Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

What do you think the biggest problem that people have with gay couples is?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) December 21st, 2013

I think I had an epiphany. I have never understood why anyone would even care about who has sex with whom. Then I realized that some people, especially men, are using their imaginations to play a movie in their mind of “how” gay folks have sex and it freaks them out (but female homosexuality, not so much, aye….) Well, if they change the channel a notch, they can be just as freaked out by heterosexual sex because in heterosexual sex folks do all the same stuff.

Those people with porno-brains need to quit playing that movie in their mind if they don’t like it, don’t you think? Why are they even doing that in the first place?

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26 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I think most men think about sex constantly. I’ll be interested in the answers men post on this Q. When I meet a gay couple I am not picturing them in bed. Actually, when I meet a heterosexual couple I am not picturing them in bed. Are men thinking about it always? I don’t know. When my husband introduces me to a new male friend is the guy thinking about me naked or in bed? I know my husband comments on one of my girlfriend’s great tits. She does have a very nice rack. Other men comment on mine. Even gay men. I know several gay men who like female breasts.

The theme is men looking at everyone sexually.

When I watch a sex scene I don’t watch the man, I watch her, I am thinking of myself as her, how she feels. I think men watch her also, because they are visual. With a gay male couple they have no one to watch, not even in their mind.

I’m just babbling what pops into my head about it. Since I am a girl I don’t know how men really think about it, and each man is different.

dxs's avatar

So you’re basically saying that you think the biggest problem people have with gay couples is gay sex? Maybe that’s the problem. People just go from gay couples straight to gay sex without thinking about anything else.

johnpowell's avatar

Just dudes having gay sex. Woman going at it is hawt.

JLeslie's avatar

@dxs Isn’t that the big objection even biblically? Gay sex. Bunches of Priests are gay and that’s ok, because they aren’t acting on it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, @dxs. I believe the sex is the biggest problem people have with gay couples. You don’t ever hear people bitching that it’s a sin for to people of the same gender to pay bills together.

@JLeslie Unfortunately, some are acting on it. And they’re so repressed it comes out in diabolical ways.

dxs's avatar

@JLeslie Of course that too. It’s the fact that it violates the idea of sex being procreative, thus they (and even non-religious people too I guess) deem it unnatural and therefore wrong/immoral or whatever.
By the way, I was talking about the fact that sex is only one aspect of a relationship.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Of course sex is only one aspect of a relationship, but it’s the ONLY aspect of a relationship that homophobes focus on.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III Please don’t tell me you mean pedophilia, because being gay has nothing to do with wanting to have sex with a 5 year old and neither does not being able to get married.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m saying that when you repress something so vital and so forceful it can come out in many ways, @JLeslie, whether you’re gay or not.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t want to derail your Q, so I’ll just stifle.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You don’t have to stifle. I don’t want you to misunderstand me.

I’m saying that being gay has nothing to do with being a pedophile. That’s a sick brain disease that affects some people no matter what their sexual orientation is.

JLeslie's avatar

Ok, good, I’m glad you clarified that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I guess I don’t understand how my comment got tied up with being gay! But anyway…

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

It’s probably quite normal, perhaps a biological imperative, that many heterosexual males have an aversion to gay sex. The thought of such a thing, for many, depicts domination of one male over another submissive male. Many hetero males may be wired in a way that they find such a possibility quite terrifying. “If it could happen to him, it might could happen to me!”

From long days past, many hetero males have suffered the “ultimate humiliation” by the victors in war, forced to succumb to male rape. And I bet if you ask hetero males what their biggest fear of going to prison was, that many would claim being raped, and dominated by another male (or group of), would be their worst nightmare. Not many hetero males that I know of look forward to becoming another mans bitch.

Some men might be made that way. I wonder if we should hate them for it?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ohhhhh!!! :D

Good post! BUT, as intelligent, thinking humans, can’t those who feel that way just chill rather than letting their biology rule their mouths?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Such advice could also be offered to gay males.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You really got me thinking with that one @RealEyesRealizeRealLies. What would be the criteria for saying that some people should repress themselves when that’s just who they are, biologically.?

dxs's avatar

@Dutchess_III So then because that’s a problem for people, that is why they jump to that thought of sex. I guess it makes sense, I’m not sure because I’m not one of them.
Oh and in Catholicism (according to the CCC), just the thought of it is sinful.

When you were talking about sex being the only part that matters, I think what I was saying was based off of my own naïvety, but this is what I was thinking: A relationship doesn’t have to involve sex. If they do, then that’s what I was getting at>It’s an assumption.

DWW25921's avatar

The biggest problem I (I converted because boobies are awesome.) and some of my friends have had is paranoia about what others think. I realized long ago that most people couldn’t care less. That’s what I tell my friends anyway. Just be yourself and don’t worry about it.

jerv's avatar

My only real issue with same-sex couples has been the etiquette. Suppose, for instance, they get married (in a states where that is legal). The service goes on, vows are exchanges, then the officiant goes, “I now pronounce you… umm… err… wut?!”.

DWW25921's avatar

@jerv The one I was invited to (couldn’t go) switched “man and wife” to “partners in life”

Haleth's avatar

The problem some people have with gay couples is that some people are bigots.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Haleth, are some gay people also bigots if they don’t like religious zealots, or rednecks, or hillbillies…?

Could “bigot” be used to describe any person that is intolerant of another perspective?

DWW25921's avatar

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies Well there you go being all logical! It only applies if you’re not a white man in that case you’re automatically wrong.

augustlan's avatar

@jerv and @DWW25921 A gay coworker of mine just married, and the officiant pronounced them “partners for life”. I love that, & think it should be used in hetero marriage ceremonies, too! Much better than “man and wife”, blech.

To answer the actual question, I do think it’s only the sex part that gets people all upset, but I don’t understand why.

JLeslie's avatar

I used to always hear on TV at least the newly married pronounced man and wife. Now we usually hear husband and wife. These things evolve. A few days ago I looked for a wedding card for my BIL and his now husband (they kind of eloped) and it was soooo hard to find a card! The majority were photos of a bride and groom or said something about husband and wife. The card I wound up with was really good about happiness and a life together, but it was a struggle finding it and it did not look weddingish.

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