opinions often openly offend
Petty playground politics peeve Peter
A little slow with that “Scottish” humour there.
Queen quickly questions quiet quadruplets
Rodeo riding royals? Really rare.
Sally says she sees stars.
Twisting tornadoes terrorize total towns.
Uncle uses ugly, uncomfortable underwear.
Victorious viking vanquishes vain vampire.
William wanted warm water while washing.
Xena x-rayed the xenolith of xenu, or was it xerxes?
Yanks yearning your youthful years.
Zoo Zebras zing Zebra Zongs
Always allow anyone another alternative.
Berry bought baked, buttered biscuits.
Cosmic crustacean Cthulhu commands cultists.
Dale damaged Danielle’s Dodge Dart.
Easily escape enemies, evade entrapment.
Frannie fondles Frank’s fannie fondly.
Gina generously gave Genna giggles.
Grant gives gorgeous girls gifts.
Horny Harry honked his horn.
International incident irks indignant Italian.
Jealous Jerry jacked Jen’s Jeep.
Karate knickers keep knotting knees.
Lovely Lana likes licking lollys
Muttering Mary murders misogynist men.
Nothing nixed Nan’s November nuptials
Oprah owned an orangutan only once.
Quirky queens quashed queer quizes.
Randy Ralph romanced racy Rhonda.
Sam slurred something salaciously at Sandra who slapped him soon after.
Telly told Terry the time.
Unger urgently ushered Ursula under the umbrella.
Vivacious virgins vexed vast veterans.
Willy Wonka wants Wonka’s willy.
Xanti Xeroxed Xavier’s x-rated x-rays.
Young yawning yetis yelled ”YOU!”
Zitty Zed zaps zits zanily.
Awesome Andy annotates arrogant ads
Barbs buxom boobs bounce beautifully
Chester’s cat Charlie chewed chicken.
darling duckies daudled, devouring dessert.
Effervescent enemas emit effluvious emissions
Fluther friends frequently feign fondness.
Gnarly George glowed; Gail glided.
Haughty Hank hates Heisenberg heartily.
Ignorant Inez is immediately integrated.
Jumbo jugs Jill’s juicy jibblets.
Kenny knows knobs knock kilts!
Lola, lo, lo, lo, loooooolaaaa
My most memorable moment made me me.
No nonsense Nester nips noisily.
Olga only obsesses over olives
No, no, no… No nonsense! None!
Pam purposely paints pretty people
Quality Quaker quilts quell quivering.
Ree rah roe rue. Rabarber.
Social Silliness Subverts Stable Sanity.
@whitenoise I liked your last one better.
Thirteen thick thespians tripped tragically.
Unusual underwear undulates uncertainly underwater
@Seek_Kolinahr maybe true… But might have taken the lightness out of the thread…
Vince views violet vests vehemently.
(@Coloma, you’re playing with it, LOL)
Where’s Winnifred’s wild watermelon whiskey?
@Jonesn4burgers Haha I was, but…let you have it.
Can we skip “X”..I’m too out of it so must exit on “X.” Sorry friends.
6. You can skip the letter X if you find it too difficult (but I challenge someone to make one!)
X-men’s xenophile Xavier xeroxed Xanadu’s Xena x-rays.
He loved her exotic features and couldn’t understand why other would hate her for it.
Yolanda yanked Yasmine’s yellow yarn.
Zoned-out zebras zigzag zoos zestfully.
Alice ate apples and acorns.
Barbara bakes biscuits, brownies, beans.
Caterwauling cats cacophonies create chaos
David did dandy dandelion dances.
Expect exceptional entertainment everyone…exactly!
Fluthering functionally foments floundering fundamentalists.
George grilled greasy grimy gopher guts.
Healthy hounds hunt hysterical hares
Izzy illuminates illustrations in Illinois.
Joining jocular jellies just jawing jovially.
Killer Kevin killed Kenny kindly.
Lust lingers, love lasts longer.
Mere moments make mass memorabilia.
Needy Nancy needs nine noodles.
Occasionally orangutans open only oranges.
Peasants put pompous prince on pike.
Quincy’s quilters quit quilting quickly.
Rampant rabbit readily rubs Rachel
Sassy Sally stewed squab, shallots and sorrel.
Tennessee Tom took the train tickets.
Use unction under Uncle’s ulcer.
Victorious Vinnie vilified Vicky’s vintage.
