Social Question

Strauss's avatar

Is twerking a medical condition?

Asked by Strauss (23928points) December 23rd, 2013

Question based on an Will Ferrell interview. Let’s have some light-hearted fun.

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7 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

No, but it is an anal tradition in some cultures.

ragingloli's avatar

heavy localised epilepsy?

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s a freakin’ plague. The other day I saw a little girl, about 8, playing ball in the yard it looked like with her mother and little brother. She ran after the ball. She bent over to pick it up, but before she stood up she twerked.

Pachy's avatar

It’s a mental condition known technically as Cyrusis Hyper-Exposus.

dxs's avatar

Help! It’s the twerkian epidemic! Run or your ass is gonna get it!

elbanditoroso's avatar

The whole twerking began because of cross-country travel on trains; the engineers had nothing to do in the locomotive, so they got up and danced.

They even wrote a song about it…

“I’ve been twerking on the railroad,
All my live long days,
I’ve been twerking on the railroad,
Just to pass my time away.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Splendid @elbanditoroso!!

Dinnah blow your butt
Dinnah blow your butt
Dinnna blow your buuuttt!

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