Have you made the date mistake yet?
Have you written the wrong date on something yet? I have not had to enter the date on anything yet, mentally I know it is 2014 but I feel when it comes to filling out the date on something I will forget because I have conditioned myself to write 2013 automatically. On a check, document have you yet written 2013 instead of 2014 yet, or did you avoid that by looking on your cell phone first?
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5 Answers
Not yet. I usually make the mistake on my birthday and write the year I was born. I was born very early January.
Haven’t had to write the date yet. It’s bound to happen. I tend to write out all four numbers of the year, so maybe that gives me more time to think about it.
Yeah, I know. It’s the year of the Snake, and I am still writing Dragon on my checks.
Yep! Darn it! I wrote it incorrectly at the court house while signing my plea on a “Fix it” ticket. Apparently the vehicle I purchased in Texas years ago had windows that are too dark for NY State roads. They were at 20% transmittance and they need to be 70% here.
<—- Was a criminal. But is now law abiding.
New York State roads are now safe.
Nope! I filled out a bunch of new-hire paperwork today and I wrote the correct date on all of it.
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