How can a Q&A site survive when people do not care to ask questions?
This is Fluther, it is here to ask question but some hardly ever ask a question and others have never asked. If you are one who never ask or ask so few as to technically be none, is it because:
• You see other people as questions and get browbeaten and it made you gun-shy.
• You can’t think of any question to ask.
• You figure why bother, others will supply the questions so you don’t have to.
• The question you would have asked, someone always beat you to it.
• You are afraid someone will think your question is stupid.
• Something not on the list?
If only 20% of the people on any Q&A site are asking the question, can those who don’t ask complain about the questions they get?
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38 Answers
@Hypocrisy_Central I will only answer the last part of your question, “If only 20% of the people on any Q&A site are asking the question, can those who don’t ask complain about the questions they get?”
It is clear from observable evidence that they can, because they do.
Well, it’s surviving isn’t it?
For me, I can rarely think of things to ask.
Most of my questions are of a highly specialized nature, and I doubt anybody here knows how the Siemens controls on a Cincinnati HV-series 5-axis pallet-loading CNC horizontal mill differ from the Siemens controls on a 5-axis Hauptmann SC-series vertical.That sort of stuff is more appropriate for a forum where ther are other CNC machinists than for a general Q&A site like Fluther where at least 80% of the people have no idea what the hell I am talking about.
@jerv Aye, this is why I never really understood why sometimes you get questions on here that ask about very specific types of technologies, computer programs, phones, shit like that…my guess is, for all those products which require very specific details and discussion that no one but users would know about, forums exist for them, and the like.
On the other hand, Ubisoft forums are completely fucking useless, I have had bad experiences with the people there who don’t answer or know anything. so sometimes, you ask elsewhere and wish for the best
While I do enjoy answering questions, there are plenty of other opportunities to answer besides Fluther. I find answers to most of my questions by typing them in the search box.
I too agree with @YARNLADY. I enjoy answering questions. I guess I might be the only person around here who has asked just a single question so far. I just can’t think of any questions to ask. I always keep wondering how come others come up with so much questions. In case something pops up in my mind I simply google it.
So I am the only one who ask too much…
I find the dynamic of askers and answerers interesting, and I suspect it is tied to some personality traits. I am an answerer, who wishes I could pose interesting questions to start engaging conversations. I appreciate those who pose the questions and start the conversations.
• You see other people as questions and get browbeaten and it made you gun-shy.
I coud ask a political or scientific question, but they’re not nearly at a very advanced level, especially compared to what’s debated here. And I don’t want to come off as ignorant or naïve, either.
I don’t ask questions just to have asked a question. I ask if there is something I want to know or if there is an issue I think would provoke an interesting question. I rarely care about the religious questions or most political ones any more because we all know where we stand and how it will go down – two people arguing – and I don’t give a hoot about hypotheticals like what foods would you like to be pummeled with. Call me jaded or call me particular; I am what I am.
@Mimishu1995 So I am the only one who ask too much…
In reality you can never ask too much, they never allow you to.
@hearkat I appreciate those who pose the questions and start the conversations.
Or mud slinging smack downs?
@janbb I don’t ask questions just to have asked a question.
You ask question because you get at least 3 points for it? Some would have no points to speak of if it were not for asking questions; surely the points won’t come from the comment board. If it were not for those hollow points, there might be very little to hang around for; at least it has a goal, for lack of a better word, to shoot for before one’s online community artificial self-termination date arrives.
and I don’t give a hoot about hypotheticals like what foods would you like to be pummeled with.
I applaud you for not hopping on any hypothetical questions, more should take your example to heart; if it is a question they don’t like or care for, they should abstain and pass it by rather than entering some flippant comment that stinks up the question thread.
@Hypocrisy_Central – I suppose my statement was very general, but I was referencing questions, and “mud slinging smack downs sic” typically occur in the comments of a thread. Still, I will qualify further and say that I appreciate those who ask thought-provoking questions and stimulate interesting, productive conversation. I tend to skip over many political or religious posts or similar posts.
@Hypocrisy_Central I recall a certaian ex-jelly who came here from AB who was notorious for asking the same question trying to pad their “Quetions Asked” stat. Often, they would ask for something starting with a certain letter, then copy/paste the same question 25 more times chhanging just that one letter. They left Fluther because they could no longer do that; they would only get to C before being blocked for 12 hours, and they could not abide by that. How would you feel about having the pages flooded by the samme 3 questions asked 78 different ways?
While it may make sense to raise the limit to, maybe 5 per 12 hours, there is a limit beyond which it gets ridiculous.
@jerv How would the Jelly below me feel?
