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talljasperman's avatar

Rob Ford and Chris Christy in a popularity contest?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) January 9th, 2014

The Mayor of Toronto vs. the Governor of New Jersey? Which is more famous.

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21 Answers

ibstubro's avatar

Has Chris Christy been convicted of something? Charged? I don’t understand the association with Rob Ford.

Christy is obviously famous; Rob Ford infamous?

jca's avatar

Chris Christy had the “Traffic-Gate” issue. It’s not good, but it’s not the same as smoking crack, throwing women on the ground in meetings, etc.

glacial's avatar

No, but the consequences will be more serious. Hard to imagine he has a shot at the presidency now that he’s been caught putting a city in utter turmoil for several days out of pure political spite.

filmfann's avatar

While I like Christy, the traffic gate thing rises to the level of Nixonian dirty tricks.
Of course Christy is from Jersey, and you almost expect that, but nobody wants to elect Tony Soprano to office, no matter how much they like him.

jca's avatar

I am reading that Christie is considering resigning over this.

Paradox25's avatar

Rob Ford, the human bowling ball. The guy actually makes me laugh, and people (including politicians) do much worse things than smoking crack. I don’t think Ford is a crack addict.

VS's avatar

I may be naive but I don’t think the Jersey governor is guilty of anything other than maybe hiring a nut job as a member of his staff. Ford, on the other hand, is guilty as hell of aggravated stupidity (crack kills, Dumbass!) and various other misdemeanors including but not limited to a severe case of public ugliness.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

So far Christie hasn’t been tied directly to the deed. If they can do that then hang him. If it was some over zealous aids hang them, but not the boss. Ford is a joke. And he should be an embarrassment to his constituents if they reelect him.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Rob will bring his own dope. Christie is already a dope.

filmfann's avatar

Christie is NOT thinking about resigning. That just isn’t who this guy is.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

The conduct of Rob Ford is a disgrace to civic government. I am puzzled and outraged that he has yet to be prosecuted. I will leave Chris Christie to Republicans to evaluate.

PhiNotPi's avatar

So far, I think that Christie is telling the truth regarding the traffic jams. I haven’t seen any evidence to the contrary. There are a lot of people who want him to be guilty, though. Even though I may disagree with some of his opinions, I think he is more honest than the average politician.

GoldieAV16's avatar

Rob Ford is just a pathetic man with substance abuse problems.

Chris Christie is infinitely more interesting (popular?) as it remains to be seen if he is a canny pol who was blissfully unaware of a man-made crisis that was plotted and enacted all around him, or a canny pol who has a mean streak and was a part of the petty and vindictive “prank.” Lots of unanswered questions here, and more answers are forthcoming.

jca's avatar

I like Chris Christie and I hope he is not found to have been a part of the whole traffic-gate. You can bet that detractors and the news agencies will research thoroughly.

jca's avatar

Listen, if Chris Christie could take a helicopter piloted by one of the NJ State Troopers to his kid’s baseball game at taxpayer expense, and weather that storm, he can weather this storm.

flo's avatar

I don’t know how those 2 names can be in the same sentence. Rob Ford should be in prison because of the facts. There is no evidence yet whether Christie knew about the bridge thing or not, am I right?

jca's avatar

Nobody has come forth and said they were in a room with Christie when a conversation took place about the bridge. There have been no documents or texts shown to have been sent to him or from him about the bridge. On some radio show today, they were saying that as a former prosecutor, he knows that if there are documents or texts, they will surface.

glacial's avatar

@jca I find it pretty hard to believe that substantial planning had to have gone into this event, and he was totally oblivious and blameless in the matter. Especially given the events that had just occurred with the judicial nominees. Did you catch Rachel Maddow’s segment on this last night?

Anyway, who wouldn’t be terrified to admit they were in a room with Christie when this event was discussed? The evidence is going to take a while to surface.

flo's avatar

Speculation, not evidence. Whether you like someone or not fair is fair to wait for the evidence.

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