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Dutchess_III's avatar

Would you absolutely freak out if you accidentally got locked in a bathroom?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) December 11th, 2013

I was reading this story. She tells it like it was the most horrible thing that could happen to a person. I get the impression she was utterly panicked and crying. I don’t know what I would have done. Perhaps waited until morning when workers showed up? Waited for family to come looking for me? Or…busted through the wall too. I don’t understand how it could take her TWO HOURS to make a hole in sheetrock! I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t freak out though. Pretty sure.

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53 Answers

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

Yes I would. For one, I am claustrophobic. Secondly, I got locked in a bathroom when I was about 4 years old, so I have deep-seated terror associated with getting locked in a bathroom. I would probably have clawed my way out.

Dutchess_III's avatar

How did you get locked in a bathroom when you were 4? :(

Coloma's avatar

Happened to me on Xmas day about 8 years ago. I got stuck in a bathroom at a Jiffy Mart while traveling for Xmas. It was inside the store, but way in the back, funky bathroom, no windows and the lock jammed. I was pounding on the door for about 3–4 minutes, starting to kind of freak out but also laughing at the irony.

FINALLY someone heard me and they managed to yank the door open. lol

Lorna's avatar

Absolutely. I am very claustrophobic.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

We were renting a cabin at Big Deep Lake, Wisconsin with another family – friends of my parents. My sister, who was 5, and I went into the bathroom and somehow managed to lock the door. It had one of those sliding locks. I remember my sister freaking out, and my mom and the other mom yelling under the door, trying to tell us how to slide the lock back, and when that didn’t work, trying to get to the window from the outside to climb through and help us. It was like the scariest thing that ever happened to me.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Nope, I would have went to sleep and chilled out, at least you have water and a toilet, could be much worse. I wouldn’t have torn through the wall either.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Here’s one for you clastrophobic folks. Evil grin. The Tunnels of Cu Chi. In Vietnam the NVA hid in tunnels all over the place. The ‘Mericans would send brave little guys into the tunnels to see what there was to see. The NVA would booby trap the tunnels, like with venomous snakes in cages. When the dude crawled under the cage he’d trip a wire so the cage door would open and the snake would fall on him. There was no room to move or turn around.

Merry Christmas. That is all.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III And bamboo skewers a la Rambo. For some reason those thing’s intrigued me. I think the Japanes used those, too.

Dutchess_III's avatar

So did the Japanese. :D

JLeslie's avatar

I can’t imagine I would be very freaked out. It would take a long time for me to get very upset as long as the bathroom was reasonably clean. I think I could sleep and hope the next morning someone comes to find me. Maybe after 12 hours I would start thinking about finding a way out myself. I’m not claustrophobic though. I can completely understand why someone who is afraid of tight spaces would be anxiety ridden. My friends who are afraid of tight spaces, the first thing they do in any room is look for where the way out is. I would be glad there was a toilet in the place I am stuck in if I am going to be stuck.

I don’t understand why her husband didn’t go looking for her? Maybe he wasn’t home waiting for her?

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Why would her husband wait several hours after she’d just told him it would be minutes, to look for her? Did he not call her building after getting no answer on her phone? If I were her, I would have broke out from simple rage that my family didn’t give a s_ _ _ where I was for so long. Once out, I would have hunted down security and punched him/her full force in the mouth. I’m mostly gentle, but when I’ve been let down to that extent, I’m going to be mad.

Pachy's avatar

Probably I would because of how freaked out I got some years ago when I was locked in a Chicago hotel stairwell for an hour. Horrible experience.

flip86's avatar

No way would I have been stuck in that bathroom for eight hours. I would have waited an hour tops before I tried to bust the door down or punch a hole through the wall.

flip86's avatar

@Dutchess_III Thanks for the laugh. The comments below the article are pretty funny.

Pandora's avatar

Gas station bathroom. I would freak out. I’m scared to touch anything there. Well unless I knew they had just cleaned it and it looks pretty clean.
Any place else. Not really, so long as it is a nice bathroom. Of course I travel everywhere with my cell phone so it would be no problem to make a phone call. Problem solved. If I don’t have my phone on me, it is because I am with someone, so I’m sure they would come get me.
What I don’t get is why would the door be easy to open from the outside and not the inside out? Are they afraid that a toilet will break loose and steal the furniture. I think someone took a joke too far.

filmfann's avatar

Geoff is a big man. He stands about 6’5, and goes about 450 lbs (estimate).
He was working for the phone company, and had to go work on the barge.
The Barge is exactly what it sounds like: a big floating boat that goes into San Francisco Bay. They use to use it to work on telephone cables that ran under the water.
Anyway, Geoff was working on the barge, and he went to the restroom. He closed the stall door behind him, did his business, then was unable to reopen the stall door, which opened towards the person in the stall. He got angry, then stuck his head out of a port hole that was in the stall, while standing on the toilet. He began yelling for help, when the toilet broke, and his foot was lodged in the toilet, and his head was stuck in the porthole. Like a wild, crazed animal he began kicking with his other foot, and completely demolished the stall.
Geoff isn’t allowed on the barge any more.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That is freaking hilarious! I can see the whole thing in my mind @filmfann! :D

YARNLADY's avatar

No, I wouln’t. The bathroom is a place of refuge for me, even though I am (used to be) claustrophobic. I used to go in there with a book and read for hours. It was the only place I was not disturbed and with enough light to make reading easy.

