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JLeslie's avatar

Is there constantly something wrong with you?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) January 14th, 2014

I’m talking about physically not emotionally. Do you constantly have some part of your body that hurts, even if it is your ankle this week and your back next week. For this Q it doesn’t have to be some sort of chronic situation in one part of your body, but it can be. You can also include illnesses like colds and flu, stomach upset, etc.

If so, were you always like this? Or, did you have many years of not even thinking about your health, because overall you were pain free and illness free? How old are you, or were you when things changed for the better or worse?

Feel free to elborate.

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44 Answers

johnpowell's avatar

deleted as a bit to personal.. Damn you PBR.

trailsillustrated's avatar

Aches. Pains, My back hurts so bad on some days I can hardly walk. Not overweight. 50 years old. I just think it’s age, I don’t exercise enough, I threw myself around hell hard as a youngster, now I’m paying. Thank you baby jesus you can buy codeine otc here.

tom_g's avatar

Right before my 41st birthday (just over a year ago) my body decided it was done doing all of the stuff it had been doing for 40 years. It’s been just f*cking with me since.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Well, for me it is Type II Diabetes which I was diagnosed with at 39 years old and that’s never going away. As far as a constant physical ailment, I was diagnosed with osteo-arthritis in my knees at age 42 and although I can still function well on a daily basis, I still get pain and discomfort several times a month in my knees and that got old really fast. My orthopedic surgeon told me that for the rest of my life, part of the regimen in taking care of my knees will be pain management.

zenvelo's avatar

Nope, especially since I lost a lot of weight.

I do have aches and pains from aging, but it is not constant, and most of the time I am not conscious of any specific ache.

flutherother's avatar

No, most of the time I don’t even think of my health at all. I am nearly of pension age and just hope it continues.

filmfann's avatar

My back is always an issue. On good days, I can walk without leaning to one side. On bad days, walking is not possible.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m still on the right side of the grass. I’ll take that as good enough for now.

LuckyGuy's avatar

No. I’m in great shape. ~60. For about a year and a half after my prostate surgery I was obsessed with incontinence, the urge to pee, and the location of the nearest bathroom. Sling surgery 3+ years ago, fixed that mess. Yay!
Everyone! While reading this, do 3 sets of 10 Kegel exercises for me (and yourself). It makes a difference.

Pachy's avatar

Bad knees, but according to my recent annual physical, I’m otherwise in pretty decent shape for a pachyderm my age.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Yes! Well, I always think there’s something wrong with me. I frequently get bouts of breast pain that I automatically assume is breast cancer, for example, even though I know pain rarely presents itself as a symptom of breast cancer. A few weeks ago I left like I had swelling beneath my ribcage and was convinced there was a tumor under there. How stupid. I have to actively stop myself from being so neurotic. It really only happens when I’m stressed out. Right now I feel perfectly fine, but when I was about to graduate and hadn’t found a job yet, I was pretty sure I was dying of some rare disease. I think/hope I’m getting to the point where I have some control over it. I guess we’ll see when something stressful happens!

It’s funny, because the job I have is a bit stressful – deadlines in addition to being new and not really knowing what I’m doing. That kind of stress doesn’t bother me. In fact, I like it. But if I (or my husband) were to lose a job, I’d be spending unnecessary dollars for a doctor to tell me there’s nothing wrong with me.

VS's avatar

I’m 64 and aside from the residuals of that tequila and trampoline accident about 30 years ago, and some mild degenerative disc disease, I’m in pretty good shape for an old girl. I don’t take meds except for a daily supplement and thyroid tablets for a slightly defective gland. Other than those things, I’m good most days. Rain and cold adversely affect my lower back and neck. Heat and massage help. I was blessed with great genes and have done what I can to be healthy, i.e. no smoking, rare alcohol, exercise moderately, eat healthy. I have not had the flu in 12 years, but do get the occasional bad tummy when I indulge in unusually rich foods. My mom used to joke that if doctors had to depend on us, they would not be able to play golf every Wednesday. Healthy peeps here only seeing the doc yearly for the thyroid check and occasional back pain meds.
Good question, @JLeslie thanks for asking. Good health back to you!
@LuckyGuy: Kegals done!!