At Wally and Willomena Walrus’ wedding, we will waddle down the aisle.
Betty’s beagle barked and bayed.
Cautious cats cleared Cathy’s cottage.
Digitally deleted dialogue deters diplomacy.
Empirical evidence emphasizes elephant elegance.
Frolicsome foxes fervently frisking forever
Garrulous Grant grants great greetings.
Hairy Harry had humorous hats.
Indeed, I inspect indigenous insects.
Jim Junior just jury-rigged Jean’s Jeep.
Krispy Kreame’s keep Kimmy kalm.
Lusty Linda looks lusciously lovely
Nerdy Nick nervously nailed Nina.
Ollie Octopus offended Ossie ostrich.
Peter Piper Pick a Peck of Pickled Peppers
Police passed parks patrolling Primrose Place.
Quentin Quire quickly quipped that “quiet” was what he required.
Quagmires quicken quetzal quaky quacking
Radio reporter reveals retrospective rumours.
Simple Simon’s succulent sweetmeats satisfy.
“Sam!”, screamed Sally, “Sass is a surefire solution for a stomping, son.”
Terrified teen trembles ‘til tired.
User ucme utilises ubiquitous undertaking
Vicious venerable victims verify voluptuously!
We will walk wherever we want whenever we wish.
Xerxes xeroxes xanthic xenopus x-rays.
Xerxes’ xenolithic xylophone was x-rayed in Xingtai.
Yes, your yellow yucca yodels.
Zoned-out zinnias zip zebra zippers.
“Andy alive?” Ally asked alliteratively.
Bellicose Bella Biddle belched bodaciously
Crabby, crotchety, curmudgeons carp caustically
Dangerous dragons dunk dimwitted dragons
Ernie’s enema eerily entertained Erma.
Fran f***** Freddie ferociously fast!
Giant gnomes greedily gobble grasshoppers.
Hairy Harry hurries harried Harriet.
Imbeciles interact intellectually idiotically infact
Jonesn4burgers jumps joyously jingling jewels.
Klingons keep killing Kirk’s kangaroos.
Lucky lady lives luxurious lifestyle
Marline massaged Molly’s massive mounds..
Nine naked nurses nestled Ned.
Oh, orb oglers; oxygen, Oscar!
Pathetic Peter played pool poorly.
Queenie’s quick quim quivered quietly.
Robin read recent reviews rapidly.
Stupid spendthrift socialists spend savings.
(I don’t believe it, but….)
Timmy tickled Tammy’s tummy tenaciously.
Uri understands that Ursula is underwhelmed, not upbeat.
Violet’s Volvo vibrated very violently.
Wicked witches wear wintry woolens.
Youthful yellow yaks yearn yearly.
If someone wants to attempt X, go for it.
How many more times can we talk about Xerxes?
Exactly the reason I skipped it.
Let’s just x-ray and xerox everything while we’re at it.
Zealots zapped Zeus with zany zingers.
IF I could still modify the question, I would make rule 6 “When we come to the letter X, it only has to be 5 words containing the letter X.”
Hey, but Yesenia can at least yell yearningly for yodeling yaks…
Xenial Xavier x’d a xeronema’s xylem.
Carry on noobs!
Adonis aped Alicia’s awesome attire!
My biggest struggle is my computer. It hates Fluther, but other sites are fine.
Zygotes zoomed; Zippy zapped zygotes!
It took no less than 10 tries to get that answer in. Ick!
I’m having that problem lately, @snowberry! Slow and unresponsive on Fluther only.
Bad beasts beat Barney bloody.
Christmas carols conjure cheerful childhood.
Daredevil Dan did daring deeds.
Easygoing elephants endure everything easily.
Filthy fat Frannie farted ferociously.
George’s gargantuan gut gurgled greatly after generous portions of garden-grown goodies.
Heaving horses haul heavy hay
Ian was immediately injured inside an igloo when it ignited.
Jerry’s Jurassic junk jiggled as he jumped up and down in the nude.
Kenny kindled kinky Katie’s kinks.
Lonesome loser laments lost life
Militant Mary munched many mussels.
Noisy new neighbours, not necessary.
Olives or offal often open orifices
Purple porcupines play with pink pencils.
Quigley quickly quelled quirky quills
Rough Rufus rides roller skates.
Sister Sarah shared some saucy sips of Schnapps with Sister Susan in the storage shed behind the convent.
