When is Christmas over for you?
Do your trimmings come down the 26th? Or do they stay up through New Year’s?
If you leave them up, is it out of laziness, unwillingness to let Christmas be over, or because your holidays last the whole time?
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24 Answers
Yup, it is for me! I didn’t put up any lights this year. The reason is that I really like them and they’d be up until they fall apart! It’s not laziness as much as it is fun to look at. Maybe I’m just a kid at heart. Anyway, my house won’t look “tacky” until July. (That’s usually when they fall apart.)
We just put our tree up about a week before Christmas, and it will stay up until my birthday which is just a few days after the 1st of January.
It always stays up until the day after my birthday.
Just took mine down today. We normally keep the tree up until after New Year’s, but the hubs wants to move around some furniture, and I’m not about to stop him from being productive, haha.
This year, it was over about 4 on Christmas Eve day, when we left the family gathering.
I put nothing up, I take nothing down.
I live in the country. One year I’d like to get a real tree, decorate it with all natural, home made decorations, then the day after Christmas set it out back and light it. I think it would be fun to have the ‘Ritual Burning of the Christmas Tree’ to signify the end of the season.
When I did Christmas, we’d keep the decorations up until Kings’ Day (Jan. 6th).
We keep the decorations up til Jan 6th. It’s tradition here to keep them up until Twelfth Night. I feel like the holiday is over when I wake up on New Year’s Day.
We keep up the decorations until Epiphany Eve when La Befana comes.
@ibstubro We burn our tree now that we live in the country. It is fun.
Usually by my birthday, at the end of January.
We used to burn ours when I was a kid, @jonsblond, but only after it was undecorated. I’d like to decorate one so I could set it out and set it on fire, as is. :)
Around Thanksgiving. Last Thanksgiving. The first time I see Christmas stuff in the stores (usually mid-November) sort of kills it for me.
I don’t admit it’s over until January 6th which is Epiphany.
My huaband sometimes can get me to take the tree down before that though.
What a beautiful word, @Judi. “Epiphany.”
Don’t take the tree down until then! :)
I will do “Holiday Visiting” probably until mid January. My friends won’t necessarily have their decorations up but we will be exchanging Christmas presents, so to me, the holiday season goes till around that time.
I enjoy the time after Christmas more than the time leading up to it. We are so busy with shopping, cleaning, baking, parties, dance recitals and Christmas programs that we don’t really get to slow down and enjoy the time. We can relax and enjoy our gifts and the beauty of the tree and decorations beginning December 26th. I also don’t have to cook for a day or two since we have plenty of leftovers. Christmas does not end on the evening of Dec. 25th for our family.
Probably sometime in 2003 or 2004.
It was the time when my parents decided that I had grown out of Santa’s presents and forced me to give up writing to Santa.
It was also the time that I discovered that Santa’s presents were actually my parents’ after all :(
I don’t have a tree, but my husband’s family keeps it up through three kings day, also known as the day of the epiphany, Jan 6, which is also the 12th night of Christmas, depending on the calendar and celebrations you follow. The few times I had a Chritstmas tree in my house was because roomates had one, and the tree stayed up well into mid January out of laziness.
Since I no longer celebrate Christmas – it never really started, so I don’t have to worry about it ending!
For me it’s over on 27th Dec. I am usually still visiting relatives on Boxing Day but from the morning of 27th I try to get back to normal. I don’t put decorations up but if I did, they would probably come down straight after Boxing Day!
Christmas is over for me the day after New Years when I start taking all decorations down.
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