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I am 54 and have aches and pains form old injuries, pin in my left shoulder from a horse wreck years ago, a pinched nerve that flares up occasionally for a few days or a week and some degenerative disc issues in my neck.
A tad of arthritis and tendonitis in my wrists/thumbs, fingers and a wonky left ankle that I have sprained severely about 4 times in my life.
I also have chronic sinus issues. I soldier on, stretch every morning and have been walking a few miles a day again.

I tweaked my knee walking the other day but it did not bother me walking yesterday for an hour on a local nature trail/bike path. I’ve led a very active and physical life and it is catching up to me these days no doubt.

jca's avatar

No. I have a slow thyroid, but I don’t think about it constantly. I had a comminuted fracture of my talus and calcaneous in a car accident, and tore 3 ligaments, had surgery, do experience pain but nothing awful.

I had a minor surgery and a major surgery for two non-related things, in addition to the ankle surgery. I also had 3 dental implants put in at 3 different times (which is dental surgery). I am proud to say with those various surgeries, I only took 1 Vicodin on 1 occasion.

After one of the surgeries, I packed my stuff and drove to Cape Cod the next day. After another surgery, weight loss surgery where most people stay in the hospital for 2 nights on painkillers, I got out after only 1 night, due to not using any painkillers. I drove home (which I was not supposed to do). Most people who have that surgery talk about being in pain for a week. My pain was minor, to me, and so I took nothing for it.

I go to the physician once or twice a year for checkups, but other than that, I don’t obsess about medical issues. I take no medication other than Synthroid. I don’t like to take aspirin, even, unless my ankle really bothers me (like it might after a day of shopping, at a fair, or other occasion where I may walk a lot).

My blood pressure is great, my cholesterol is great and my blood sugar is great. They were all great prior to weight loss surgery, but if I continued at the weight I was, it was likely that I would end up with diabetes or high blood pressure or a heart problem.

What I really should do now for my health is exercise more. That’s one change I would like to make.

GoldieAV16's avatar

I lived with progressively worsening chronic ankle pain from a stress fracture suffered as a runner. I complained about it to the point that I was making myself sick of listening to myself, so I stifled the complaints for a couple of years. Even people close to me started to think of me as a “shut in,” as opposed to someone who just couldn’t walk. In the summer of 2011 I got my ankle fused, and now I make it a priority in my life to be grateful, and to not complain about the little aches and pains. I am less than perfect in this endeavor, but it’s on my radar every day: gratitude that I can walk without pain, again, and a determination to never take the health that I have for granted. Focus on what does work well. It far outweighs the minor shit that goes wrong.

dxs's avatar

Nothing that bad, other than me feeling tired a lot and my metabolism always rushing through digestion. I’m 18.

Coloma's avatar

^^^ Oh to have my 18 year old bod again. lol

Rarebear's avatar

Chronic sinusitis.

Coloma's avatar

^^^ Oh man, it so sucks doesn’t it? Pffft! I should buy freaking stock in Neil-Med sinus rinse. lol

JLeslie's avatar

@livelaughlove21 interesting that you brought up feeling like something is always very wrong. I had not even thought of that angle. GA. If the pain is at the bottom of your breast you might consider your bras aren’t fitting well. I actually know two people who found their breast cancer because they had pain. But, now that you know the pain you get you can probably feel safe that specific painyou get is not and will not ever be cancer.

