Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

You are a wood elf, and you see two human hunters get cornered by a bear, their weapons having been swatted away by the beast. What will you do?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) January 14th, 2014

Do you shoot the bear with your enchanted bow?
Do you shoot the hunters, and give the bear an easy dinner?
Or do you watch with glee as the bear rips the two apes apart while they scream in agony, followed by gurgling and the sound of cracking bones?

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25 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

I’d prance away looking for berries, nuts, and mushrooms, and not pay any attention to the hunters or the bear.

Seek's avatar

I wouldn’t necessarily watch with glee, but I wouldn’t shoot anyone, either. Bears need to eat, too, and those humans are in the bears’ house.

I’d go climb a tree, elsewhere.

Rarebear's avatar

Am I Sylvan or Drow?

fundevogel's avatar

What kind of wood elf are we talkin? Tolkien wood-elves? Bells-on-toes wood elves? Slyvan guardians? Frankly, with raginloli involved I tempted to propose a night of fairydust-fueled inter-species abandon. Elves man.

Juels's avatar

Are they super hot male humans that will be verrrrry grateful for my assistance?

Seek's avatar

I’m assuming D&D rules Wood Elves – Sylvans.

reclusive (75% likely to avoid any contact), true neutral, don’t speak human languages.

Drow are not wood elves, and would kill the humans, then kill the bear and drag it home for dinner and keep the pelt.

ragingloli's avatar

No, they are obese rednecks.

Juels's avatar

Oh well, then let the bear have them. Bears need to eat too.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Why would a wood elf have any interest in saving humans? Humans tend to make fun of elves.

If I were the elf, I’d let the humans be shredded.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I, um, um, call 911.

thorninmud's avatar

I pull out my phone and film it. That’ll totally go viral.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I’d write the humans a ticket for feeding the bear.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

Nothing. I am a wood elf, so what do I care?

glacial's avatar

If two humans manage to get cornered by a single bear, they deserve what they get. I’m taking my elf ass outta there before the bear turns around.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Watch with glee, they’d try to kill me so why put myself at risk by helping them?

VS's avatar

I chuckle at the bear’s ingenuity and skip off to look at some moss which is more interesting than bears anyway. I’m a wood elf!

talljasperman's avatar

I would walk away and leave my moss covered poo as a gift to the gods.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Bears are hunted with dogs so I’d be more worried about where all of them are and who will take care of them if the hunters are dead.

bolwerk's avatar

Depends. Are the hunters white?

Berserker's avatar

Hm…I can’t imagine myself being an elf. I’m trying but, it isn’t working. Just not my nature.
What I am is a 16 feet tall troll brandishing tree trunks as weapons, and what I do is kill bear, humans, and any elf that might be around.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’d let the bear do it’s worse. Why is it perfectly ok for humans to kill another animal but not ok when the roles are reversed? If the hunters were killing the bear for sport then it’s only fair that the bear has the opportunity to win fair and square. Also, if I were a wood elf I would probably be pissed of with man destroying my habitat so a couple less humans may not be a bad thing in my mind. I don’t think I’d watch though, I’d go an chill in a tree somewhere and feeling thankful that I hadn’t got on the wrong side of a bear that day!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me Dogs, especially hunting dogs like you’re referring to, can revert to the wild pretty easily, in many cases. They could take care of themselves.

I’d tie @ragingloli up and put her out as bear bait, thus saving both the humans and ME.

ragingloli's avatar

Not even death could save you from my wrath.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I kind of noticed that Raggy. :/

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