Social Question

filmfann's avatar

Which was worse: Pearl Harbor or 9/11?

Asked by filmfann (52597points) December 7th, 2013

Today, December 7th, is remembered as “a day that will live in infamy”, but was that worse than the attacks on September 11th?

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34 Answers

janbb's avatar

Worse in what way? Lives lost or impact on world/United States history?

Coloma's avatar

Same rope, different ends. There is no “worse” when it comes to tragic, unnecessary loss of life.

What’s worse, brain cancer or lung cancer?

hearkat's avatar

Very few people are still alive that can remember 12/7/1941, whereas most people alive today remember 9/11/2001. Therefore, I feel it is too soon to say which is more significant in the course of human events. The history books 100 years from now will determine that.

JLeslie's avatar

If you make me choose with a gun to my head I would probably say Pearl Harbor, but they are both horrific, and I think pretty equal in terrorizing and causing significant change in America. Regarding 9/11 many people died, many families destroyed, many people suffer with lingering PTSD. The after effects last for years. Pearl Harbor caused us to go to war with Japan, 9/11 with the terrorists. Pearl Harbor basically ended with us dropping atomic bombs on the Japanese, which is horrific, and the rest of the world can look at America as the one country that has pushed the button. Although, probably for the majority of Americans, having something happen in the contiguous 48 has the most impact on them because most Americans felt for many years nothing would ever happen on our soil that was so dramatic and awful. Hawaii, Alaska, Guam, Puerto Rico, even our military ships and embassies are often easily forgotten when something happens there. Way over there. Not really America or something?

It will be really interesting to see how people who are not American answer this question.

dabbler's avatar

In World War II the enemies were fairly clear, with the Pearl Harbor bombings the U.S. declared war on Japan. On the European front the Axis countries were readily identifiable.
When those foes were pounded or firebombed into rubble the wars were over.
Resources that had been pitched into war production were released to more useful purposes like state of the art car manufacturing and linoleum floors.

Following 9/11 attacks the enemy is more nebulous. Osama Bin Laden and Al Queda and “terror” were our enemies. Al Queda and “terror” still are. And they are tying up increasing amounts of resources with no end in sight.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Fifty years after Pearl Harbor, the Japanese are good allies in many ways.

I don’t see that happening with the Middle East.

Pearl Harbor didn’t cause government to suspect and spy on every US citizen. After 911, we are now all suspect.

911 worse for US, and the world.

muppetish's avatar

What good could possibly come from asking what was worse? What was worse: Pearl Harbor or the dropping of the Atomic Bomb? The Holocaust or the Rape of Nanking? Depending on who you ask, you’re going to get a far different response. However, a terrible act is a terrible act. I don’t think there is anything lucrative in comparing which is worse.

Better questions would be: What can we learn from these moments in history? How can we prevent these terrible things from happening? How can we help each other mourn and heal?

stanleybmanly's avatar

At first I thought this was an easy one. Clearly, the attack on Pearl Harbor initiated the most costly and extensive war in the history of the world. But on reflection, 911 may ultimately prove more expensive with sinister effects to boot. 911 has severely altered the fundamental character of American life. If you believe my take to be an exaggeration, just consider for a moment the man hours lost merely at the nation’s airports where people submit to being penned up like livestock. Surveillance is now the rule, and no conversation ANYWHERE should be assumed private. The tens of billions of dollars now diverted to “security” in a nation desperately short of money for needed infrastructure is just one in an endless list of depressing reasons why from an objective standpoint, Osama ben Laden succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. Ultimately Pearl Harbor was surely the bigger deal. If it turns out that 911 surpasses it in importance, it will be solely due to our reaction to it. We will actually only have ourselves to blame.

