Social Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Those of you in North America, do you have a Marks & Spencer store in your area?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) December 10th, 2013

This is a British store. I live in Canada and we had one here for awhile. It’s gone, and I miss it.

Just wondering if anyone in N.A. has been to one close to home?

I’m looking now to see if they have an online store set up.

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11 Answers

glacial's avatar

No. We used to, but they closed down all of their Canadian stores several years ago.

thorninmud's avatar

Here on their international locations page, there aren’t any listed for North America. Pity. The best underwear and t-shirts I own are M & S.

glacial's avatar

They do free shipping to Canada, as their popup ad tells me. I never shopped there for clothing, etc., but I used to love walking through Marks & Sparks to look at all the UK food items. Especially during Christmastime.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

They had the best cookies!

filmfann's avatar

Not that I am aware of. Never heard of them.

glacial's avatar

@Mama_Cakes Oh, I’ve had those, but not the Marks & Spencer brand. They might have been McVitie’s but the packaging is not quite what I remember. Maybe you can find them elsewhere, if it’s the one thing you’re after.

zenvelo's avatar

None in California, just what my sister in law brings home from London.

janbb's avatar

None in the US as far as I know.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

None in Utah. Is it like J.C. Penney, or Montgomery Ward?

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

I hear my dad talk about Marks & Spencer all the time, and how he used to get his best suits from there (he’s from Guyana, a former British colony, and I guess they had Marks & Spencers there). When I went to London, I went to one, and it seemed like a very nice store, reminded me of Macy’s.

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