What was the most you ever ate from the munchies after smoking weed?
It shocks me sometimes how some of my friends can literally devour pounds. I don’t smoke, but I get wide-eyed whenever this “phenomenon” happens. I’m talking like one person eating an entire large pizza with 2L soda. Like holy hell. Do you still feel full and ignore it or not feel full until you sober up?
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44 Answers
I constantly have the munchies and I’ve never smoked weed in my life, nor had any desire to. My dad and sister smoke a lot of weed and I never notice them eating an unusual amount of food.
Don’t need the munchies to eat a large pizza and 2 Lt of soda. Still have room for some potato chips ( crisps for the UK ).
Like, 27 tacos, man. I think. I don’t remember.
I don’t remember the 70’s either!
It’s not so much quantity as creativity.
What do we have to eat? Pickle, spaghetti, mashed potato sandwich? Not unless you put cheese on it! And enough thousand island dressing to down a horse. And of course it had to be grilled. Where are the onions?
Takes, like, an hour to make a disgusting sandwich.
One time I got the munchies at a friend of a friend’s parent’s house. They were German. All they had to offer was sauerkraut. It was disgusting.
Aaahhhhhhhhmm. Duuuuuude. What, no what was the question? Seriously, man, I can do this. Wait, I gotta get back to you on that, okay? I gotta go make a munchie run. You are sooo deep. _. Hey, I just thought of something. Are the French fried like me? Ha, ha ha , whoa.
Oooohhhh damn! Help me eat this,man, chick….hurry1
I had a “friend” who made me eat a burning roach once, yelling that the cops were coming.
I smoked a lot of weed in high school. Mostly to help with falling asleep. Many nights were spent playing Virtua Racing on a Sega Genesis and consuming a half gallon of Safeway Select mint chocolate chip ice cream. The entire thing in one sitting. Ice cream is pretty much the only thing I like to eat when I am high.
Smoking pot doesn’t give me the munchies. Drinking too much alcohol does.
I don’t get the munchies from smoking, I get an appetite. By that I mean I’m usually not that hungry and can go all day without eating until I smoke and realize that I actually am hungry and should probably eat something.
@Dutchess_III 99 tacos?
@uberbatman Priceless! And perfect! Thank you. I hadn’t seen that commercial. :D
Haha..well….about a year ago I ate an entire milk carton box of Whoopers while high one night. Oh man…my mouth was raw from the sucking action. lol
I don’t smoke weed, but I was kicked out of an all you can eat buffet for eating too much.
I consider that as an accomplishment.
@anniereborn Yes. The Whooper methodology is to suck them until they dissolve. Mmm good! lol
@Coloma absolutely, I suck ‘em til there’s no firmness left in ‘em at all! They melt in my mouth, ang river down my throat, and I get a great deal of satisfaction from that…......... high or not.
For me the affect was that whatever is my genuine state of appetite or satiety, it can be experienced more directly when high. Especially if I was disconnected from my real appetite by bad habits or stressful demands.
There were definitely times that out of habit I would have eaten, or would have eaten much more if I weren’t high and ate less because of a more honest and satisfying full feeling.
Don’t get me wrong… there were definitely times I packed a lot away when I was hungry and high. Such a fine animal satisfaction in plenty to eat!
If I remember correctly, I used to literally grab whatever I could carry in one trip, lay it out on the coffee table, and devour it all. Now I get munchies after a night of drinking. Usually I stick to one item, like a big greasy steak and cheese sub. That always does the trick.
Well…no marijuana here for awhile, but…eat your munchie hearts out fellow jellies. I am having an extraordinary shrimp salad right now, jumbo shrimp, avocado, all sorts of greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, french bread and butter. Enhanced only by a couple o’ Coronas. lol
Hey does this mean I’ll finally gain weight if I smoke? ~
@dxs definately not. When I did me, and everybody with me with…..like two exceptions were also skinny. If you want to gain weight, I can give you some pointers, but weed ain’t it.
@dxs :: I am so skinny my mom buys me weed hoping I will put on weight. I am not joking about that. My mom has a “weed guy” and pays for it.
Unfortunately it doesn’t work for me. But I am very good at Mario Kart 64.
Two Triple Chili Cheeseburger from Tommy’s at Beverly in Ramparts in LA, with chips and a milkshake.
Ugh, who knows. Probably a pound of gummie bears or something equally as stupid. Too much pizza, oh, I remember a good one. One of the last episodes of Breaking Bad I had to watch by myself, usually I watched it religiously with my boyfriend. He was out of town. I got really high, and ate an enormous amount of fettucine chicken alfredo. I did not stop eating, and I think it was also emotional eating because I was so invested in the show, and it was intense, and I couldn’t cope with it almost being over. Anyhow, I ate in one sitting what I’d usually save for 2 or 3 meals. I literally could not get up for 3 hours. At 1 AM I was still in bed frowning.
@deni Sorry for your misfortune, but you painted such a funny picture, I am getting a terrific laugh. Thanks!
@Coloma “No weed for a while?” Does that mean, like for at least 5 hours? :D
@Dutchess_III Haha, no, like over a month.
I imbibe for a few days here and there and then go on the weed wagon for a couple of months. Nothing chronic, it’s a treat I look forward to.
@dxs heavy marijuana users actually have a suppressed appetite while they are not high so if anything it will help you lose weight.
If I recall correctly, been a while since I’ve read up on it, but anandamide is produced in your body and helps regulate things such as pain relief, eating patterns and sleep patterns. Since anadamide and THC bind to the same receptor and THC binds more readily, when you are a heavy user your anadamide levels get screwed up(your body produces less since it isn’t using much). When you aren’t high there isn’t enough anadamide in your body to bind to your receptors in your brain to kinda say “HEYYYYY FEED ME, I’M HUNGRY!!!” and so you have a suppressed appetite.
I’m pretty sure I ate a whole peperoni pizza from Dominoes once. I think it was 6 pieces.
@deni Haha, wow. But were you consciously aware of how big your stomach was bulging or whatever? Or you just didn’t realize it until you were sobering up and couldn’t really move?
I don’t think you “sober up” from pot. It’s nothing like drinking.
That’s how everyone I know calls it. Fades away, whatever you want to call it.
I’ve heard that term used in that case before, but it still sounds weird. They should develop a new term if there isn’t one. Grounded?
[ Seems to me that just about any intentionally altered state is considered insobriety and that ‘sober’ would be an appropriate term for the state when one is not high any more. “Dull” is another. :-) ]
I use “sober up” in reference to the come down from all drugs, not just alcohol.
I use sober up only for drinking, “coming down” for pot, and “crashing” from slightly harder drugs like speed. But, I haven’t come down or crashed in a loooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggg
@Mr_Saturn512 I knew that I was eating too much. But I think that it just wasn’t the most of my worries. I was more worried about “WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO WALTER WHITE!!!???”
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