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Did I get the job?
I suppose I’ll find out soon enough, but why not speculate while I have the time?
I had a conference call interview recently. Four people merely listened, and I spoke with two including the person who will be my direct supervisor. I wasn’t as prepared mentally as I would have liked to have been, and/so I got a fierce case of nerves during the interview. I managed to sputter out the information, but was hardly eloquent and unfortunately left a lot of selling points on the table, because I was trying to string words into coherent sentences. Anyway, the interview was simply a list of behavioral interviewing questions, and at the end the lead interviewer asked “When can you start?” Following that she said they’d be choosing the best candidate and running background checks, etc. and would contact me when they were done with that.
My real question is: is it common nowadays to ask all candidates when they can start or was that a sign that I’m the one? I was already a top candidate out of two (from what my inside source says.)
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