Social Question

LuckyGuy's avatar

What do you do when you're having your teeth cleaned and the dental hygienist's boobs push against your head?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43889points) December 9th, 2013

I’m talking about female dental hygienists. I just had my teeth cleaned so this is up front in my mind.
Imagine you are supine in the chair. She’s enthusiastically working on the tarter between #23 and #24. She positions herself to get a better angle of attack and her boobs rest on the top of your head. What do you do?
I freeze and don’t move a muscle. I pretend I don’t notice. I don’t want her to think I am a pervert.
What do female patients do under these circumstances? Do you move your head?

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57 Answers

ucme's avatar

Grow a semi &...well, that’s it.

rojo's avatar

close my eyes and relax and sometimes wonder why there are no topless dental offices.

Cupcake's avatar

It sounds warm and cozy to me. Did it bother you? Were you just concerned about arousal?

thorninmud's avatar

The rules of personal space are suspended in that situation anyway—I mean she is fiddling around in your mouth after all—so it doesn’t have quite the impact it might in other situations.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I just relax and enjoy the softness and hope she smells nice…lol

LuckyGuy's avatar

I would be absolutely mortified if I got aroused. I have been brought up to say excuse me if anyone accidentally brushes up against me. And boobs are totally out of bounds. Unless I am, or about to be, in bed. Then all bets are off.
@cupcake You know the weather and the culture in this area well. We are of polite, quiet, hardy, conservative stock.
The hygienist is probably 20 years younger than me and this is a small town. I was worried if I moved the wrong way I might be branded as a pervert. I’d have to move.

CWOTUS's avatar

At the moment, just relax and enjoy it. (I would say “smile” and enjoy it, but it’s hard to smile when your mouth is being stretched and contorted as it often must be for that procedure. I realize that it’s also difficult to “relax” sometimes, but I try.)

Afterwards, talk to her about it! Ask her – discretely and tactfully, of course! – if it is as embarrassing for her to be in that position as it is for you. It’s obviously something that she has had to deal with, until now probably in total silence. It might make for an interesting conversation.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I will definitely spend a little more time flossing.

Pachy's avatar

LOL, never happens to me, dammit. My pretty hygienist is flat chested.

kritiper's avatar

To think about it is sexist. Would you think about it if it was a guy instead? She isn’t doing it on purpose, only trying to do her job.

ucme's avatar

My dentists assistant is very attractive, looks sexy in her uniform too, wouldn’t mind filling her cavity…ahem, if I was single that is.

Coloma's avatar

Haha…only a man would ask this question.
Just enjoy the moment, and just to be safe, keep a magazine in your lap. lol

Juels's avatar

So, if I became a dental hygienist, I could rub my boobs all over unsuspecting people?!? Sweet!

Juels's avatar

Kidding aside, I just ignore them and hope the person smells nice. It would really be awful if they had bad body odor. Ugh!

hug_of_war's avatar

I never in my life even thought about it. I can’t stop laughing.

Juels's avatar

What is the proper etiquette? Should you tip her afterwards?

LuckyGuy's avatar

@kritiper “To think about it is sexist” Exactly! However…..
If a woman patient accidentally turned her hear to spit and hit the boobs no one would say anything or question her motives. If a guy did it, he would be branded a pervert.

I took the safest route and just froze.

Juels's avatar

I’ve actually had the dentist rest their arm against my boobs. Awkward! I didn’t know if his arm was tired or if he was a pervert.

Cupcake's avatar

Are they huge? I’m pregnant and mine are. If I were a dental hygienist, my patients would probably all get a feel across their heads.

She’s the one putting you in this position. I can’t imagine her thinking you a pervert. I mean, if her boobs were close but not touching and you moved your head to bask in her cozy bosom-ness, then maybe pervert. If your hands, politely folded across your lap, started moving up and down, definitely pervert.

You could “innocently” say something like, “Would you like me to move my head?” Otherwise just close your eyes and smile. And think about baseball if you have to.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Cupcake The only thing I could say was: “Mpppht phht gnog sft.”

janbb's avatar

My dentist’s stomach sometimes brushes up against me when he is working on my mouth. Body parts come with the profession. I would just let it go.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Listen to that advice to go to the dentist more often? hehe

Coloma's avatar

Last time I had a pap smear my doctor was taking forever, saying he couldn’t find my cervix. Talk about a compromised “position.” lol
I had him cracking up, told him, “well, keep looking it was there last time!” haha
Boobs on your head is nothing like having a strange mans head in your hootchie. lol

Strauss's avatar

^^I would imagine it depends on how strange the man is!