There’s the time Tilly tittered, “That’s too tiny, twice that, thanks!”
Underwater utterances usually undo Uncle Ulysses.
Vixen Vivian views vulvas vividly.
Willy Wonka wiggled wigs wantonly.
X-cuse me from the “X” X-ercise, eXit to “Y.”
Yellow Yox Yo-Yoed yesterday.
Zany zebras ziplock zinc on zebecks.
Angry Aardvarks aggressively attack anthills
Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
Can @cookieman concentrate continuously if a casserole of cookies careen carelessly before him?
Downy ducklings dribblingly dabble delightfully
Doris Day’s delinquent date drank during debutante dance
Each elongated, exaggerated effort easily establishes every example excellently everytime.
Fickle Flutherites filch future feathers for Fluther.
Gregarious geese give gracious greetings
Hallucinating horse humps heavy hippopotamus.
I idly ignore ignominious idiots.
He hopes Heaven has hamburgers.
Judicious junior jumpers jilted Jill.
Kissy kittens keep killing their keepers.
Light luminates Lucy’s lacey lingerie.
Morose morons make me mad
Never neck naked near noose.
Omnivorous ogres ogle over olives
Please pick pale pink petunias politely.
Quirky quality questions quietly queued.
Raunchy Ralph ravished risqué Rachelle.
Ravishing risque Renee raises rutabagas
Smarmy Sara swishes sleazily slow
Teach times table to toddlers
Ugly Ursula undulated in unflattering underwear.
Voluptuous Veronica’s vaginal vulva viewing.
Waddling Wally would wallop Wanda, what a wuzzle.
(*&%$^_!!! Why do I always land on “X”...Pffft. Skipping to “Y”
Yellow Yaks yodeling ” Yay” yonder
Zippy zebras zapped zany zombies
Alligators ate allium and allspice.
Baboon buffoons blow big balloons
Cereal crumbs can create creepy crawly critters!
Dark dreams demented Dolly Dillinger.
Emily eats eel every evening while eyeballing Edwin, Eunice’s estranged egg salesman.
Four foolish fucks frolic frivolously.
Georgia’s gaggle of geese goosed Gus.
^^^ LOL
Horace hoists hefty heathens heavenward
Isabelle isn’t ignoring Iggy’s illness.
Jake jeopardized June’s July Jubilee.
Kooky King Kenny kept koalas.
Lame laments leave liberals liberated.
Magneto, aka Magnus, Mutant Master of Magnetism, moves mountains with his mind.
Negative naysayers need no nightlife.
Multitudinous mountains make me marvel.
Pirates pushed pass private perimeters.
Quirky queens quite quashed the quiet.
Really rigorous rules regiment reality.
Silent students startled by seriously stupid starlings.
Tina tilted the teeter totter towards Tim.
Uncle Uno undulates unusually underwater
Victor vigorously vetted Vicki’s veterinarian.
Willie wanders when Wood wiggles wantonly.
Bend me over backwards on me hostess trolly!
No X!!!
“Yes” yelled Yasmine, yank you!
Zealous zealots zealously zing zeal.
Another attempt at alliterating all of the alphabet is abound.
Barney bled blue blood badly.
off to work for the night
Cranky, crusty, creeps, cook crack
Don’t do dumb domes, dodo. Do to deliriums: drinking and darkened dopes.
Double “D’s”
Eggs eaten early enable energy
Fred fancies Fionas fat fanny
Gloating gorilla gropes gorgeous girl.
Horny Hounds hump happy heifers
Inadequate infrastructures implode impeccably
Many moronic monkeys mashing monsters.
@flip86 “Zealous zealots zealously zing zeal.”…that doesn’t even make any sense!
Never naysay nonsensical nuances, Newt.
Orderly Oliphants ogle openings officiously.
Perky Paula picked purple plums
Quick quote: Queen’s quintessential quality…quietness.
Rancid ranted religiously, repelling repenters.
(If you haven’t read any stories about Rancid Crabtree by Patrick McManus, you have really missed out!)
Stupid Sam sat on a slithering snake
Trampy tarts tell trashy tales
Unusually ugly underwear urges undressing.
Tina and Tom’s tumultuous tryst terminated on Tuesday.
Very voluptuous vixens violated Victor.
Weeping willows wilt with winter weather.
No X Sheesh, why is it always me? lol
Yappy Yorkies yip yip yip
Zap zee zity zizzling zebras
Although Andrea admired Andy, Andy abhorred Andrea.
