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Strauss's avatar

Is this the new normal?

Asked by Strauss (23886points) December 13th, 2013

Another school shooting, again in Colorado. The news reporter happened to comment that the police used well-rehearsed active-shooter protocols to ensure the safety of the students, staff and general public.

The these types of protocols has evolved since the shooting at Columbine, about 8 miles away, and were also put into place at the Aurora Theater Shooting, about 16 miles away. All three events occurred in Arapahoe county, in the Denver metro area.

There have also been events in nearby Colorado Springs. Is it something in Colorado, or something in our society in general, that makes events like this so common?

This event will probably ignite the gun rights vs gun safety debate, but I would rather not discuss that aspect on this thread.

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18 Answers

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YARNLADY's avatar

There are dozens of shooting every day (average 87) but every school shooting becomes BIG NEWS. It’s a mistake that I would like to see corrected. If the daily tally was a regular part of the news maybe something useful would be done.

glacial's avatar

@YARNLADY Do you have a source for that figure? It seems very high to me. I agree that school shootings are too frequent, but… 87 per day?

DWW25921's avatar

I could state the obvious and say it’s a lack of moral fortitude but it’s probably a lot more complicated than that. You raise an interesting question that I will follow. Maybe I’ll learn something?

Pachy's avatar

Gosh, @YARNLADY, I can’t think of any news that’s bigger than that of our kids being killed and injured in the one place they should be safest—school. I, for one, am willing for the media to constantly bombard us via their websites and newspapers and TV news shows with news of every shooting in schools and elsewhere because it may be the only hope there is for raising enough consciousness, anger and will of anti-gun voters to start electing officials who refuse to be kowtowed by the gun lobby.

johnpowell's avatar

@glacial :: I believe her figure includes poor black people. So CNN doesn’t care. Rich kids in Colorado.. That is a winner. Bonus points for this.

wildpotato's avatar

I don’t think there’s anything about Colorado that makes it more prone to shootings, school or otherwise, than most other states. Check out this map. Looks like California has the worst stats though I just glanced at the list and didn’t adjust for population.

@johnpowell Aurora is not a rich area. Growing up in Denver, we always thought of it as the semi-seedy suburb. Not like Five Points, but not rich like Cherry Creek by any means.

@Yetanotheruser What events in Colorado Springs are you referring to?

YARNLADY's avatar

I’m talking about all shootings take place in the U. S. every day. It ‘s not just school kids, but also children in the streets and in their homes.

The number I referred to was from an article in December 2012. There are various statistics all over the internet, so it is difficult to pin down.

RocketGuy's avatar

I wonder if multimillion dollar lawsuits would do the trick? Start suing up the chain until the irresponsible parties get the message.

johnpowell's avatar

@wildpotato :: 2013 America. 35K a year is rich in my book.

wildpotato's avatar

@johnpowell Fair enough. It is relevant to the point you made, however, to note that your opinion seems to be in the minority. I wish I could find data on this for 2013. At any rate, I doubt that most of the folks working at CNN would agree with you that 35K is rich, even if, as you say, that sort of evaluation does indeed factor into their choice of stories to cover. I mean, your point may be absolutely correct – I too have a sense that crime among the poor and destitute is underreported, though I’d like to see a bunch of data on that before fully committing to the position. But I just don’t think that has much to do with the reporting in this case.

glacial's avatar

@YARNLADY Gotcha. I thought you were just talking about school shootings.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Absolutely. Colorado likes mass shootings. In fact, they enjoy them, as seen my their voters, who dumped two legislators who were in favor of gun control, and replaced them with two gun fanatics.

Colorado citizens, by their actions, have shown that they encourage the frequent and illegal use of guns, and will take no steps to try and curb it.

RocketGuy's avatar

Can’t help them, then.

Strauss's avatar

@wildpotato That was an erroneous reference. I was going pure stream-of-consciousness, and referenced the recent shooting there in November. It was not a mass shooting or school shooting. I apologize for any confusion.

@elbanditoroso Please don’t throw us Colorado folks in the same basket. The recall elections were in extremely conservative districts, and I think I read somewhere that a lot of the push for the recall, including some very heavy financial support, came from out-of-state groups.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Yetanotheruser – I accept what you’re saying, but the fact remains….

mattbrowne's avatar

The result of NRA propaganda asking all citizens to carry arms.

Strauss's avatar

@elbanditoroso I accept what you’re saying, but the fact remains…

…the fact remains that the districts that held the recall elections are located 60 and 100 miles from the site of the shootings, and are traditionally very conservative. IMHO the recall elections were knee-jerk reactions to a firearm safety measure passed by the Colorado legislature.

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