What's the most ignorant statement you've heard recently that bugged you?
Today I saw a picture on Facebook (that one of my friends “liked”) that said, “Bouncers be like…guys $10, ladies $5, and dikes $15, since you wanna be both.”
Yes, it was spelled “dikes.”
How stupid can people be? Yes, lesbians want to be both male and female. I nearly unfriended this person for “liking” that post.
Homophobia bugs me, but it’s this kind of homophobia that makes me really concerned about how stupid some people actually are.
So, have you recently heard something so ignorant that it really got to you? Tell me about it.
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23 Answers
God says, fill in the blank.
@Kardamom That reminds me of another one. I was at my 10-year-old niece’s birthday party last night and our friend’s son told us how he’d been going to church and recently accepted God into his life (he’s 12, and his mom and her girlfriend are not particularly religious). My mom, who recently decided to attend church for the first time in years and suddenly thinks she’s a devout Christian, was telling him that the church would soon start talking to him about baptism. She then proceeded to tell him what baptism represented, that the Bible says you cannot go to Heaven if you have not been baptized, and that the baptism of babies and the baptisms that only consist of sprinkling of water are not true baptisms and therefore mean nothing in the eyes of God.
…and then she and all of the parents went outside, left all the kids with my husband and me, and smoked weed in the garage for the next 20 minutes. Oy…
^^ That is epic dramady movie inspiration!
He is breathing, that is a good symptom right?
The Duck Dynasty flap irritated me because it showed how many on the Christian right conflate sin with morality. If you want to believe some ancient text written by unknown bronze-age desert goat-herders is the inviolate word of the creator god, and that none of the other similar bronze-age myths making the same claim are, that’s fine with me. If your chosen book prohibits homosexual acts as sin, then don’t do those acts. Again, I have no problem with that. But tell me that not allowing you to write your ideas of what is sin into everyone secular law governing what is moral and just violates your religious freedom, and I’m calling foul. What an epic flip-flopping of reality. That’s the Taliban logic in full bloom, and I detest it.
Someone I know that is a city transplant to the hills here and is worried about owls killing her chickens.
Said ” I HEARD an Owl last night and am afraid it will kill my chickens.”
Uh, Helloooo…Owls are nocturnal and of your chickens are locked in their coop at night, well, no worries.
I try to have patience with ignorant wildlife types, but it’s hard. lol
I get ridiculous one-liners from my family more than once daily. I’ll get back to you…
Just putting up with the biennial public Facebook preaching from my younger sister, who thinks that if she posts enough pink pictures with cursive writing and enough poorly spelled “I love my mommy” poems, I’ll suddenly give a shit whether my mom continues to process oxygen for another year, and we’ll all go sailing off into the sunset one big, happy family.
I really like the things this Pope is doing, like lowering the standard of living of some of the cardinals who are living high on the hog (not kosher), but I am bewildered by some of the shit that comes out of his mouth. He says all religions are true. He says a person who lives a good life can get into heaven without accepting Jesus as savior. He says Adam and Eve is a fable.
I have never heard a Pope saying such things that cross into heresy.
^ I’m starting to actually like the guy. Strange haps, yo.
@filmfann A Pope that embraces rationality and tells the truth. What will they think of next?
“All religions are true” certainly isn’t rational. They can’t all be true.
I don’t know much about the pope, but aside from the aforementioned statement, I think I’d like him.
“He says a person who lives a good life can get into heaven without accepting Jesus as savior.”
I tend to believe that very thing – that is, if Heaven even exists.
Well, in Catholic school, they say that everyone who believes in a God or gods believes in the same deity, there’s just different ways of getting there. That can be a general belief, too. About the “anyone has a ticket to heaven” thing, they said that living people can pray dead people into heaven. So if you lived a good life and weren’t religious, you still have hopes of entering the Kingdom of God.
Well, I listened to Brian Fisher on Focal Point the other day and one of his callers was complaining about a Christmas card he found that had Jesus checking his twitter feed on his tablet and expressing pleasure that he was up to 12 followers.
The guy was appalled and stated that twenty years ago no one would have dared print something like this.
@rojo that guy has never been around a bunch of pastors at a picnic or retreat. My dad was saying things similar to that 50 years ago, there just wasn’t Twitter or Facebook to post them on.
I still haven’t replied to an argument I had on Facebook with someone who said that if someone makes so little that they have to get food stamps they should just get a better job as if there are 10 high paying jobs waiting for each person who needed one. It was so ignorant and arrogant and I really didn’t expect it from her. She has only known me since I would be considered upper middle class and doesn’t know how well aquanted I am with poverty. Her words stung since my first husband killed himself because he couldn’t support his family.
@livelaughlove21 Good point. I don’t believe there is a heaven, but if there is, then I don’t think the religion you subscribe to gets you there, your behavior does.
Here, it was the question about not immunizing children based on false, discredited studies.
Every time I hear an American sports person claim they or their team won because “God was on our side” Shut the fuck up you fucking moron!
A customer came to one of my training classes last week and had, all of a sudden, started to be very rough with their dog. Yanking him hard (practically chocking him) on the lead every time the dog (a puppy I should add) was a little ahead of her etc. When I asked her why she was doing that (seeing as I had already spoken to her about easier and kinder ways of lead training her dog that were working) she said that another dog trainer in the area had given her advice to be rougher with him and, even worse, not reward him when he got things right. It bothers me to no end that there is another “professional” in the area that is encouraging this type of training. Thankfully I managed to talk her round by explaining why his methods were likely to be detrimental to the dog and, in the long run, possibly make his behaviour worse. She has gone back to the methods that I teach and saw an improvement in the dog within 10 minutes!
There is a global warming debate.
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