^^^ LOL
Beautiful big boners bring bliss
Calm chickens chew corn calmly.
^^^ Chickens don’t chew. haha
Despicable desperados do dreadful deeds
Endless engines emit enough energy, Earth-wide.
Frank fearlessly flung flan and frosting far and wide.
Ghastly green ghouls glumly gambling.
Heroic hedgehogs hiccup hilariously here.
Insane imbeciles inject inane input
Jocularly jabbering jellyfish judiciously jab.
Kurmudegeonly kinky kangaroo kings’ keisters.
Lumbering leaking lungfish lounge lazily,
Misogynist Merle met Muttering Mary.
Nine nihilistic nincompoops negate naively.
Ophelia Oppenheimer ogled ogres openly.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers cheat! lol
Quail quietly quarreled; Quigley quibbled Qurans
Right-wing religious ringleaders repeal rights.
Simple Silvia suckled slovenly sloths.
Tom Terrific takes Tylenol two times two, today.
Unhappy uppity umpires undergo unpleasantness.
Vain vampires vent vague verisimilitude’s.
Xochitl x-periences Xtremely xeric xylems.
Yuli’s yenta yearns yearly for yeast to bake a cake.
Zane zealously zipped Zim’s zither.
Arlene ate artichokes all afternoon.
Bellicose barnacles bumped Becky’s boobs.
Cute Caterpillars carefully crawled on a cactus.
Diligent dynamos don’t dare drink.
Excellent elephants eat eggs everyday.
Foppish fucker fixed Fluther fail
Gregarious gnasher giggles like a girl from Great Britain.
Henry Hackwell held Henrietta’s hand
Idiot identified in internet investigation
Jerry just juggles junk. jewels and Japonica jalousies.
Kris Kreep kisses kids Keisters
Larry’s limp lizard let loose laughter.
Magnificent magicians magnify magical mysteries
Nookie needs no nefarious nuances.
Olfactory orifices open only on ‘olidays.
Particular people pleased Pete posthumously.
Quack, quack, quack quacked Quentin.
@rebbel robbed @ragingloli’s roaring rascals.
Steve stunk, so Sally suffered sick smells.
Tina Turner thought things things turned through-out time.
Uremic uncle Uri urinated underwear
someone is finally feeling better! ^^
Haha…yes, some. My brain is firing a little faster again. Bah Humbug!
Voracious Voles viciously victimize vegetation
Why would we want words with W’s?
Xerxes, on the xystus, x-ed the x-rays of the xylophone.
Arnold ate apples all afternoon… alone.
Barry’s black bear bit Barry’s bum.
Cunning Clive cloned Coloma’s Chen.
Dutchess_III dreamed of dripping dainty dogs drumming.
Eagle-eyed Ebeneezer eschewed ethics
Flamingos flap furiously from flatulence.
‘Golly!” Gomer greeted Gregory gallantly.
Horrible Henry held Hannah hostage.
Inquisitive idiots idolize iconic images.
Jenny Jones jerked Jimmy’s johnson
Killer kleptomaniacs karate knackered Klingons.
Limey louses love lingering lemons.
Making more mighty military midgets.
No nailing nifty napkins, Ned.
Octopuses oppose overly ornate oranges?
Pollyanna praised promising prized piglets.
Quaking, Quentin queried Queenies quirks.
Rented royal regulators religiously recanted.
Studying stupidity seems silly sometimes.
Two toads tumbling toward Tucson.
Underwear unnerves unhygienic unattractive unicyclists.
@DWW25921 Remember Rule #7 to this game:
“7. Please, don’t re[s]pond twice in a row. Give other people a chance”
Very vicious vipers value valium.
I’m in.
Weally wet weasles wan wiggling.
“Exxxxcceeellleennnttt!!”, exclaimed Xavier, exalting over his xylophone.
Y’all’s yonder yack yells yippee!
Zippy Zack zipped Zane’s Zipper.
American apples are awesome anytime!
Bare baby bellies belch biggest.
Crazy cats claw Claudia’s child.
Dopy drifters delightfully drink draft…
Evil Eugene eviscerated Eunices Elephant
<Shame, Eugene! For Shame!>
Fiscal Fannie frisked fortunate frolickers.
Gloria gracefully gnawed gourmet greens.
Happy hippies helped Hippie Hollow.