Pachy's avatar

Both tragedies. Ranking which one is worse is pointless.

ragingloli's avatar

Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The fire bombing of Tokio. The carpet bombing of Dresden.
Until one of your cities is completely obliterated, you are in no position to complain.

ucme's avatar

Nicolas Cage was crap, but Ben Affleck was fucking terr…i’ve gotten this wrong haven’t I?

filmfann's avatar

@ragingloli Of course, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were awful events, but those took place during a war. We didn’t just destroy those cities, and then declare war.
I disagree with those that say the comparison doesn’t matter. Pearl Harbor was an attack on a military installation, while 9/11 was directed towards civilian targets. Yes, it was also military (the Pentagon), governmental (the failed attack on Congress), and financial (The World Trade Centers), but the loss of civilian life overshadows the other targets.

mazingerz88's avatar

9/11 is worse. Bush was president. Good that it was an FDR during Pearl Harbor.

marinelife's avatar

They were about the same in terms of numbers of casualties, but the people at Pearl Harbor were mostly in the military, which one assumes means they were slightly more prepared for death.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Pearl Harbor, far worse.

9/11 could have been avoided with smarter people and less internecine fighting in the government.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

As horrible as the effects were, Pearl harbour was a legitimate military target in wartime.
The twin towers in peacetime were less of a legitimate target. They were primarily civilian and were not as legitimate a target as say, the Pentagon.

I do not approve of nor do I condone either attack.

flutherother's avatar

I agree with @Dr_Lawrence and @filmfann 9/11 was worse as it was an attack on civilians. Being attacked goes with the territory if you are in the military and at least you have a chance to defend yourself but attacking civilians can never be acceptable.

WestRiverrat's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies I think the Japanese Americans, German Americans and Italian Americans that were interned in the camps would disagree with you about the US not suspecting people of terrorism and spying during WW2.

I think they were equally bad.

KNOWITALL's avatar

With @flutherother military accepts risks for the rest of us. 911 was an efficient strike at our psyches.

ibstubro's avatar

I think this is a GREAT question, @filmfann.

I’d not thought of the ideology changing impact of the 2 events until now.

Changed the paradigm of world existence.

Might have to get back to you on that.

Lorna's avatar

9/11 was worse. Pearl Harbour was a military base, therefore they should have been ready for attack.

ucme's avatar

One element not yet mentioned is the perpetrators of 9/11 could also be considered as civilian.
Yes, they were carrying out orders & yes, they were, to some extent, trained to kill, but Pearl Harbour was carried out by professional soldiers, all’s fair in love & war.
That a bunch of mercenary radicals carried out the attacks on the trade centre, marks that atrocity out as particularly horrifying.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Japan is responsible for Pearl Harbor.

Germany brought us the 911.


9/11 is worse because of who ultimately sent the order. It was done for the glory of a false god called Muhammad.

Japan was motivated by a real entity called the Emperor. Sad but at least credible.

For reference: The United States is also led by something legitimate, the defense of it’s Constitution.

This ultimately defends something that is indeed very real.

America’s very way of life.

dabbler's avatar

“Germany brought us the 911” ... what ?

ucme's avatar

I think that’s a reference to the Porsche 911, actually I don’t think, I know it is.

JLeslie's avatar

I think it is a reference to the Porsche 911 also. Maybe he is being picky, like when people say nine one one for 9/11 it is a pet peeve of mine. 9/11 is a date, nine one one is the phone number for emergency services.

SecondHandStoke's avatar


On the Internet and meatspace.

It catches so many by surprise.

ucme's avatar

Not me, I was just answering @dabbler‘s question.

ragingloli's avatar

first of all, I am not your son. Second of all, muhammad is not a god, and the muslim god is the same as the christian/jewish god.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

^“I say, I say you’re doin’ it all wrong son.”

ibstubro's avatar

9/11 was worse, because it was mostly random civilians.

Pearl Harbor was a (misguided) Japanese attack. Put us in the war, and won it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SecondHandStoke Muhammed is a prophet.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Allah and his self proclaimed agents.

Islam is as deadly as Wicca is flaky.

Those that choose not to think shouldn’t hold back those of us that do.

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