Australia declares SSM's invalid?
Asked by
December 13th, 2013
The ACT parliament passed a bill in October making the territory the first part of Australia to legalise same-sex weddings.
But the national government challenged the decision, saying it was inconsistent with federal laws.
Some 27 couples who married since the law came into effect last weekend will now have their unions declared invalid.
The court said the issue should be decided by parliament – which in September 2012 voted down gay marriage legislation.
Isn’t this just another slap in the face for people trying to pursue their version of happiness?
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29 Answers
Yes it is. I can never understand why someone is so threatened by what someone else wants to do that is a bit different. We’re all supposed to do exactly the same thing? Pffft. How boring.
@Adirondackwannabe In short, people suck.
On a related note, the Olympics should be rather interesting in Russia next year….
Oh, this is heartbreaking :( It just guts me when couples get that glimmer of hope and plan out their court dates and ceremonies only to have that right ripped away again.
Have a video of New Zealand to feel all fuzzy again.
There is a reason why a society enact laws to govern itself.
Any man who conclude that these laws was enacted for stupid reasons will show themselves to be stupid.
Laws by their very nature, serves to limit one man’s freedom specifically for the benefit of the society in which he belong.
These three things will render any society extinct in within a single generation.
Rampant murder, rampant abortion and rampant homosexuality.
The issue is not as trivial as this modern generation has made it to appear
Ok, eat this: The Roman Empire collapsed after it adopted Christianity as the official religion.
@kess Excuse me, my views on abortion aside, but did you just lump homosexuality with murder? Really? I suppose you’re happy with India right about now.
….. did fluther just turn into youtube for second there?
@ragingloli not to mention the Dark Ages, the Plague, the Crusades (I thought IX), the Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, Slavery, the KKK, The McCarthy Era, George Bush….....
@kess I’m not sure how you think homosexuality has a negative effect on society, can you explain why you believe that?
And if you believe that is true, do you feel the same about hetero marriages affecting society negatively, and if not, what is the difference?
I do agree with you on murder but abortion generally tends to only affect the people immediately involved rather than society as a whole, unless you mean the loss of a possible future Nobel winner or something.
@KNOWITALL Because silly, if we allow gay marriage everyone will just become gay and stop having children. We’ll all go extinct. Hetro marriage is A-OK because it makes more children. Furthermore if we start allowing gay marriage where will it end? Soon people will want to marry ducks! ~
1950 called….. It wants @kess back.
Will somebody please explain to me why gay marriage is such an issue?? I honestly don’t get it. Shouldn’t everybody have the right to marry and live happily ever after? The whole thing just pisses me off.
Same thing with abortion. It’s my fucking body, don’t tell me what I can and can’t do with it.
People need to mind their own fucking business.
@uberbatman what was it that sign said?
Something along the lines of we wouldn’t have this problem if straight people would stop having gay children.
@Katniss I know you’re cool, we’ve talked before, so try to understand that some people feel like the fetus/ baby has the same rights to live as you do to kill it. Nothing you can say will ever make me think abortion is something we should have more of, sorry.
I just had this argument with a buddy of mine. I didn’t feel like wasting much time on it so I gave him a simple and quite accurate answer. My argument to him was that homosexuality is an evolutionary disadvantage and therefore people feel an unexplained type of disgust, a gag-reflex as they would to the sight of vomit, shit, or mutilated bodies. There is no thought process there.
To ask why is pointless since you’re asking why to an action that is reflexive in nature.
@KNOWITALL I can see both sides of the abortion argument, the thing a don’t get is the rabid negativity of the religious toward the morning after pill.
@KNOWITALL I totally understand that. :0)
I realize that most people share your views on abortion, not mine, and I completely respect that.
It’s just one of those personal choice things I get bent about.
We’ll just agree to disagree on this one.
@tomathon – “therefore people feel an unexplained type of disgust, a gag-reflex as they would to the sight of vomit, shit, or mutilated bodies” Funny, that’s how I feel about existentialists – touché.
I would have gone with “douche” but that’s just me
@Katniss Cool with me! I couldn’t even kill a puppy or kitty though, so a baby, no way.
@KNOWITALL Abortion does not equal killing babies.
If you think they are the same thing, I hope you’re not on the pill.
@glacial To me it does. You are teminating a life. I’m Catholic and do not use a pill.
@KNOWITALL I understand that. As a non-religious person, though, I do use the pill, and I would consider abortion if that were not effective. But I don’t kill babies. ;)
My answer is going to be Libertarian… It’s not the governments business to engage in personal decisions. Live and let live. That sort of thing.
Yeah our modern generation are such rabble rousers, aren’t we? (add that to the list of expressions you don’t hear any more). What happened to the good ol’ days, right??
They could’ve at least kept the recognition of the 27 unions or whatever they’re calling them like some of the US states that don’t recognize same-sex marriages do.
Ohhhh man, this video I just came across is too funny not to share here. Enjoy.
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