Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Tea Party unironically uses a satirical propaganda picture from Bioshock Infinite. What do you think about that?

Asked by ragingloli (52356points) December 27th, 2013

Here is the Story:

And here is the picture in question:

“It is our holy duty to guard against the foreign hordes”

Once more, the tea party is showing its true colours, is it not?

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5 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

All I can say is thank GOD I am a CANADIAN.

jerv's avatar

And people wonder why I have a hard time telling satire from news :/

ETpro's avatar

THe article is from the staunchly Republican magazine, Forbes. The battle lines are drawn in the GOP. I’m getting popcorn and settling in to watch the remaining rational, business first GOPers duke it out with the party’s recently adopted racist, regressive roots.

It’s nice to see that one of the groups of Invading Hordes that these charming Floridians think we must keep out are Native Americans.

Seek's avatar



I reposted on Facebook.

I have no words. I want to have words, but there are none.

1TubeGuru's avatar

I find it to be sickening ,but on the other hand I am not surprised.

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