Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever noticed that people tend to forcast bad weather when there is none forthcoming?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) January 13th, 2014

Today was a good example. Standing in line I heard a couple of women talking about the weather. One said, “Yeah, we’re supposed to have more snow and more snow. I mean, that’s good if we need the water and the snow melts.”
I couldn’t resist. I said, “Yeah but sometimes the snow doesn’t melt.” They both nodded in agreement.
So I checked the forecast when I got home. Nothing but sun and highs in the 50’s for the next 10 days. So where did that come from?

Have you had people around you do this? Why do they do it?

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6 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

It’s the midwest weather obsession…lol I hear it and giggle, then participate in the drama. Often to my friends and family, I’m like “Storm Watch 2014”, or text them saying “Wall Clouds”, you know, just kind of making fun of the local obsession. Farmers = weather obsession.

Someone here told me that it’s because we’re all kind of homebodies and have nothing very exciting to talk about, which may be partly true. Around here it’s really common and the media plays along, too.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Bad weather is cool to talk about! Want to hear about the tornado no one forecast until it was done and we had no power? Or the massive hail storm they didn’t tell us was coming until 10 minutes after it was past?

But..I don’t understand making stuff up. You’re right. Guess we have nothing much more interesting to talk about. Want to hear about the cool suitcase I got at Goodwill? It’s got kind of a Claude Monet theme kind of thing going on. Monet on Wheels…

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III I grew up hearing—‘cows are in the road, get up and help’, or ‘the field’s on fire, get up and help water the perimeter’, or ‘neighbors cows breached, get up and help’, or ‘tornado’s coming, get in the basement NOW’.

If it rains too much you deal with flooding or sump-pumps not working.
If it’s too hot, ponds dry up & you have to buy water to water your stock (cows, horses, etc…)
If it’s too cold, you have to break the ice to get the cattle water or keep your family in water.

So I’d say the weather, especially in rural areas, directly affects our life, even now, while in more moderate climates it’s probably not quite as imperative to your financial wellbeing. That’s my theory anyway, makes sense.

zenvelo's avatar

I suppose it depends on what you mean by bad weather. We’re heading into a warm spell in Northern California this week, supposed to be gorgeous. Except we’re in a drought and really need rain, so saying it’s supposed to be warm clear and sunny is saying we’ll have bad weather.

Yet here we rarely predict bad weather unless it really is coming, and then it’s so unusual, tag we feel we need to warn people.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My point is @zenvelo, if it IS coming, fine. Pass it on. If you’re just making stuff up, like the gals in line were today…well, don’t!

jerv's avatar

Growing up where I did, it often came. I’ve seen 28F to 78F in six hours, thunderstorms on one side of the street with sunshine and dry ground on the other, and other oddities. I rarely even bother forecasting weather now.

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