@jerv How would you feel about having the pages flooded by the samme 3 questions asked 78 different ways?
I would rather field questions that actually tease my brain but not in way of deciding what to name a cactus plant, or is it cute when my pet does this? I want something where I will go “Ummmm…..I never thought of that in that way type of question.
@jerv and @Symbeline I had a very specific question relating to my work. Rather than post it in General I sent a PM to a certain jelly who I knew had experience in the field.
I was not disappointed.
@ETpro Am I pregnant? And what is this pill?
@jerv Yes, and yes. I told you not to fuck pills.
@Symbeline Questions I’ve seen ad nauseum on Q&A sites.
The problem is that people tend to get attacked for asking certain questions, instead of those users just staying the hell off of the damn thread. I’m tired of religious questions being attacked, since the entire purpose of sites like these for some people (including myself) is completely dependent upon these.
The people who had attacked others for asking religious questions should realize just how rude and disrespectful they’re being to others. I’m actually stating this as one of the few theists on here, I’m not an atheist. I love the fact that these types of questions give me the chance to make arguments for my side, and I’ve been pounded rather hard on here on some threads.
I’m afraid to even ask any religious questions since I’ve been attacked myself. Fluther is supposed to be about deep discussion, so why do some others have to ruin this for the rest of us? I get a kick out of this, in that some of the same people who had accused me of ‘whining’ are the biggest whiners themselves, constantly attacking or derailing the threads of others.
^^ LURVE THAT! Especially I get a kick out of this, in that some of the same people who had accused me of ‘whining’ are the biggest whiners themselves, constantly attacking or derailing the threads of others., but all of it was spot on.
@Paradox25 & @Hypocrisy_Central As if religious people have NEVER attacked and even killed nonbelievers, feeling perfectly free to use the most horrific torture imaginable as a method. As if such carnage isn’t going on right now all over the world. Sorry, but you do not have a free pass to suppress others and remain above criticism yourself. What goes around comes around.
@ETpro – The conversation thus far has been about the conduct of people engaged in these discussions *on Fluther*… your mentioning of the religious wars and persecution throughout history and evident today are not really relevant. Are you proposing that because the Crusades were done in the name of “Christianity” then all Christians therefore have no reason to complain about being disrespected when trying to discuss their position and beliefs in an online forum?
Also, wouldn’t it be nice if we could have a corner of the internet, at least, where we can behave as in a civilized society, and be able to freely express our feelings, opinions and beliefs without being disrespectful of others and without others disrespecting us? I’ve only just begun moderating on this site and have never been a moderator anywhere before, and the way people interpret what other say when flagging comments and questions has been an eye-opener into how human nature works and people project their feelings and thus “hear what they want to hear.”
The fact of the matter is that everyone is more alike than we are different. We all bleed and all will die, and we all wonder about the meaning and purpose of existence, and how society should best manage itself. If some people are wired in a way that they have a confident faith in a higher power, that’s fine. If some people are wired in such a way that they only believe things that they have sensory or empirical proof off, that’s cool. Why do people take these conversations so personally and get so defensive that they feel compelled to resort to childish insults or passive-aggressive sarcastic flame-bait that flies just below the moderation radar? Why can’t we agree to disagree?
@hearkat Nobody likes their personal beliefs attacked. If I told you that what you believe is not only a belief I don’t share, but actually totally wrong and that you are stupid/evil for believing such a thing, how would you feel? Are you so thick-skinned that you wouldn’t feel even the least bit hurt?
As for how people react to being hurt, try this; put your hand on a hot stove. Now, you can either keep it there, or you can react to being hurt and take your hand away. Are you willing to let your hand sizzle and blister for the sake of moral superiority? I’m not.
I am pretty damn strong in my beliefs, and rather vindictive. But I will agree to disagree with those who are willing to do the same and not insult or demean me for disagreeing. Hell, I’ve even given out GAs for posts I entirely disagree with because they presented a disagreeable viewpoint in a respectful, logical manner. Disagreeing with me isn’t what sets me off; being an asshole is what makes me give people both barrels.
@jerv – I think you missed my point, and I apologize if I wasn’t clear. Those personal attacks where people are demeaned for their beliefs are what I refer to as “childish insults and passive-aggressive sarcastic flame bait that flies just below the moderation radar”. I get disgusted reading the hot-topic threads and have gotten in the habit of skipping them entirely.
However, I’ve also seen that some folks are very defensive and read into things that aren’t directed at them. Misunderstandings happen often around here – like this one… You and I are actually making the same point: It is up to the community to set the tone of these conversations by agreeing to disagree and presenting our thoughts and opinions clearly, without making it personal.
