Social Question

snowberry's avatar

Have you recently been frustrated by having vast numbers of comments in a certain question deleted by mods? Would you care to continue the conversation here?

Asked by snowberry (28023points) January 3rd, 2014

Regarding this question:

But since this is social, anyone can chime in.

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18 Answers

snowberry's avatar

Welcome, one and all! Pull up a chair. The coffee table is full of picture books of medicinal plants, and there are 2 book cases of medical journals and alternative medical books, just to mix things up. I have a medicinal herb garden out by the patio, but inside there’s a low fire burning in the fireplace, mod off-beat art work is on the walls, and a variety of herbal teas and chai over on the counter. Make yourself at home!

snowberry's avatar

LOL! How are ya, jca? What’s up?

jca's avatar

I read the other thread. It’s huge.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Never had a answer pulled , at least not yet, the mods get me frustrated by pulling my questions over silly things like not putting a space after a comma, and not adding enough depth to the question, and wanting me to rephrase it,and it will already have like five or six answers to it, seems like e few want us all to have a PHD in English or something.
Thanks done ranting now.

Seaofclouds's avatar

If you want to continue the conversation of the question linked, the OP of that question could move it to social and all the modded content (except attacks) would be reinstated. That would be the easiest thing to do.

glacial's avatar

Yeah, this is what I was wondering @snowberry – why not just request that it be put in Social? Pretty easy fix.

snowberry's avatar

Easiest, but not what I wanted. What I wanted was for the question to remain unmolested. But no, we had to either change the entire format by taking it to Social (and encouraging a lot of nonsense in the mix) or destroy it. I asked the mod to simply delete the question, but that wasn’t OK either. This is the best I can offer.

snowberry's avatar

So this is the place to come to if you want to discuss anything, that’s the place to discuss the question (as if anyone can make any sense of it after gutting it like that)

glacial's avatar

@snowberry “and encouraging a lot of nonsense in the mix”

I guess I’m confused. Weren’t the comments modded because they were nonsense (i.e. not on-topic)? If you didn’t want nonsense, then it seems like the outcome is exactly what you hoped for by putting the question in General.

And yeah, I’ve been burned before by the “no, we can’t delete your question” response. I find that frustrating as well.

snowberry's avatar

@glacial Absolutely not. The discussion was engaging, respectful, and there was nothing wrong with it, except that it did not follow lockstep with the question as stated.

I did not want to change the question to “social” because in my experience, with this crowd, it had potential to quickly become a pissing match. Either way, the question was going to be ruined, but this way at least gives it a chance. Sort of.

Our mods. Gotta love ‘em. I guess.

glacial's avatar

@snowberry Yeah. Perhaps there is no solution to a case like that, short of changing the original parameters of the question, which probably has a time limit.

snowberry's avatar

@glacial Yes, 10 minutes, unless there’s a glitch, and then it’s shorter. (That time was past.)

Dutchess_III's avatar

The only time they pull them is when they’re flame bait. That’s my experience, anyway.

snowberry's avatar

Nope. The discussion didn’t have any flame bait that I’m aware of. It used to be a really delightful discussion. They were pulled not because of flame bait, but because (according to the mods) they were “off topic”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Was it in the General Section?

snowberry's avatar

It remains in general. I’ll PM you.

hearkat's avatar

[mod says] The original question linked in the Details was about a specific medical condition. Therefore, on-topic responses should be about that condition. The digression to the larger topic of traditional vs. alternative medicine and practitioners was off-topic, and would have been allowed in ‘Social’, but the OP did not want the Question moved.

The offer still stands; as does our offer to send the individual participants their own commentary, which could then be posted to a new Question about the larger topic. That is what this thread was supposed to be, but instead it has become a discussion about specific moderation, which is not allowed.

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