Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

[potentially NSFW] Do stockbrokers and financiers really have that hard of a time sexually?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33701points) January 9th, 2014

I was watching CNBC this morning, and for the first time noticed how many of the ads were for erectile disfunction (or similar) products:

various Testosterone increasing products

What’s wrong with these financial community ? Do they really need that much chemical assistance?

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6 Answers

janbb's avatar

It may not be so much that they’re rich but that they’re old.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

They can only cum into money but they want to be like everyone else.

CWOTUS's avatar

I suspect that CNBC has a better idea of their demographic than you seem to. They’re not necessarily pitching exclusively (if at all) to “stockbrokers and financiers” with their broadcast. Rather, they’re attracting “adults with disposable income” – men and women, but still primarily men, I suppose – who would probably also fit into the age bracket for users of such products. Not that I would know anything about those products.

picante's avatar

Love your Ferrari; sorry about your penis.

CNBC has a firm grip on their viewer demographics.

zenvelo's avatar

It’s because they are watched by retired men sitting at home thinking they are Masters of the Universe as they lose their 401K/IRA by day trading, and hoping for one last hard fuck with the cleaning lady before their heart gives out.

same reason you get prostate and depends ads on the nightly news.

ragingloli's avatar

Well, only money turns them on.

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