Social Question

Does anyone else find it confusing whether something is on or off on computer programs?
For instance, I couldn’t get the traffic overlay function to work on maps. When I go in it lets me hide traffic or unhide. So, if it says hide, does that mean the traffic is hidden? Or, does it mean click on it to hide. On fluther we have follow or stop following. If it says follow we are supposed to click on it to follow. I figured it out on fluther, but on many other computer programs it is not intuitive to me. Is it actually consistent and I just can’t get it through my thick head?
If I push on the stop button or the play button on something in real life it does that thing. In the case where I am so confused it is like having the stop and play button be the same one single button. At least to me it is.
Straighten me out. On maps do I want it to be saying “hide” if I want to see the traffic?