Social Question

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Button, button, who's got the button?

Asked by Jonesn4burgers (7304points) January 11th, 2014

I’m attempting to start a new game. Let’s see if it gets off the ground. It’s my online version of button, button.
I have the button. I know who I passed it to, but they don’t, and neither does anyone else. It must be a jelly currently/recently active on Fluther. Anyone can guess, but no more than two guesses per day. To validate your guess, you must include a favorite, or a desire. Don’t use the same thing each time. Either name a favorite, your choice; movie, song, beverage, body part, etc., or a desire, such as, “I want to win a Nobel prize.”
The first person to guess correctly will get a PM from me letting them know they have the button. They will then start the question over again.
When someone guesses correctly, the jelly with the correct guess will write an answer to let everyone know to watch for post #2, #3, and so on.
It might be a fun way to share.

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20 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Request denied.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

^ Yoosuk wants her attitude back. You could just click on some other post. You don’t have to show what a poop you are here.

ragingloli's avatar

Alright, alright, do not cry!
It is you, is it not?

whitenoise's avatar

Ehhhh…. I want chocolate and the body I had 18 years ago.

Do we get any feedback on the guess?

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

When you get it right, I will post that it has been passed, so you can watch for the next post. As a backup, the person who guessed correct should receive a PM. Who is your guess?
@ragingloli Your guess only counts if you post with it a desire, or a favorite. Since this is new, I will remind you that I have passed the button. I can’t pass it to myself, that would be called keeping.

janbb's avatar

(But without clues, how are we to guess? Just randomly?)

I want to write a novel some day.

Guessing: Gailcalled

Seek's avatar

I want to move out of the USA.

My guess is @smitha.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

@whitenoise I want the same things you do. Well, I want the body I had 18 years ago. I don’t know what your body was like 18 years ago. Ha! I make a funny!
@Seek_Kolinahr and @janbb nice wants, but wrong guesses.
If there were hints, the second or third person would usually get it It isn’t like an infinite list.

Coloma's avatar

This is not flowing. lol

dxs's avatar

Still kind of confused, but I’ll conform to what everyone else seems to be doing.
I like the color white.
My guess is @ibstubro.

Coloma's avatar

Colorful Coloma here…so now what do I do? haha
Okay….I love shrimp and avocado salads and guess it will be @Jonesn4burgers

snowberry's avatar

I want coffee with lotsa yummy stuff in it.

I guess Coloma.

I don’t get this…

Coloma's avatar

@Jonesn4burgers I think this is a failure to launch but we like you anyway. lol

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

No correct guesses yet, but you are getting the idea now. Guessing who has the button is the turning point. It’s the handoff. The objective is the chance to express ourselves. Stating a favorite, or a desire, opens an opportunity to vent, to be poetic, to share, while in the pursuit of an imaginary button. Who I have passed the button to does not know they have it. They will not know who did have it until someone “finds” it by guessing the correct jelly. Think of it as I have committed a reverse pick pocket event. I planted it on a fellow jelly, and when someone finds it, the jelly who has it now will be just as surprised as everybody else to learn that they had it.
You can be evasive, or generous and expressive. For instance, @dxs shared favorite color white. That is fair. We now know @dxs has an all inclusive favorite color.
In contrast, someone might share a desire as wishing the planet would erupt in enormous blossoms of peace, spreading the sweet scent of love and harmony throughout human cultures, and cementing bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood globally.
Thankyou all for giving my little game a shot. Please continue, and do have some fun.
Special thanks to @ragingloli, as it goes against your normal instincts to participate. I look forward to reading further thoughts.
@Coloma, thanks for the vote of encouragement. I think it will grow on you. Let your hair down and go with it.
Since this is so new, and jellies are feeling a bit lost, I will drop a hint…... THIS TIME.
The jelly who has the button has more than 3 digits in their lurve level.

DWW25921's avatar

Does it have anything to do with a cat? I just saved one of my kittens from a bully. Weather finally calmed down and they desperately wanted out. It’s impressively warm for a January day. I digress, does this button have anything to do with a cat or pet clothing or anything non-human?

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

It has nothing to do with cats to my knowledge, especially cats with names for all their legs. It has to do with a fictitious button, an unaware jelly, and fun participating in the search and sharing.
If somebody’s cat finds the button first, be sure not to let it choke on said button.

dxs's avatar

Wait are you going to tell us if we guess right? How will we know who gets it right?

I didn’t say white was my favorite color, I just said that I like the color white, if one even considers it a color (I do). Not trying to be a overly technical, just stating that I don’t like picking favorites.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

@ dxs, I stand corrected. Of course I will tell everyone when someone gets it. I said I would, trust me. I wouldn’t lie to you. I looked through the jellies and who they follow, and I picked one to be holding the button. To narrow things down some, I thought we should pick someone who stays active; someone who has participated on Fluther in 2014 or at leqast the last few months of 2013. When somebody gets it, I will write an answer to let EVERYONE who reads the answers see it. I will PM the jelly with the correct answer, so they can get started on choosing who they will pass the button to, and set up BUTTON BUTTON #2
By the way, I am partial to black, though I can’t say it’s my favorite color either.

Coloma's avatar

@Jonesn4burgers So if you’re partial to black does that make you impartial to white? haha
I dunno, I think this game is too complicated for me. lol

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

You will catch on, @Coloma . Most importantly, if you want to participate, then please do. I like to hear from you. That is MY main goal with this game. You just keep checking in.

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