I imagine Imogene is insufficiently interested in introspection.
Jolly jumping jokers juggle jugs.
Knight Knobby Knees kills kilt keepers.
Lovely Lucy licked luscious lollipops.
Mistress Mary married Mister Molotov
Never nudge nauseous narcoleptic naysayers.
Originally Oliver oggled only olive oil.
Progressive people prefer political propaganda.
Older octopus often ogle oranges when hungry.
Quaaludes quickly quieted quarrelsome Quentin.
Restless racoons relentlessly ravage refuse.
Stupid Steve sings silly songs.
Tom twerks twenty times today.
Uma urged ugly urchins to urinate under underpasses.
Valya viewed a very valuable vase.
When will withered Wally walk?
Nix X
Arrogant assholes are always assertively assuming
Beckoning beavers barge byways briskly.
Creepy coward Calvin cowers cowardly.
Can you use the same word 3 times???
Diplomatic draft dodgers defend decisions.
Ethereal Earth-like entities escape entrapment.
Frank’s funky frankfurter fell forward.
Giant goats grab grain greedily.
Horace hoardes heavy hay for his horses.
Ilia is irate inside Ignatious’ igloo.
Jack jitters jam jars joyfully.
Kinky king kisses kittens keenly.
Lovely Linda lurves lions loudly.
Missing marble minions meander mindlessly.
No nighttime neighbors near Nelly!
Overly opulent organic onions organize!
Peeping Peter pined for a pair of purple panties.
Questionable quests query quotable queers.
Rosy’s rabbit ran round the room.
Terrorist take-down turtles tickle tourists.
Unusual users usually undermine unity.
Villainous vagabonds visually violate victims.
Williams weenie waxed & waned wildly
Yelling at Yetis yeilds yellow yrine
Zak makes zippy, zesty zucchini zoup
Adam ate an alluring apple.
Big, bouncy, blue balls break.
Careening cats cavort carelessly close
Dimwitted donuts dancing during dawn.
Everyones excited entering endless euphoria.
Friends freely fry French fries.
Ghastly ghouls get gourmet goulash.
Heathens helped harness Harriet’s Heavenly hate.
Intense idiots inhibit informative interactivity.
Jeremiah jams judiciously juggling jellies.
Killer kittens kidnap Kalven Klien.
Lawyers lie lustfully in luxurious Lamborghinis.
Mindless monkeys mimic meandering minions.
Nerdy and nebbish, Nathan never neutralized Nora’s needs.
Only Obstetricians oversee overgrown ovas.
Petulant poodle puppies puddle ponderously.
Quickwitted quilters quietly quilted quilts.
Relaxing, restfully reclining, relishing rump roast.
Silly sisters saunter slowly singing somber songs.
Tim treated Tina to treats.
Unwanted urchins urge uncle Uglo.
Valerie’s vacant volumptous vest veiled vanity.
When would we want Wendy’s wedding?
Wednesday would be wonderful for Wendy’s wedding!
WHY?????? Do I always check this thread when ya’ll are at the bottom of the alphabet??
^^^ WHY do I always enter at “X’...no, no, no!
Ansel always ate awesome artichokes
(Just make a sentence containing words with the letter x and capitalize it!)
AXe Xaviors eXciting X-rated eXists!
Yemen yields yards of yellow yarn.
Zeus zapped zealously zippy zebras.
Ansel always ate awesome artichokes.
Bill’s buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
not original but it’s all I had
Can chesty Catherine cantor colts cautiously?
Creepy creeps carefully creeping creepily
Dueling C’s
Doris’s dingo “Duke” drinks droolingly
I’m about to give people time out! Play nice!
Easy elephants eased eastward easily.
Fred’s finger fiendishly finds
Fopish @flip86 finds flip-flops foolish.
@flip86 flops foolishly on freshwater fish
Gigantic Gnats Gnaw Gnomes Garments.
Hapless Hanna hears howling hyenas
Indignant iguanas inspect insect interiors.
Jerky Joes & Jacks jokingly jeer.
Khaki kangaroos knocked Kandi’s knees.
Laura’s luscious lips lick lollipops
Many monkeys make marvelous movies
Nubian natives nap near Namibia
Oscar obviously ogled Olga in Ohio.
Patsy patiently painted her private parts pink.
Then she… Quickly quivered her quim with a quail quill.
Reacting reflexively, Rex revved his ram.
