Meta Question

KNOWITALL's avatar

Why can't we message more than one jelly?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29942points) January 2nd, 2014

Can we add people to our outgoing messages or am I just not finding that option? Like if I want to send one message to you and our mutual friend, is that possible?

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13 Answers

dxs's avatar

This doesn’t seem possible because you leave a message on somebody’s user page. You can’t be on more than one page at once. The best I can recommend is to copy/paste a message.

marinelife's avatar

One at a time. Helps stop Spam and curb trolling.

KNOWITALL's avatar

So happy freakin’ new year to my jelly friends one by one? Geesh, who has that kind of time.

glacial's avatar

Yeah, @marinelife has it. We all know how much spam already occurs on this site – imagine how much worse it would be if every spammer could simultaneously send a sales pitch to a hundred jellies or more at a time? Eek.

Anyway, personalized messages are so much nicer than a form letter. :)

JLeslie's avatar

Great suggestion for the founders. It would be nice to be able to message 2 or 3 people at once. I don’t use PM a lot, but sometimes there is more than one person you want to address a direct question to. Maybe they could limit it to not more than 5 at once to avoid the spam problem.

downtide's avatar

@JLeslie sadly, any re-development or new features are out of the question.

johnpowell's avatar

I think the potential for abuse is greater than the people who would actually use this.

hearkat's avatar

The socializing we do on Fluther is beyond what I suspect the original intent was. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy our jelly community; but it isn’t a Social Network. Many of us do have accounts on social network sites, and most of those allow for group messages.

AshLeigh's avatar

You could all go into the chat room..

jonsblond's avatar

I believe @josie sends holiday greetings to all his jelly friends. (or my husband and I are special~)

If he can do it, so can you @KNOWITALL

johnpowell's avatar

I was bored and wrote a little script to see how many usernames I could get in five minutes. The answer is 1991. So it is totally feasible that a spammer could blast out thousands of PM’s with some copy and paste. I wouldn’t object to the idea if there was a sane limit used. Five at the same time seems reasonable.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jonsblond One by one though? I have a job so that isn’t feasible for me unless it’s a weekend.

hearkat's avatar

@KNOWITALL: It seems that most people who feel compelled with social niceties sent their Happy New Year wishes via comments on the first 2014 post in Meta – I think it was Loli’s. I was going to mention the chat room in my original comment, but that is only useful if the folks you want to socialize with are also in the chat room.

Otherwise, as noted above, there are Social Networking sites for socializing on; or you could send emails to the people you want to contact individually to send your wishes to them for the new Gregorian calendar year. If you haven’t connected with them off-site, are they really “friends”? If there are individuals here with whom you would like to socialize, then contact them via PM and share your Social Network info or email.

I’ve always been uneasy with the way people want to make Fluther into a social site, and I didn’t agree with the creation of the chat rooms when they were formed. I think it took Fluther away from the intended purpose of being an open place to share information and ideas, and is a part of why we’ve had comments about being ‘cliquish’ and new members have felt like they don’t fit in. Some of the migrations from other Q&A sites that closed were downright ugly.

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