General Question

talljasperman's avatar

How can I improve my bed?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) December 6th, 2013

I am 6’5” 300 pounds and I have broken the last two beds that my landlord has given me. My current bed is a metal frame with a box spring with two queen sized top mattress. It feels comfortable but I don’t want to break another bed. Is their a unique way that I can try… sleeping on the floor is the next option right now if the beds do not work. Losing weight is not much of an option.

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9 Answers

livelaughlove21's avatar

I have a friend that’s pushing 400 lbs and his wife is over 200. Their last bed lasted 8 years before they replaced it – and even then it wasn’t actually broken. A bed should easily hold 300 lbs – that’s like two 150 lb people lying in bed. My advice is to invest in a better quality bed instead of taking whatever your landlord gives you.

BosM's avatar

Do you have bed frame supports like the ones in the link below? These types of frames provide great support. Hope this helps, good luck.*&currIndex=0&pageSize=32&currSort=item_score&sortDirection=desc

XOIIO's avatar

Turn the sex down a bit?

Agreed though sounds like those beds were shit to start with

Coloma's avatar

I am not a big person but…I had 3 pine boards screwed into the frame of my memory foam queen bed because the frame was flimsy and the bed would fall down periodically. Get 3–4 like half inch thick pine planks and screw them into the frame for extra sturdiness.

gailcalled's avatar

Or get several cinder blocks to put underneath the box spring for extra support.

deni's avatar

Just get a good bed. 300 pounds shouldn’t break a bed, and plus, for a good nights rest which is so important, and your general well being, a bed is a good investment.

Smitha's avatar

Solide Platform bed would be a good option.

hearkat's avatar

You could get rid of the frame and put the box spring on the floor; or lose the box spring, too, and just put the mattress on the floor – we did that for years just to have a firm support. The problem with that is getting in and out of bed if you have physical limitations or aches and pains.

talljasperman's avatar

@hearkat I started to do that in December… its more comfortable and I have bed worms.

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