General Question

talljasperman's avatar

How do I become a chaplain for a mental instuite?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) December 12th, 2013

I was told to have a masters of divinity, I don’t know where it is taught, Can you transfer from a bachelor of arts in philosophy and religion. My religion is non denominational Christian. I have the first year of Bachelor of arts in Philosophy and Psychology.

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7 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Complete your Bachelors, get Ordained and complete an additional 4 years of Divinity studies at a school like Duke or Yale or Harvard.
Seven more years from where you are now.

talljasperman's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Do you have a Canadian equivalent to, Duke, Yale or Harvard

zenvelo's avatar

After you get a Divinity degree, to work in a Mental Institute you would be a better hire if you also got an Masters in Social Work and became a LCSW.

glacial's avatar

I’m pretty sure you don’t have to go to Yale, Duke, or Harvard to become a chaplain. :P

@talljasperman Since you seem to be the type of person who is only interested in a specific profession for about five minutes at a time, I would recommend that you avoid anything that requires a serious commitment (like working with the mentally ill) or a calling of any kind (like chaplaincy). Surely you can find something more suited to your personality.

talljasperman's avatar

@glacial I Fluther and weave stories.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@talljasperman Tyndale Seminary in Toronto or McMaster University in Hamilton.

@glacial he is asking about getting a Masters in Divinity and going to work a metal institution.
You can become chaplain without being ordained or even going to college but getting @talljasperman a job at a mental institution as a chaplain with a M. Div. was the OP’s question

glacial's avatar

@talljasperman You certainly do.

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