Social Question

Upon extraterrestrial contact with a technologically superior race, we discover they value and promote concepts that challenge human norms. Would we judge them as bad, or convert ourselves to their way of being?
So the aliens land and make friends with humanity. They promise to share their technology to our benefit. No more disease. No more famine. No more natural disaster. No more death, for they have a technological solution for eternal life. No over population because they can transport anyone to any planet in the universe with a blink of an eye. Consider anything else you can think of that would benefit the world.
But in order to receive these “gifts”, the human race must accept and adopt the ways of the alien race, which are considered antithetical to human philosophies and cultural norms.
The short list:
Within seconds of delivery, human children are removed from their birth parents and become agents of the collective. You’ll never know them. They won’t be harmed. In fact, they will be genetically altered for mental and physical superiority.
Animals are illegal to own as pets (for whatever reason). The ones you have shall be exterminated.
All handicapped children are killed at birth.
It is no longer permitted to own anything.
Free speech against the aliens is a death crime.
The aliens are telepathic. Thought crimes are as valid as physical crimes. All punishable by death.
Anything else your imagination can think of…
I hope you can answer this question from two different perspectives.
1 – Would you personally make the trade?
2 – Would you expect world government leaders to make the trade, as a decision for the greater good of all, despite what your personal position was?