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Since my dental hygienist is a real professional, I know this contact is incidental to her caring for my teeth. I would not want to embarrass her by commenting on it. Since this is not intended as sexual contact, I have no trouble with unintentional arousal.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I was hoping I’d get more responses from women. I am curious to see if your reactions are different from those of men.

janbb's avatar

@LuckyGuy Frankly, I’ve never noticed that but it wouldn’t bother me if it happened.

longgone's avatar

< Woman. I don’t think that has ever happened to me at the dentist. It has happened at an optometrist’s. Didn’t bother me…

trailsillustrated's avatar

Here’s a funny: I was working on a 14 year old boy and had started him on nitrous. He sat bolt upright and claimed, “This stuff makes me horny!!” lol hahaha

Cupcake's avatar

It would not feel sexual at all. Not a teeny bit. As a breastfeeding mother, I have such a newfound love, appreciation and respect for breasts. It really wouldn’t bother me and might feel nice. I would think, “This woman trusts me and is so comfortable with me that she won’t go out of her way to make sure her body doesn’t touch mine.” It might feel comforting and motherly. It might be a welcome distraction from the unpleasantness of someone working in my mouth. I would close my eyes and find my inner snuggle place.

rojo's avatar

@Cupcake as a former breastfed infant and presently a 58 year old immature male child I too have a love, appreciation and respect for breasts. However these are long held feelings, not newfound ones.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@rojo I, too, have an appreciation for the female form and equipment – under the right circumstances. In private with the right person – no problem.
But in public, the owner of those things has a super power not unlike the Terrific Trio’s Freon who has the power to instantly freeze people in place.
Accidentally touch me with a boob and I will freeze like a deer staring into headlights for fear of being called a pervert, or worse, a dirty old man!

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

I think you’re just bragging with a question mark at the end. (Gentle ribbing, not accusation of character.)
Okay, woman’s take, from both sides. I have sizeable knockers. I have worked mostly outdoor, man-type jobs most of my life. I was in the navy. Sometimes close contact was required. Sometimes it was elective. When my warm, snugglies pressed against a man’s arm, or back, or whatever because I couldn’t stow them in my locker while working, I knew that sometimes they had an effect. Okay, always. Sometimes they got a reaction. I was not embarrassed by the contact, it was neccessary. When men acted like jerks and said stuff like, “If you were my mom, I’d breast feed until I was thirty.” Really? How disgusting! If a man blushed, and said nothing, or just, “Excuse me”, I was good with that, sometimes interested.
From the opposite end, I’ve had dentists use my chest as an instrument tray. I was all set to report until I saw they do it to men too. When they wipe an instrument off on the drape, I say nothing, unless they drag their hand alongside of it. I have brought things to the attention of professionals, so they note that I have objections. If my wishes are ignored, I go elsewhere.
I believe your situation is totally innocent, and I bet she really appreciates that unlike other men who go there, you don’t make a big deal about it. If I were in her place, I sure would.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Jonesn4burgers GA! You get it! I promise I will freeze on the spot and never make a rude comment.

Seek's avatar

I’ve never had a dental hygienist’s boobs in my face, so I can’t say; once an exotic dancer shoved my face into her cleavage, rather unceremoniously. They were nice tits, so I squealed and tipped her. I was really drunk and it was a hen night. So there you go.

Coloma's avatar

Just today I almost rammed a guy in the grocery store with my shopping cart. I said ” Oh, that would have been a groin hit!” He cracked up! Now if a man were to say to a woman ” Oh, that would have been a boob hit” might not “go over” so well. lol

rojo's avatar

@Coloma – so true.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Coloma Yep. The old double standard.

@Jonesn4burgers The hygienist also wipes her tools on the bib on my chest. I doubt she does it to admire my pecs.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Just thought of another one…

Open wide and say brrrbrrrbrrr

Pandora's avatar

As a woman with boobs that often get in the way, I will say that we actually tend to ignore them when we are concentrating on something. She probably wasn’t aware of where her boobs were. I’ve had women hygienist with big boobs lean over and have those things cross my face but I don’t think I ever had one bump my head. LOL Does she have really short Raptor arms?

