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Kardamom's avatar

So who likes Spumoni ice cream?

Asked by Kardamom (33633points) January 3rd, 2014

There’s lots of flavors of ice cream, Spumoni being one of the more old fashioned flavors, but it is really delicious. If you’ve never tasted it, I highly recommend it, especially if you like rum cake or rum balls.

What are your favorite flavors of ice cream? Are there any old favorites that you don’t see around anymore?

Do you have any ice cream anecdotes from your childhood?

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23 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Brigham’s (Boston) mocha almond with jimmies. I’ll settle for strawberry.

The good humor man and his truck made his evening visits at dusk in the summers on our street. All the kids congretated. I loved the coconut bars; they tasted just like soap.

jonsblond's avatar

I don’t like fruits or nuts in my ice cream. I’d rather have chunks of fudge or cookies. I’m all about chocolate when it comes to ice cream.

An old favorite of mine is having my vanilla cone from DQ dipped in butterscotch. It’s been 20 years since I’ve seen DQ offer cones dipped in butterscotch.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

One of my favorites ! !


Katniss's avatar

Love it!!!!! It’s not always available in my area, but I grab it when I can.

glacial's avatar

Haha! Are you sure I won’t be modded if I say…...... Neapolitan?

gailcalled's avatar

^^ Get back to your paper, please.

glacial's avatar

@gailcalled grumble grumble grumble :D

dxs's avatar

Never had it before. Or the cake either. It looks interesting.

cookieman's avatar

I’m Italian. I’m genetically engineered to like Spumoni.

Seriously, I love Howard Johnson’s Chocolate Chip.

Adagio's avatar

It obviously taste better than the name suggests, I can’t get whales out of my mind when I read the word Spumoni for some reason??

glacial's avatar

@Adagio It could be worse.

ibstubro's avatar

Personally, I think spumoni ice cream is about like dumping all the little leftover bits and chunks in the kitchen cabinet into a batch of ice cream, and freezing. How else to explain raisins in ice cream?? Eeew.

A nice mint chip cleanses the palette after a meal.

Pistachio is a treat.

Chocolate with a coating of frozen milk is my stand-by.

Seek's avatar

Actually, I can’t say I’ve ever had Spumoni.

I’ll murder a tiramisu, though.

Smitha's avatar

I have never heard the name before, and after googling it, I was wondering if spumoni is actually cassata or a variation. I guess it’s called Cassata over here.
My favorite flavor is Butter Pecan. I love Turkish ice-creams too. It has a thick and elastic texture and has great resistance to melting and it hardly dribbles down the cone. We get Turkish ice-cream only during Global village fest. So I do miss them.

glacial's avatar

@Smitha That was funny! Good thing they don’t melt too quickly. :)

Kardamom's avatar

I remember that Thrifty drug stores used to have a flavor called chocolate malted crunch that was really good. They don’t have Thrifty’s anymore, I don’t think. They had an ice cream scooper that was shaped like a cylinder rather than a half rounded circle, then they pushed a little button on the back of it and the ice cream popped out and it was flat on the top. I thought that was very interesting.

We used to go to Farrell’s on birthdays and special occasions. That was really fun. You had to walk through a candy store to get to the cash register.

The other ice cream parlour that we used to like was Swensens.

Nimis's avatar

@Kardamom Some Rite-Aid stores still carry Thrifty’s ice cream. And some other places too. Just had me a scoop of Chocolate Malted Crunch two days ago. Yummers.

I actually like rum raisin. It’s usually accompanied by a lot of teasing from the SO who insists that most people who like rum raisin also qualify for social security.

Spumoni is cool too. Though I always wondered why those three flavors? Neopolitan makes sense. Spumoni seems kind of arbitrary.

ibstubro's avatar

Baskin Robbins used to have German Chocolate Cake ice cream that was sinful. Chocolate ice cream with big chunks of soft fudge and a caramel-coconut blend mixed in. Even when I was young, I could only eat one scoop (of that! The other scoop had to be another, lighter flavor.)

Kardamom's avatar

@Nimis Thanks for the scoop (har har) on the Thrifty’s ice cream! I shall have to go and find some of that.

Katniss's avatar

@Nimis Your comment about rum raisin ice cream and social security reminded me of the time I went to Subway and ordered my sub on honey oat bread. The kid behind the counter totally stopped what he was doing and said “but only old people eat the honey oat bread.” I had to laugh at the perplexed look on his face.

Kardamom's avatar

@Katniss Oh boy, I guess I’m in that same club. I always get the honey oat bread too. But Subway pisses me off, because they charge you extra for avocado on the veggie sandwiches. I’m not using any of their meat, because I’m a vegetarian, so the avocado should be the substitute for the meat, not an extra charge.

Actually I rarely go to Subway anymore, I prefer Capriotti’s because they have this awesome fake turkey sandwich with Russian dressing and coleslaw on it.

jca's avatar

Spumoni is good. I like nuts and candied fruit. I like chocolate chip mint. I also like rum raisin. Ben and Jerry’s has good Cherry Garcia and Chunky Monkey.

Kardamom's avatar

@jca Chunky Monkey! That is soooooooooo good!

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