@Rarebear I had a friend who cured hers with a combination of Levoquin and divorcing her husband. LOL. We can’t be sure if the divorce really had an effect, but she does wonder if her husband kept reinfecting her when she would try other antibiotics, she tend to think like me about infection. But, for sure Levoquin was the drug that did the final trick. For two years she had sinus troubles, had tried various antibitiotics here and there, but then stopped trying them when it seemed to not be helping. Around a year had passed and a new doctor gave her Levoquin. It was like a magic drug for her.

Rarebear's avatar

@JLeslie Sinusitis is an anatomic issue and an issue with chronic allergies. It isn’t a contagious conditions. If her husband took the cat out of the house, then I could see a correlation.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@JLeslie It’s stress that causes it. I’m not sure how or why, but they only hurt when I get stressed out, which causes more anxiety, which makes it worse (in my head, I’m sure). It’s not at the bottom – it’s in both breasts (mostly the right) and ranges from aching all over to sharp pains to tenderness. I have my OBGYN do a breast exam every time and he never finds anything. It’s an irrational fear of breast cancer making me hypersensitive to every sensation in that area of my body.

“I actually know two people who found their breast cancer because they had pain.”

Yeah, that doesn’t help my anxiety and I’m sure I’ll remember that you said that during my next breast cancer scare. Regardless, breast pain is rarely a sign of breast cancer, especially in a 24-year-old with no family history of breast cancer.

filmfann's avatar

@Rarebear I feel your pain! Every morning at this time of year, my sinuses are bleeding. I usually get sinusitis at the end of February.

JLeslie's avatar

@Rarebear Yeah, we don’t really think it was likely the husband, the timing isn’t quite right anyway. But the Levoquin was hard to ignore. Her sinusitis started in her late 20’s, like I said lasted for a coupe of years. When she took the Levoquin it relieved her symptoms, just like how you would expect a typical antibiotic to work when it is the right drug for the right thing, and the cure stuck. She no longer had a problem. My dad has chronic sinusitis, constant draining, nothing seems to help him much. He has had it for years. He does have some allergies too.

JLeslie's avatar

@livelaughlove21 Their pain was a very specific spot in one breast. Literally a spot, where the tumor was. The chance of general breast pain in both breasts at the same time being cancer sounds extremely unlikely to me.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@JLeslie Yep. Doesn’t stop my neurosis, though.

Rarebear's avatar

@filmfann My primary symptom right now is anosmia. I’ve had 4 surgeries and I’m actually much better than I used to be.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nothing to complain about really, but my pinky finger on my right hand has been almost numb…tingly….for about 6 weeks. Sometimes my left foot feels sort of the same, but not all the time like my pinger.

BREATH @Rarebear!

JLeslie's avatar

@livelaughlove21 Yeah, I have my own neurosis lately, although it isn’t health related. :)

anniereborn's avatar

As long as I don’t move I am fine. I know that sounds silly. I just mean that during things like bending over too much, my back will hurt.
Also I have a really crappy mattress and I wake up feeling sore half the time.
I am 45 and admittedly not very active and quite overweight.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I have been coping with severe chronic pain since a car crash in April 2004. I am trying to find a way to to something useful and earn some extra income within the limitations of my pain problems.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, I am 71 years old and I always have something wrong. I have gotten used to feeling tired most of the time, I’ve been weak ever since I was a child. I also feel dizzy once or twice a day, but not enough to disable me.

I take daily medication for high blood pressure, high cholestrol and thyroid malfunction. According to my bi-yearly blood tests, those are under control.

Lately, my finger and toe nails have been splitting down the middle, and they get stuck on stuff until I cut them way down, or put a piece of surgical tape over them.

Sometimes my ankles swell up, making it hard to walk. I often have an infection that needs to be treated, and my sinus flares up frequently. I have chronic periodontal disease which requires a visit to the dentist every three months.

My knees hurt when I get up, and I have trouble walking up or down stairs. I attribute that to the fact that I am 50 lbs overweight and I don’t walk enough.

None of these is disableing and I rarely think about it for more than a few seconds.

