How would you deal with job burn out, when you really do like the job, and really couldn't picture doing something else?
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December 26th, 2013
I have been a transport driver for over twenty years, and lately with poor winter road conditions, and other morons on the road have been feeling very burned out, problem is I really do like driving transports and can’t picture doing anything different, so how would you deal with it, the burned out feeling that is?
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13 Answers
Take a good long vacation. Vacations are restorative, and even just the planning can make the days go easier.
We have been working great guns at getting our debts way down,the mortgage is all we have left ,can’t see going into debt with a vacation,but that would be nice.
Get the debt to nothing, then the savings add up superfast! Once you build up the savings you will be free to take time off and afford the vacation. Just think if you pay $500 every month in bills because of debt (I have no idea how much you really do pay) then once that is gone you will save $6k a year! Debt that includes paying high interest is like throwing money on the street. Maybe looking towards the freedom of being debt free will distract your focus, it sounds like you are already doing this to some extent.
In the meantime, January is the worst and coldest month of the year usually, February often the snowiest. Here’s the thing, if you are in America, Florida has great deals Jan 4 through beginning of February. Presidents day weekend in February is the beginning of the new kickoff of tourist season and prices go back up. If you want a shot of sunshine and warm weather it is a great option. Lots of people come down spring break time and it is more expensive and weather is already getting moderate up north. Disney and surrounding hotels run specials Jan and early Feb. Flights are cheaper. Warning, Orlando and that latitude and more north can be cool and/or cold that time of year. Palm Beach and south to Miami and across to the other side of the state same latitude are more likely to be bikini weather. Also, last minute cruises are cheap, if you can drive to the ports. Flying last minute is a fortune usually.
Can you choose your routes? Maybe only work the lower third of the country during the winter months?
@WestRiverrat Sorry it is a set run, and besides I live in work in western Canada.
I read that you can learn a new language by using recordings while you are driving. You also might want to consider getting a travel companion.
@YARNLADY we are not allowed to passengers it’s an insurance thing, I can’t even take Mrs Squeeky.
I’m very burned out with my job but I like my profession that I’ve been doing for 35 years. Some days are really brutal and i get so mentally and physically tired. But somehow i just get tough an keep going.
More power to you!
@gondwanalon Do your days consist of a 14hour work day? and putting up with roads that are hard to stand on much less drive on, and sharing the road with other drivers that are totally clueless about big trucks?
@SQUEEKY2 Is it possible for you to plan a “quiet day” during your weekend? If you have family or other responsibilities at home, look for ways to have other people take on some of those things. I’m a retail manager with a six-day work week, and after having to be “on” all the time, I ended up with some serious burnout.
When you reach that level of stress and physical exhaustion, sometimes the only thing that helps is to put everything else on hold, and just spend a day decompressing. Tell everyone in advance, so that nobody is allowed to bother you on that day. Eat all your favorite foods, watch your favorite tv shows, and generally be the king of the castle that day.
For me, sometimes that means going for a nice nature hike all by myself. The last one, I was so exhausted that I spent most of the day just sleeping, and woke up to read a little bit. For my boss, what worked was having the house to himself. His wife, their kids, and grandkids spent the day Christmas shopping, and my boss spent the day in his armchair, drinking beer and watching football.
If you work very hard, chances are you’re either the breadwinner in your family, or you’re seen as the “go-to” person for taking care of things. I’m the “go-to” person in my house. It’s amazing how refreshed you will be after just ONE blessed day of nobody bothering you, and doing whatever you want.
If you can’t get this on a weekend, it might be worthwhile to schedule a personal day off work for it.
@Haleth Thanks I do ,do that from time to time,and it does help,maybe should try to do it more.
I’m sure your job is way tougher than I could hand. Then again I’m very sure that my job is far more than most people could handle.
Hang in there!
@gondwanalon Thanks it’s been good to have a few days off over the holidays, it’s just this year been getting a bit unnerved by the bad road conditions and all the accidents.
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