Meta Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

It seems that some jellies here have changed their avatars from "normal" theme to "Christmas" theme. Do they intend to keep them permanently or only during this Christmas?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23824points) December 26th, 2013

I intend to change mine too, to fit the atmosphere :)
I would have changed it earlier had it not been for that military service that cut off all my access to the net :(

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18 Answers

chyna's avatar

Usually if jellies change their avatars for a specific season or holiday, they change back to their usual avatar once the holiday is over.

filmfann's avatar

I usually change my avatar for a couple days around Christmas, Halloween, 4th of July, and such.
I always revert back. I have trouble finding my previous answers if I don’t use this one.

Coloma's avatar

Just changed mine from the Santa Duck to the New years owl. lol

jonsblond's avatar

I love an excuse to change my avatar. Heck, I don’t even need an excuse. I’ve decided to go with a Capricorn theme now since my birthday is right around the corner.

Coloma's avatar

@jonsblond and so is Gails, and mine is today! We need to have a Goat party. lol

Seek's avatar

My birthday is today, too!

Yay, goat fish!

ccrow's avatar

I’ll be changing my Santa puppy to a New Year’s puppy soon:-) My little Sheila♥

Coloma's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Happy B-Day to you!

Pachy's avatar

I did, but I didn’t change it back to the old one. I picked a new one for ‘14.

Seek's avatar

And to you!

zenvelo's avatar

I am too set in my ways to change my avatar very often.

I used a picture of myself for a few weeks this past summer, but it just didn’t seem right.

Adagio's avatar

Happy birthday Seek and Coloma and all other Capricorn-ites.

Coloma's avatar

@Adagio Thanks!

Well..I needed more color, so here’s the latest. Tis the season to switch things up I think.

Seek's avatar

Just for fun, I’ve got on my Masquerade costume on until midnight on New Year’s!

VS's avatar

Since I never have, I decided it was time to show you guys what I look like, so my avatar is now actually a picture of me. But I do like to change things up for a holiday, so look for some hearts and crap like that in about a month.

jonsblond's avatar

Hi @VS! Good to see you. :)

VS's avatar

Thanks, @jonsblond it’s good to be seen. I’ve been away from some of my favorite peeps for far too long!!

Coloma's avatar

This year it’s Xmas light bulbs for me!

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