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Kardamom's avatar

Now that Christmas and Thanksgiving are over, are you craving any non-holiday foods?

Asked by Kardamom (33607points) December 26th, 2013

Right now, I’m totally Jonesing for a Taco Bell bean burrito. I’m about the leave the house to go get one.

What non-holiday foods are you craving right now? Of if you still want more holiday food, what do you want more of (or didn’t get any of this year)?

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19 Answers

ccrow's avatar

Oh gosh, I haven’t even finished the holiday ones yet! Pumpkin pie for breakfast, chips and Oreo truffles for lunch… maybe I’ll even have leftover turkey for supper. No Taco Bell for me, but I have been thinking about an Indian mushroom curry that I like!

Kardamom's avatar

@ccrow Now that you mention it, I would like some pumpkin pie. I also have some eggnog in the fridge which I plan to drink today. Oh, yeah! Indian mushroom curry!

Seek's avatar

I have about four days of turkey and dressing to look forward to, but honestly? My kingdom for a cheese pizza.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Same as @Seek, I’m thinking pizza for dinner. I’m even tired of sweets, wild.

jonsblond's avatar

A big fat salad.

poofandmook's avatar

@glacial: My husband and I had sushi on Monday night. It was heavenly… 1) because it was not holiday food and 2) because I found a roll at a nearby restaurant that is not made with rice I can’t have rice due to gastric bypass and it was DEEEEELICIOUS.

cookieman's avatar

Yes. Lighter food.

Today I had shredded wheat for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and steamed shrimp with brown rice for dinner.

YARNLADY's avatar

Nope, I alternate Holiday left overs with German Sausages/potato salad, Mexican hamburger casserole, and Chinese stir-fry.

ibstubro's avatar

Subway sounds really good, but then it always does. I’m never more than a week without T Bell, usually.

Just before Christmas I had Papa Murphy’s take-and-bake gourmet vegetarian pizza and I could eat that crap every day for a month and never tire of it!

creative1's avatar

Man I’m not ready to give it up yet and still in holiday food mode and just took some cookie dough I had in the fridge that I previously make and made a fresh batch of cookies.

ibstubro's avatar

Go with it, @creative1. Make the holiday that suits you, and yours!

TheRealOldHippie's avatar

Taco Bell bean burrito? Sounds like an invitation to have your stomach pumped !

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Hi! I’m Jonesn4burgers, bacon cheeseburgers preferably. A taco sounds good too, chicken taco though. We had ham this year, not bird.

JLeslie's avatar

I didn’t have American food for the holidays, and I am not craving the food I did eat, nor the typical American holiday food. Although, if you put some mashed potatoes and gravy in front of me right now I would eat it. Today for lunch I made matzoh ball soup and eggrolls. We usually have chinese on the 25th, but this year we were driving back and I had Wendy’s on the turnpike and then frozen pizza for dinner. So, the soup and eggroll is almost a joke of Jewish Chinese for Christmas.

ibstubro's avatar

Last night I fixed Stove Top – we had a non-traditional Italian Christmas dinner and I guess I was wanting some ‘fixins’. Cranberry Stove Top…was tasty.

Valerie111's avatar

I feel like I haven’t had a Hamburger and french fries in forever!

ibstubro's avatar

You have 10 months to fill up, @Valerie111!

Happy New Year, honey!

Valerie111's avatar

Happy New Years to you too! :) @ibstubro

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