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Is there REALLY a war on Christmas? Or do some zealots just not want to share an ancient historically pre-Christian variety of winter festival?
I can’t help but be annoyed by the ethnocentric attempt to exclude all Americans, including those celebrating a non-secular Christmas, from inheriting the pleasure and joys of festivity that have virtually always been centered on the winter solstice.
Christmas is everywhere, my radio is playing Carols as I write but I’m not a Christian. There’s a stained glass Star of David on top of my Holiday Tree but I don’t identify with Jewish Holidays. I found it amusing as I searched the Internet for a tasteful Star of David for my tree, that comments from Christians complained bitterly that Jews were stealing their holiday. I’m not religious at all, but I do know that Christians have claimed that Jesus was of the House of David? So what’s your beef?
The influence of ancient solstice celebrations now claimed by Christians as uniquely their own, actually date back to the Feast of Juul in Scandinavia, Yuletide in ancient Germanic countries and Saturnalia in ancient Rome.
Lights dominate every community with religious and non-religious festivities together. Buddhists. celebrate the Great Eastern Sun together at the darkest time of the year, with open-hearth parties and cheerful festivities.
Lights twinkling through the darkest nights of the year. Lights everywhere, friends and family, gift exchanges, Santa or Father Christmas or Old Saint Nicholas charms and delights our children—yule logs glow with warmth, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years..and more!
Why can’t each of us enjoy the holiday season without being accused of being part of some imanginary War On Christmas?
I love this season. I love Christmas. I love the holiday season.
Is the War on Christmas not the biggest piece of bullshit we have to endure every single year? It’s your holiday and your religion but don’t exclude me or tell me I can’t send like minded friends and family Seasons Greeting cards. It Tis The Season!
Happy Holidays and Season’s Greeting and Merry Christmas to everyone on Fluther, no matter how you celebrate or why, it’s an ancient festive time we all inherited….together.
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