When I get out of sorts, such as angry or depressed, I go into to bathroom for a nice hot shower or long soak in the tub. If I was trapped in the bathroom I would think it was my lucky day.

A few years ago I was very uncomfortable in elevators and I once had a panic attack in Carlsbad Caverns. However, I have been in Moaning Caves and in the Gold Bug mine with no ill effects.

ibstubro's avatar

No, I wouldn’t freak out. Much like @KNOWITALL I might have had a little nap. If the door opened in, I might have gotten after the hinge pins if I woke up and got too bored (...I always have my car key in my pocket and shoes on my feet.) Hole in the sheet rock would be last resort, and I promise you it would not take me 2 hours to make a hole the size of my fist.

More than likely if they found me still locked in the room I’d be disappointed when I was released. I’d think about the things I should have done for days until I came up with a plausible scenario where I freed myself in under an hour.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s what I can’t figure out….why did it take her two hours to make the hole??

ibstubro's avatar

^^ I think she could have wet all those paper towels and rubbed/held them up against the wall and done it in less. lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

Exactly. She could have gotten through an exterior wall in two hours! I can’t believe they compared it to the Shashank Redemption.

longgone's avatar

I can’t believe I would. I’d probably just wait it out.

It took her husband eight hours to realize something might be wrong?

flutherother's avatar

I haven’t but my flat mate got himself trapped in our toilet once. He called for help and I kicked the door open. It almost brained him. Stupidly I hadn’t warned him to stand clear of the door.

rojo's avatar

Could have tolerated it until help arrived or I pulled the hinge pins on the door and dropped it whichever happened first.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

As long as the shitters clean I’m good. I don’t get claustrophobic.

elbanditoroso's avatar

If you got locked in a bathroom in a church, would you cry “Holy Shit!!”

ibstubro's avatar

@elbanditoroso Hell no. I’d cry “Jeeeesussss Chrrrrrisssst!”

It would be calming to know if it was part of the ‘Grand Design”.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

Correction, Big Deep Lake is in Minnesota, not Wisconsin. What do I know, I was only four. Ha-ha!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ibstubro They say panic is the cause of people dying in a lot of situations, so the calmer you are the better your result will be.

You can pull yourself up through ceiling tiles, too. Good idea on the door hinges. What kind of woman doesn’t take her purse and cell into the bathroom, I find that odd haha!!

ibstubro's avatar

Yes, @KNOWITALL I can hardly believe she did not take her purse with the cell in it. I guess she doesn’t respect herself (self respecting, har).

And who doesn’t know that banging the pipes is better than pushing paper towels? “Knock Three Times”!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t take my purse into the bathroom with me! Not at work. Why would I?

ibstubro's avatar

@Dutchess_III Because your cell phone is probably in it and someone might call!

Because it’s best practice to keep your valuables in your site at all times.

JLeslie's avatar

I usually wouldn’t have my purse with me in the bathroom either at work.

rojo's avatar

How would you answer a call on the pot if you do not have your phone with you? That makes no sense!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ibstubro Take my word for it, as a woman. I would not carry my purse into the bathroom with me. I would not take my purse into a meeting with me. I leave my purse under or behind or in my desk. Never had a problem.

@rojo Why the hell would I even WANT to answer a phone call if I’m on the toilet??

rojo's avatar

Well, I don’t know. I mean I am on the can now writing this but if my phone rings I will have to cut this…......Hold on…...... I’ll be right back…..........

Dutchess_III's avatar

I can hear you pooting @rojo. That’s just gross.

ibstubro's avatar

@Dutchess_III I have never carried a purse, but if I did, I’m pretty sure it would be like wearing a ring…all or nothing. If I selectively have thing and then don’t, I invariably loose them.

@rojo Poot or get off the Pot!

rojo's avatar

I’m back. @Dutchess_III that was you, all I heard was heavy breathing. I though it was my stalker.

Wait a minute…...........

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ibstubro Why would you want to carry a purse around 24/7?

ibstubro's avatar

@Dutchess_III ^^

The only ring I wear has been on my finger over 10 years, and the only way I keep track of a watch is either wear it, or put it in the same spot on the bathroom sink.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I was referring to a purse, which is vastly different, in terms of convenience, than a ring. Why would you want to carry a purse around 24/7?

rojo's avatar

To keep your cellphone in, duh.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Where do you keep your cell phone @rojo?

rojo's avatar

My manbag.

Dutchess_III's avatar

And what is that?

Dutchess_III's avatar

So Rojo walks around with a pocket book clasped in his hand all day?

ibstubro's avatar

No, one keeps a wallet in their pocket, a manbag is clasped or slung

DUDE! Haveing a bigger purse than pouch is kind gauche!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hm. Dude forgot his clothes but remembered his man bag. Both of them.

So, @rojo what kind of man bag do you have? And do you carry it to the bathroom with you at work,etc?

JLeslie's avatar

The purse is in it’s spot, whatever the spot is. In a desk or in a locker or whatever the spot is at work. You don’t forget it, because you need it to get home.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Exactly. Your keys are in your purse.

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