I touched a hot pan with my fingers yesterday, and that really hurt. I don’t have any blisters from it.

jca's avatar

@JLeslie: I know you talk about going to the doctors a lot. Is it possible that you are what doctors refer to as “hyper-vigilant?”

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Not really but that’s probably going to change in a few years. I’m 37.

talljasperman's avatar

Ever since I was a teenager, and had my growth spurt (197 cm tall 140 lbs.), I couldn’t stand for very long without becoming dizzy, and I pass out. Name brand Coke and a good meal tends to offset the dizziness except when I get out of bed. I would rather skip school than spend a few minutes on the floor passed out. I enjoy a comfortable cold carpet to lie on, with a sunbeam and a juice box.. I miss kindergarten. I’m going to have a couple sips of flat Coke.

Coloma's avatar

In my case I think it is the relatively recent shift in feeling my age. I was super zippy up til 50 or so but I really feel my aging process this past few years.
It’s still kind of a shock. It’s the first wave of aging adjustment and I don’t like it at all!. haha

I am hoping I am at about a 10 year plateau , a 10 year flat line. lol
My daughter is 26 and I have caught myself complaining a few times about some of my aches and pains. She sarcastically teases me and tells me I am not 75.
Well no, but, I’m closer to 75 now than 25 and I am getting creaky and tired.

I do not want to live to be 100, 90, maybe not even 65. lol

LornaLove's avatar

I absolutely love this question and will read all the answers since I find this incredibly interesting. I am 51, I’m not sue how much bearing this has on what I am about to type.

I seem to go through periods where I do not worry about my health nor think about it. I particularly did not worry about it when I was caring for other people. (Long story). The people I cared for had major issues like dementia and heart and stroke issues.

Then when I had my own ‘break-down’ I seemed to suffer with all sorts of illnesses. I had water on my ankles, I just felt weird all the time, I have frequent headaches, I got a UTI that lasted months, then I got hives and probably something else that I have forgotten.

Each time I get a pain or ache, I think it is cancer. I realize that this is anxiety. I often wonder if the actual physical symptoms are anxiety based. Some might not seem so, like the UTI, but they could be..

I also have symptoms of autoimmune issues. I am not sure what that means, except to say that I have now also got Lichen Sclerosis on my vulva.

Many years ago, I was abused as a kid in a country I recently moved back to. I now get flash backs, along with this I seem to have acquired vulvodynia. I recently saw a specialist who took swabs from me and it would appear that aside from the LS I am normal. So, I cannot explain the extreme vulva pain.

I also have severe breast tenderness and one breast even swelled up to twice its size. Then I found a lump. I must say it has been a bumpy year. I find the connection between ‘always having something wrong with me, and then never having anything wrong with me’ could be psychological although the manifestations are organic and very real.

I realize I typed a book, but as I said earlier this idea has been on my mind a lot. If anyone would also like to give me feedback I’d appreciate it. :)

Berserker's avatar

No, and I’m very thankful for it, especially as I abused my body with heavy drinking for quite a bit. I’m not looking forward to being an old person. My grandmother tells me that every day, all day, something in her body is hurting. She has pills and everything, but that sounds like such a shitty deal. Still, she’s always all happy and strong no matter what happens, so when and if that happens to me, I hope the good qualities come with it too lol.

Seek's avatar

I’m 28.

My feet hurt. Always. A combination of genetics and bad parenting have left me with bunions, hammertoes, and weirdly deformed foot bones. Weak ankles as well. I’ve broken both of my pinky toes trying to favor my instep and rolling my ankles. Oops. I saw a podiatrist when I was 13 or so and he said I had the feet of a 60 year old ballet dancer. They spasm sometimes and it literally takes my breath away. Nothing I can do about it. I suspect there’s probably some arthritis going on as well.

