Social Question

Who wants to help make the Bible more Conservative?
It seems some groups find that our current, Socialist-inspired version of the Bible is inadequate for use by True Conservative Christians™, and needs to be re-written to remove the Liberal Bias.
And you can help! While all of the New Testament and several books of the Old are finished, they are crowd-sourcing their editing for Leviticus, Numbers, Amos, and more.
Would you like an example of the kind of editing they’re looking for? Of course you would.
Remember that little story about a woman taken in adultery, and Jesus suggests maybe we shouldn’t judge people because we’ve all made mistakes? That’s been removed. Apparently it was “not part of the original gospel”.
Or how about “Blessed are the meek God-fearing, for they shall inherit the earth”
“It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, then for a rich entertained man to enter Heaven”
And before you think it’s all about religion,
“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world mankind; but to save it”—lest we think God is some kind of pansy-ass environmentalist or something.
So, if you’re a True Christian™, who wants to help return the Word of God™ to its real Conservative roots, simply click here
All comments welcome.