Softly she slips side satin sheets
Tipsy toddlers toil trying to take trinkets.
Umber ulna’s undulating urgently undercover.
Victims vicariously vaccinate vicious veins.
Wine women warm weather? WOW!
Yonder youthful youngins yelled “yummy!”
Zero zeppelin zombie zoo zone
Now you can start it all over for another 5 days~
Al always allows asinine aliens.
Brandishing bayonets becomes blatantly brash.
Cathy called crazy Cindy C***!
Dumb Donna doesn’t doubt dummies
Environmental enthusiasts emulate everything earth.
Fearless Fred fought five formidable foes.
Greg got good geometry grades
Hairy honkies hacked Henry’s Honda.
Indignant iguanas inquire in irate irrationality.
Jane’s jaunty jugs jounced joyfully.
Kind knowledgeable koalas keep keen kids.
Linda loathes Larry’s lubricated loofah.
Mindy mingles mink, mustard, & muscles morbidly.
Normans nakedness nauseated nude Nancy.
Olives originally opened only orifices.
Patty’s paisley pink panties and purple parasol poised a predicament.
Quincy quickly queried the quick-witted queen’s question!
Ruby likes red ribbed rubbers rubbing her roo roo. lol
Someone successfully sensed something sinister, s_ _ _!
Tim tries tennis this Thursday.
Uncle unnecessarily untied Uma’s unmentionables..
Victor’s victims vilified Victor vengefully.
Whew!!! That was a tough one
Willie whistled with wrinkled whiskers.
EXcited X-men eXamined eXtreme XXX.
Yammering yokels yelled, Yellow”,yesterday.
Zelda zestily unzipped Zaks zipper
Articulate Audrey always analyses answers
Billy-Bob bounced basketballs before bedtime and breakfast.
Craig caught Cathy counting Crayons
Dillon dumped drunk dummies ditchward.
Edward eagerly eats eggs early
Fan-art fantasizes famous fictious factions.
Gertrude grappled, grabbing Gregs gonads gingerly.
Horrible historic hooligans hoard hand-grenades.
Irma’s Italian intern is irritating.
Jerome jilted Janice; Janice jabbed Jerome.
Kooky kilted killers kept Kathy in knots.
Lilly livered llamas lounged lazily.
Masochistic monkeys maul moving mavericks.
Neal never nudged neigh-sayers nohow.
Organic Orca orgasms overflow oceans.
Persnickety pickle purveyors pound pulpy peaches.
Quick Quin quickly quieted quarrels.
Renee read romance in a red robe
Stop stealing snowberry’s silver stilettos!
Tacky tinsel trimmed trees twinkle
Ultimately, undoing umber umbrellas isn’t urgent.
Victor Vance viewed viable victuals.
Wacky, wild women waltz wantonly.
EXtranious eXtras eXpect eXcellent XeroXs.
Yahoo Yankees yell, yowl & yip.
Zip, zilch, zero, said Zack to Zed.
Always alter all asymmetrical arbors.
Bill belligerently berated Barry because Barry busted Bill’s balls before Becky bit Barry’s big butt black and blue.
Clunking, Calvin’s calliope collapsed completly.
Drunk Darryl died driving dangerously.
Enormous elephants emitted extraneous effluence.
Foolish fairies fancied feathered fans.
Gary, generous and gregarious, gave Gina (a great girl) the giggles by giving Gina a goldfish.
Hilary held Harrys hot, hungry hand
Ichabod’s icky itch itched indefinitely.
Jonesn4burgers’ jocularity jolted Jim’s judgement.
Klutzy kids kill kind kittens.
Larry later lamented losing Lisa’s love.
Melvin mulled mischievous mules marching.
Nervous nincompoops need new notions.
Overactive octopuses ( or is it octopie ? ) occupy olive oil octets.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickeled peppers. I know, I cheated.
Polly pulled petunias and pansies propitiously.
Q quickly quieted Quinn’s queries.
Rogue rabid rats roam rampant
Sneaky snoops spy secret situations
Tim’s tilt-a-whirl totally twirled twits.
Ulysses’ ugly Uggs unleashed unusual undulations.
Vivian, that vivacious vixen, vigorously vacillated.
Winonas winsome wink wowed Williams weenie
Yolanda yanked the Yankee’s yellow ying-yang.
^^ It ain’t over until the Fat Lady the metabolically challenged woman sings, and we don’t have one
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