I also have carpal tunnel in my right hand, but it doesn’t hurt all the time like my feet do.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

CONSTANTLY. Although I can’t say I am on life support, the truth is that I am NEVER really well. I won’t even go into the emotional/psychological stuff which is my life parter. What follows is NEVER-ENDING intestinal and digestive uphill. Constant upper back/neck pain. Recurring Otitis and burning, tearing eyes and a general complete lack of energy. Okay, I may not be life-threateningly ill, but I certainly don’t feel healthy. Oh, added to that, I can’t get rid of those extra kilos perhaps due to an underactive thyroid. Other than that, I guess I’m better off than most.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca I would say possibly on some medical fronts. I had to be, the doctors were not helping me on their own. I have been right too often, that I feel the respnsibility of taking care of my own health, it is awful. I have been right when doctors are wrong. My thyroid was bouncing around all over the place until I finally found a doctor who believed I take my pill perfectly every morning, was willing to change brands for an easier to swallow pill for me, and let me get a blood test whenever I felt my thyoid was off. Sometimes three weeks from my last test. Finally we figured out a pattern where I could really get good control over my thyroid. She didn’t make me come for an appointment to see her every time we did the blood test, which was a huge help. A help because ai did not feel like I was getting robbed and wasting my time. Now I have to find a new doctor since I moved, and when I tell them I need a test every 3 months, I think they think I am hypervigilant probably, but they are not listening to me that it is the only way we have found to keep my thyroid in check.

I have a chronic infection that sometimes I leave alone for years and stay sick. I don’t go to the doctor for it or try to treat, just stay sick. When I first came down with it I went from doctor to doctor and back to my same doctor. I tried multiple supposed remedies that did not work. Some would have seen me as shopping aroundnfor doctors, or being a hypochondriac. I don’t think I was either. I was sick, really sick. I almost never think I have the worst scenerio. I don’t ever think it must be cancer or that I am dying. Doctors diagnose me with things and I simply don’t believe it or accept it. One doctor said I have fybromalgia, I don’t agree. For a long time I was diagnosed with vulvodynia, now I am really pissed off about that diagnosis, I think it hampered my treatment to get better. Another doctor thought I likely had clitoral cancer and wanted to schedule surgery for the next week to cut off my clit basically, and thank God I didn’t do that. I mean really, when I think about that I get sick to stomach that he would have butchered me for nothing.

So, watch choice to I have? I think people who have chronic problems get a bad wrap of being hypochondriacs and maybe even hypervigilant, but the truth is, they are “sick” every day all day and they hope for a cure one day. So, many of them read up, and talk to others and try a new doctor, treatment or test sometimes. One chronic illness is not the same as another. My hurt shoulder from my accident, I don’t feel compelled to see doctors about it or get xrays. I know why it hurts.

Funny, now I rarely go from doctor to doctor, because I can’t hear another doctor tell me they don’t see a problem or not believe me, and a few years ago I was a seeing a therapist for a few sessions and she said why do I care if doctors don’t believe me or can’t help me, just go to another doctor.

So, which is it? Should I be hyper vigilant and question my doctor, or just be sick. I oscillate between the two choices.

Having said all that, I don’t dwell or feel sick regarding my thyroid. As far as my other chronic problems they are there but I don’t feel “sick” all the time in my mind either, even regarding those things. It’s just there. I have many days of being pain free if I just don’t do things that can cause pain.

YARNLADY's avatar

@JLeslie I really sympathize, having been through the same thing with my thyroid malfunction. It is a very odd off and on situation. The (female) doctor who finally treated me for it stood up for my previous (male) doctors by saying the dectection methods have inproved.

I also have a chronic infection that has been treated with various creams and such, but never goes away.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I try and function as well as I can and much of the time I focus on what I can do, instead of what hurts and why I can’t do things. It works to make my life feel more livable.

prairierose's avatar

Nope. I feel great and am thankful for feeling healthy. Maybe daily exercise really does work in keeping one fit.

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