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KNOWITALL's avatar

Have you met someone who talked in a little girl voice on the daily?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29997points) December 19th, 2013

I have a few times and another one just came in today.

Why do they do that, is it a pyschological issue?

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17 Answers

syz's avatar

What does “on the daily” mean?

Katniss's avatar

@syz It means every day.

I don’t know why people do that, but it is so effing annoying. I seriously want to hurt those people.

anniereborn's avatar

Yes, I knew one person who did that. A “sorta” friend of a friend. I wanted to smack her. A lot!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes, but it was when I worked at a Psychiatric Hospital, while in college.

cheebdragon's avatar

I hate baby talk, fucking hate it with a passion, I don’t know why exactly because it doesn’t bother me when infants do it, but when adults do it (even if its adults talking to kids) it makes me want to get violent.

It’s like nails on a chalkboard.

cheebdragon's avatar

It’s fucking demonic.

Katniss's avatar

Is it acceptable to speak to your pets in that manner? lol

fluthernutter's avatar

No, but I did know a girl who would meow like a cat…erm…on the daily.

I gave my friend shit for dating her. But he said she was a good lay. Maybe crazy = good in bed? Maybe those crazy baby talkers can pull a mean Flying Monkey?

Katniss's avatar

Excuse my ignorance, but what is a “flying monkey”?

MadMadMax's avatar

I’ve never come across anyone who ever did that.

longgone's avatar

Yes. Ungh. So annoying.

Pachy's avatar

Yes, at work many times over the years. I avoided them like the plague. I also make it a habit to turn off squeaky talkers in TV and radio commercials, especially little kids.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I’m not quite sure what a “little girl voice” is. A friend of my sister has a voice that sounds like a much younger girl. She speaks normally (as in, no baby talk), but that’s just how her voice is. No, it doesn’t bug me. She’s adorable.

I’ve never encountered anyone that spoke like a child on purpose to other adults on a day-to-day basis.

I’m much more bothered by the gravelly “I smoke 2 packs a day, don’t mind me if I stink up the office, take way too many smoke breaks, and occasionally hack up a lung” type of voice.

ragingloli's avatar

No, and I am also not sure if I want to meet someone who uses the expression “on the daily”.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Like @livelaughlove21 said, I know people that have childlike sounding voices but it’s not deliberate. My sister is a bit like that too be honest. Sometimes it irritates me but I have to remind myself that they can’t help it!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@cheebdragon Agreed. This lady does it (@ragingloli) every single day and it’s almost like she think’s it’s really cute. The other thing that drives me crazy is that people treat her like a child, like give her special treatment, too.

Thanks all, just curious if it happened more than I thought.

Haleth's avatar

Everyone I’ve met who did that, ended up being a manipulative person once I got to know them.

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