When they have a really difficult angle, I will often volunteer to hold one of those little mirrors, so they can easily see where they need to angle the scraper. I think some of them forget about using them and have a hard time holding the mirror at the same time. This may be why she was in a awkward position. Unless her boobs are falling out of her blouse, I wouldn’t say anything.

I’m sure guys don’t think about their pecks 24 /7 and that is pretty much how most women feel. (Well does who are not obsessed with our boobs) We notice them when we shower, when we are having sex, when we go get a physical, and when we first get dressed in the morning. Then we forget about it all the rest of the time until our bra strap slips a little, or until someone points them out by staring, or when food falls down the cleavage or when they bounce when running.. LOL

CWOTUS's avatar

I know what I’ll be thinking about for the rest of the day now.

janbb's avatar

Penguins have knees – just sayin’.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@CWOTUS You will also think about it when you brush your teeth. I do now.

@janbb And nice ones, too.

Cupcake's avatar

I admire my own boobs in the mirror as I brush my teeth.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It makes me wonder what men see in boobs.

Pandora's avatar

@Dutchess_III , I get it. There is a nice sensuality to them because of the soft curves and fullness, kind of how we are attracted to juicy plump grapes. Only like grapes, with time, they will look like raisins. I laugh and cry at the prospect. Or worse, in time your face will look like a grape and the boobs are fine or your face is fine and the boobs look like grapes. Sadness surrounds me now. :(

rojo's avatar

@Dutchess_lll (NSFAnybody)
In response to your question, for some reason the term “funbags” comes to mind.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Magic. They make me freeze when I’m dressed and warm when I’m not.

GloPro's avatar

What would you do? Nothing. Keep your mouth shut and enjoy boobs on your head. Unlike @Pandora, I am aware of where they are at all times. I have a pretty great set at the moment and don’t mind others enjoying them, too. I wear cleavage shirts on Friday nights because everybody loves boobs, duh, and it’s a pleasure to share them. Women tell each other “Your boobs look great in that shirt!” Which, for the record, a woman already knows, and wore that shirt because her boobs look great in it.
Professionally, well, my boobs are still there. I am on a high-angle rescue team, and I am one of 3 women. In training and tying into a litter, or improvising a sling, whatever, we practice on each other. In real life situations my victims may have boobs, and I could care less. I ask their permission to assist them and explain I have medical and ropes training. If any body part is in the way I move it and/or tell them this isn’t going to be comfortable but I’ll do my best. Depending on their level of awareness or injury I may ask them to self-adjust, but really it’s no big deal. We deal with those things in the exact same way while training. I am aware that my boobs are strapped tightly and protruding and I am aware of my colleagues trying to pretend they don’t exist, so I usually crack the first joke if I sense someone is super uncomfortable. Or I flat out say, “Just get in there, do what you gotta do.” So that they know I’m not uncomfortable.

Seems like a nice way to make sure you make regular dental appointments. If you mention it to her you’ll both be awkward and then the ultimate outcome will be no more boobs on your head. That doesn’t seem like the outcome you want, is it?

Strauss's avatar

@GloPro I Like your attitude! Welcome to the collective!

LuckyGuy's avatar

@GloPro Thanks for your insight. I promise I won’t say a word.

XTREMITY666's avatar

This has never occured to me. Just enjoy it. If you’re male.

Cupcake's avatar

I had my blood pressure taken last week and not only did the tech brush my hand on the side of her boob when she straightened my arm, she also touched my boob while putting on the blood pressure cuff.

None of this bothered me, mind you (still warm and cozy). It just made me think of this question. :)

LuckyGuy's avatar

Hey @Cupcake. I’m curious. If the tech had been a male would you have felt the same way?

Cupcake's avatar

It may have been slightly less pleasant to have my hand brushed against his side boob.

As long as it seemed to be a natural and unforced encounter, it would feel very normal. I would prefer a quick graze in a natural, medical environment than the awkwardness of going out of your way to avoid all boob contact.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Oh! A Moob! :-)

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