I’ll try rephrasing: we need to be the change we want to see in the world. Western civilization tries to push its democratic ideology around the world saying that all people have equal rights to life and liberty to live, love, and worship whom they choose – yet what kind of a role model is our society, really, if a small bunch of fairly bright people can’t discuss religion or politics over the internet in a civilized manner?
@ETpro As if religious people have NEVER attacked and even killed nonbelievers, feeling perfectly free to use the most horrific torture imaginable as a method.
What happened during the Spanish Inquisition, or the crusades I can speak of or do anything about, what is being discussed is what happens here in Futher. Because of the crusades is the reason some atheist and non-believers are so Boorish? What good is it to bash believers here because you or any other atheist had a bad time in Christian school or from believers in your past that are nowhere near here?
@Hypocrisy_Central & @hearkat What’s happening is in the here and now. Religious flaps right here on Fluther have led to people leaving in a huff because their right to attack others but remain unscathed themselves has been infringed. We’ve also seen the moderators have to eject members who clearly went WAY over the line in support of their particular religious view to the exclusion of any other.
@hearkat Given that most people have a sense of solidarity with those like them, people will take things not directed at them personally if they fit in the same group that is under attack or perceived to be. The point I was making was different from your point; my point was simply to clarify a few things about human nature.
@Hypocrisy_Central Reap what you sow. Come in here civilized like @KNOWITALL and you will be generally respected even by those that disagree with you. Come in here swinging, and you’ll find that your sword is double-edged one and you’ll wind up getting cut.
@ETpro !?, I thought my post agreed with your points.
What I’m saying applies to life in general: if someone is being an obnoxious jerk, let them dig that hole for themselves. If one reacts by stooping to their level, the whole conversation degrades.
The best way to promote civilized interactions is to model the behavior. Especially with religious and political or other controversial topics, it helps support ones point if you can present it respectfully. Mature, reasonable people can disagree while maintaining dignity.
Bottom line… Q&A sites wouldn’t be around if there wasn’t a market for them. This one here has it’s own creative little personality and I’m sure will do just fine.
@hearkat You just made a lot more work for yourself and your fellow mods then, as there is a shitload of flamebait, and a few people here that habitually post nothing but, but often not with any malicious intent.
Not all of us are pacifistic enough to turn the other cheek. Not all of us really even know what manners are; we try to be nice, but we never read The Book of Unwritten Rules, so we cause some level of offense every other time we open our mouths.
@ETpro Religious flaps right here on Fluther have led to people leaving in a huff because their right to attack others but remain unscathed themselves has been infringed.
The people I have seen leave since I been here were more believers and people of faith than atheist and gays
@jerv Come in here civilized like @KNOWITALL and you will be generally respected even by those that disagree with you. Come in here swinging, and you’ll find that your sword is double-edged one and you’ll wind up getting cut.
First off, if you know how to swing it you don’t cut yourself. Second, II am not going to blow smoke up anyone’s a** just to get a positive reaction from them or not. What can anyone really do to me here, or in real life? If they kill me, I still win; they are sending me to paradise, to heaven. I much more worry about He who can kill this body and destroy my soul. If it comes to following the Bible or making earthly friends who will die and face the same God, I will bet on the Bible and He who wrote it, (be it through mortal men).
From what I can see, a Q & A gradually turns into a user below me, alphabet game imitation blog how is the weather site.
@Hypocrisy_Central Thank you for proving my point by being… well, your undesirable self. I’m going to take the high road and just roll my eyes and let your characteristic trollishness stand as self-evident and thus not needing any derision from me.
@jerv – I haven’t made anything harder for anyone… the guidelines haven’t changed. I am simply suggesting to each member of the community to self-moderate, which is something I’ve supported on all social sites I’ve belonged to. If each person chooses to conduct themselves in a respectful manner, the job of the site moderators would become easier, and our main function would be monitoring spelling and spammers.
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~~Ghandi (although some refute it)
”… and on Fluther.” ~~Hearkat
And now I can thank you for proving my point! Your own reply to HC ^ demonstrates that you can respond and express disapproval of someones tactics, yet still be respectful – you have not turned another cheek. We can’t control other people’s behaviors, but we do choose our own behavior and how to respond. In-person it tends to be more reflexive, but over the internet, we have the option to consider our word choices; and here on Fluther, we can even edit them after posting for a short time.
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ~~Eleanor Roosevelt (although some refute it)
^^ Bahahahaha…...... I will play the world’s tiniest violin I am so upset. There maybe trollish acts abound here, but I was not the author of them.
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