Social Question

What do I want for my birthday?
My birthday is coming up in a few days. (Thank you for thinking “Happy Birthday, Chuck! All of us in the jelly community adore you and wish to shower you with love and jelly kisses.) My daughters keep asking me what I want for both my birthday and also for Christmas, but I really don’t know. Sure, I like Amazon and Starbucks gift cards just like anyone else, but I don’t think they want to give me what is essentially money. Two have families of their own to buy for and my youngest is on thirteen, so I don’t want anything costing too much. Yes, books and music are always nice, but I always prefer picking that stuff out for myself. So can any jelly help me with suggestions of what might be an inexpensive and original gift?
A few things about me that might help with ideas:
First of all, I’m awesome!
Second of all, I’m brilliant. And awesomely awesome.
Third, I’m a vegetarian man in his early fifties. I like science fiction, history, language, baseball, music and art (eclectic tastes in both), movies, cooking, long walks on the beach, and being awesome. I don’t actually need anything I can think of so frivolous, quirky gifts are nice. Practical things are welcome too.
Please help a truly amazing and modest man. I’m tired of telling my kids I’ll get back to them with ideas, and we’re running out of time.
Oh. And happy birthday to me.