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Is it possible to have an immunity to the flu?
Not to boast, but I rarely get sick! (I guess I am boasting) I can count on one hand how many times I have been sick in my life, whether it’s from the common cold, flu virus, or an infection that might require antibiotics. I have no real knowledge of the human immune system, but there must be some biological explanation why some of us simply do not get sick.
Listen, I am not claiming to be Bruce Willis’s character from Unbreakable, although I have developed a “superhero” like courage around people who are seriously ill.
Yes, I do get my annual flu shot, eat healthy, and wash my hands daily, but so do most of my family and friends, yet they come down with an illness a 2–3 times a year.
Am I the “outbreak monkey”?! Am I getting everyone else around me sick?!
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