Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Let us start 2014 with some more outrage: NSA is working on a quantum computer to crack any encryption. How long until you will physically disconnect from the web?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) January 2nd, 2014

Or, alternatively, until the colonials rise up and, destroy the NSA, and kill every NSA employee.

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28 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I have nothing to hide. . . I have worked in high clearance areas.

@ragingloli is there something you don’t want to tell us?

ragingloli's avatar

Lots of things, actually.

talljasperman's avatar

Not yet , the web Is all I have. Maybe when I discover what this thing called “outside” is I will disconnect from the web. My memory is that the white stuff brings pain and the yellow parts don’t taste good.

glacial's avatar

We all have things to hide. Our banking information for starters. This would make all passwords useless.

Wasn’t someone asking a question recently about the next world war? I wonder who the villain in that piece will turn out to be.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Then I guess it is time for some smart nerd to invent a computer that can change it’s code every 15 minutes or less so this super hacker, mega cracker computer can’t catch up.

talljasperman's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Fractal passwords. Like in the Star Trek ,Enterprise in First Contact.

dxs's avatar

Why? What good does this do? I don’t get it.

ragingloli's avatar

With this, they can almost instantly crack any sort of encryption used by governments, research institutions, companies and banks.

1TubeGuru's avatar

Depending on who’s encryptions the NSA is cracking it could be a very good or a very bad thing. the name of the game in the intelligence business is being able to decipher code .i am fairly certain that the US is not alone in pursuing this type of mega computer technology.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have learned one thing about playing on the internet do not post anything on a Email, or web site that that you don’t want the world to see.
WE don’t bank on line, we don’t buy anything that doesn’t take Pay pal, we never give out our true birth date , or our mothers maiden name, so really don’t care let them come.

glacial's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 But that’s sort of the point. You believe that you’re in control of that information, because you’ve never put it online. But your bank has, and your employer has, and your government has, etc. Their secrets are no longer safe, so neither are yours. Everything you’ve put effort into keeping private can now be made public despite your best efforts.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@glacial that is a scary thought,and being a Canadian doesn’t make me any safer.

ragingloli's avatar

If the recent NSA espionage revelations have proven anything, it is that they will crack everyone’s.

SwanSwanHummingbird's avatar

This is one of those things I just have to let go of. There is nothing I can do about it. Absolutely nothing. I’m just living my life like I please.

I go through the day assuming that the government can see me anytime they like and get any information they want, ever. <shrug> I give the middle finger to the sky and accept what is.

glacial's avatar

@SwanSwanHummingbird You can vote. You can protest. You can run for office. You can share what you know with other people who can vote, protest, and run for office.

What is your democracy good for, otherwise?

johnpowell's avatar

It goes way beyond just breaking encryption. This is long but a good watch.

johnpowell's avatar

Note.. The video above outlines that they have drones that can grab your shit from 8 miles away.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Yeah John, I was just about to post another thread on that vid. The Hactivists are our only hope. Journalists being jailed. Howler Monkeys embedded chips that can make remote screen captures of your monitor. Dell now selling corporate hard drives with embedded NSA RFID chips. It’s some scary shit man.

Here’s more on the 30c3 conference. Greenwald is telling it like it is.

This is the latest news folks. Not good at all. Google blocked my first link to the Greenwald video. I have no idea why. I had to find it through other sources.

johnpowell's avatar

The scary part is about them injecting hardware into Ethernet adapters and even into the computer cases after they are shipped from the factory. This should be very bad for tech firms based in the United States.

johnpowell's avatar

And to the I’m not doing anything wrong crowd.

President Santorum

SwanSwanHummingbird's avatar

Voting is just a joke. Politicians are all corrupt. I would never play politics. No one said I had to change the world.

glacial's avatar

@SwanSwanHummingbird Then you deserve what you get. And don’t kid yourself, your apathy is engineered. It benefits someone. By burying your head in the sand, you are playing politics.

SwanSwanHummingbird's avatar

I don’t have my head in the sand. I’m well aware of the news of the world. I know where to put my efforts—close to home and where help is needed. I can’t fix the world, but I can see change in individuals and in my local area.

No point shouting at the wind.

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snowberry's avatar

For a significant part of the world, web access is not an option. And in a split second large areas of the rest of the world can have their Internet access wiped out due to a disaster. I’m not worried about disconnecting. Rather I think it’ll come to me.

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