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Dutchess_III's avatar

Any hypothesis as to what the hell is going on in my house?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) December 16th, 2013

Something weird is gong on. Yesterday I was in the kitchen and I heard a very LOUD thumping coming from up stairs, almost directly above me. I paused and cocked my head, and the dogs ran to the stairs and peered up. I asked Rick, who was in the other room, if he’d heard it but he was all engrossed in the game and said he hadn’t, so I just shrugged it off. I don’t believe in ghosts. Except for one ghost who lives upstairs, and that is not his MO. He’s more polite than that.

Rick’s office is up stairs. This morning he came down and said, “Did you hear that?”
I said, “No….”
He said he was sitting there when suddenly there was this loud thumping, like some BIG something, his size, was storming across the rafters! The coffee in his cup, which was on the desk, was running concentric circles, and the antenna on this electric toy truck was wiggling back and forth! He said it was like an earthquake.
I said, “Well, go look!”
He said, “I HAVE! I looked all over up stairs!”
I said, “No! Go look in the attic!”
He said, “Hail no! I’m not looking in the attic! Whatever it is, it’s HUGE!”

Should I call 911? Dispatcher “Yeah, it’s the possum lady. Yeah. The one whose kid got stuck in the mailbox. Says there’s a ghost in her attic, wants animal control to come get it.”

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22 Answers

Pachy's avatar

Branches blowing against roof?

Katniss's avatar

Should I call 911? Dispatcher “Yeah, it’s the possum lady. Yeah. The one whose kid got stuck in the mailbox. Says there’s a ghost in her attic, wants animal control to come get it.”

Tears!! I’m laughing so hard right now!!

Sounds like you’re living in my fiancés house. Loud thumps in the attic all the time.

He has the added bonus of doors opening and closing, stuff being moved around. Lots of other creepy shit too. I didn’t believe it until I witnessed it myself.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Katniss…. :D!

Naw @Pachyderm_In_The_Room. Just got a logical explanation. :( There was an earthquake about 50 miles from here.

glacial's avatar

Well… I hate to state the obvious, but isn’t it likely to be a possum? Or perhaps a raccoon? If you’re both too squeamish to look in the attic, call an exterminator that deals with small mammals – if the prospect of the bill forces you to look for yourselves, so much the better.

Remember that if you do have an animal up there, ignoring it will not make the situation any better. It’s defecating up there, and could die up there. Best to get it out as soon as possible.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. First, possums tend to wander into our living room to hang out. If it had been an animal it would have been about yeti sized. A possum or coon isn’t heavy enough to be able to jar the house enough to cause other objects to shake, no matter how fast it ran. A coon or a possum would make scritching, shuffling sounds, not gigantic thumps.

And he was joking about being afraid to look in the attic. It’s a terrific pain to access the attic. Have to clear out a closet and haul a ladder upstairs.

Anyway, it was an earthquake. Earthquakes are not the first thing we folks in Kansas think about, you know?

Pachy's avatar

@Dutchess_III, glad to know you now know what it was. I once experienced tremors in Phoenix, another city where you wouldn’t think it would happen. They were caused by an aftershock from a quake in Mexico and they were damned scary.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think ours are caused by fracking. Well, “ours” we have tons of earthquakes! We’ve had 2 now. The first one was about 2 years ago (the day my son’s first baby was born!) It was a little stronger than this current one. I mean, I could feel it under my feet. It was pretty cool!

livelaughlove21's avatar

How did one person in the house feel an earthquake strong enough to rattle the house but someone else in the same house didn’t?

Dutchess_III's avatar

It didn’t actually “rattle” the house. There was just enough vibration to cause the coffee in his cup to form circles and the very light antenna on the truck to move. Last night I only heard thumps, I didn’t actually feel anything.

Rarebear's avatar

Clearly. Aliens.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Silly! Aliens aren’t real! It’s a ghost. A loud, rude, thumping ghost.

Rarebear's avatar

It’s a dead alien ghost. If it were alive you would have been kidnapped and probed. Aliens love probes.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Doctors do too from what I’ve heard.

Rarebear's avatar


Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Kansas? I hope you’re not sitting on top of a sinkhole like that one fellow found in his field! Course, lately, sinkholes seem to be finding neighborhoods all over. I didn’t see any pictures of the one in Chicago, but I was sure stunned by that one. I can’t remember if the field picture I saw was in Kasas or Nebraska, but it was freakin’ HUGE!

Rarebear's avatar

Caused by aliens.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Alien probes. Giant alien probes.

talljasperman's avatar

Kids throwing snowballs?

Dutchess_III's avatar

No snow. Plus they would have been having to throw ice boulders to make that much noise.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

If it was an earthquake which hit on monday, how did you hear it on sunday? When I was a tot, we lived on a farm in an old midwest farmhouse. When the house was not old, it had been in a tornado. The house remained, but they saw something odd about it. The roof had been lifted and turned just a bit and set back down. It seemed stable enough, so they left it be. Squirrels found access, and would go in there to nest and frolic. Ours was a crawlspace attic, and nobody wanted to mess with it. They sounded like they were bowling up there sometimes.
One day, my mummy called me to breakfast. I was feeling lazy, and tried to ignore her. Soon though, the scent of bacon and pancakes grabbed me by the nostrils and yanked me downstairs. I was still waiting for the steaming cakes to hit the table, and a horrible crash from above shook the kitchen. I ran upstairs, and oh mah gawd! Right in the center, well all over my bed, was about thirty bricks. They had somehow managed to knock over a stack of leftover chimney bricks. It was more than heavy enough to bust through the ceiling.
Glad the bacon had smelled so good!!!!
But your dealio isn’t squirrels, it’s earthquake makin’ aliens…....WITH MONSTROUS PROBES.

Dutchess_III's avatar

SHUT UP WITH THE PROBES ALREADY! I’m getting paranoid!

Good question about hearing that noise on Sunday afternoon. I’ve been wondering that myself. I have no idea what it was. But I didn’t imagine it because the dogs ran to the stairs and peered up. Maybe I’m an alien psychic. (No probe tho, ‘cuz I’m a member of the female race.)

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