(NSFW) Share your most embarrassing shopping moments with us?
I hope it hasn’t only happened to me, but I’m sorry if it has happened to you. If it has, will you share so we can all laugh it off together?
Or are you a retail employee who has been asked a question you were real embarrassed about? “Excuse me, sir, how much poop do these Depends hold?”
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27 Answers
The time I tripped stepping off an escalator in a dept. store and plowed into a display of comforters, knocking them all over the place and falling on them. At least it was a soft landing. haha
I honestly can’t think of any moments like this. How boring am I? I feel embarrassed a lot, but nothing worthy of a story.
@Coloma HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Lady, you never let me down. Always you bring laughter to my days.
@livelaughlove21 , come on now, think. There isn’t one thing ever which turned your freckled little nose just a bit pink? Perhaps you’ve beenat a mall, and backed into a hand, finding it to only be plaster? Perhaps shopping for groceries you meant to ask for black pepper, got tongue-tied…...........
@Jonesn4burgers Nope. I rarely ask for things at a store – I just look for it for as long as it takes to find it. Unless I’m at Publix – they’re so nice there!
At a small boutique, I tried on a necklace. I walked around the store for a while, wearing the necklace while looking at merchandise and chatting-up various employees and fellow shoppers. I completely forgot about the necklace and left. Fortunately, I didn’t get very far before I realized what I’d done. I went racing back and said, “Eeks! I accidently took this without paying for it!!! Sorry about that.”
Every guy with an overly motherly mom had to go shopping for jeans. You had to try on the jeans, then come outside while your mom put her hand in the waist and shake it, all with other people watching you.
Oh, and once when I was working in retail, there was a woman that had tissue hanging out of her bra. I didn’t have the heart to tell her due to fear of her potential reaction. She had to be in her late 40s.
@Blackberry You should’ve said something! I’d hate to be walking around like that and have no one point it out. How awful!
Perhaps she had it there to use it as a tissue, not to stuff her bra. That’s what I’d assume.
I went shoe shopping as a kid with holey socks. That was when the shoe store had salesman. But that mostly embarrassed my mother. I also bought lingerie that didn’t have a price tag and the sales clerks twisted my tail by calling for a price check and describing it over the PA. The store was pretty quiet and I knew exactly what they were doing. It was more funny and flattering than embarrassing.
At work, I have been using ultrasonic transducers from a particular company with a name that sounded like two last names. Like Stein and Moran, for example. I needed to order more so I lined up the company credit card, got the company pc dedicated to outside communication, got the part numbers – I’m ready…. except I could not think of the company name, only the initials. I typed them in thinking I’d recognize the name. S & M. Surprise!
Now that particular search is tied to my name – ugh!
Not so embarrassing but still….
Once I went grocery shopping. I had a full cart and was going to check out, and my debit card declined. I had no reason why. I had no cash and no other card, and ended up having to leave the thing behind. I’ve never been so embarrassed.
Turned out my card info had been stolen and someone ran my account $3000 in the negative by hitting ATMs all over New York City. I still can’t figure out how they managed that, as the account wasn’t supposed to allow overdrafting at all. And the bank tried to tell me that the fraud case was invalid. See, because I was born in New York City, it must have been me. Ignoring entirely the fact that I hadn’t set foot in the state in 15 years, much less spent a day traipsing around Fifth Avenue for ATMs. Took two months to get it all cleared up.
I’ve probably shared this before… When my daughter was little, we were shopping in Victoria’s Secret. She pointed out a thong (not understanding the concept of them) and loudly told me it wasn’t big enough to fit my butt and would give me a bad wedgie. I could hear several people snickering as we left the store.
Just remember it’s “bond ing strip”, not “bondage strip” the next time you’re searching for tape.
@Jonesn4burgers Oh man, you should have been on the walking trail with me yesterday, I had so many people cracking up doing a little comedy routine about a regular pervy old dude in his speedo that walks the trails. It was hilarious. I had a couple women stop and they couldn’t keep walking because I had them laughing so hard with my commentary on speedo geezer guy. lol
^^^TJAU don’t get what you are referencing, but I do. TOTALLY wish I coulda been there.
Maybe more funny/sad than embarassing, but I was shoved by a little old lady during Black Friday. I don’t do Black Friday anymore. And am more wary of little old ladies.
I’ve also had to shop for a tee shirt at the airport while covered in throw-up. I thought I was uber-prepared packing a change of clothes for my infant. But I hadn’t thought to pack one for myself.
@Seek_Kolinahr Any chance your bank was Wells Fargo? I also had to ditch a full cart of groceries because my card was declined. Except it was my fault it was overdrafted. I had used it to pay a meter because I had run out of change. Doh! Would have taken the blame for that oversight—except I had actually gone to the bank prior to this incident to ask that overdraft be removed. I just wanted my card to be declined if I ran out of money.
Well, first I embarrassed my mother horribly when I was around 3. She let me dress myself that morning, and it was a big day – we were shopping when I bent over to tie my shoes and the whole store noticed I had no panties on. I think it’s funny; I think she’s still embarrassed.
Fast forward to when I was 13 and she got her revenge. 13, the age where pretty much any faux pas is a major drama. She took me to a local clothing store to buy new cords (back when the colored Levi cords were cool). Anyway, those pants and all the jeans and painter’s pants remember them? were located on the bottom floor and it was necessary to walk down a pretty steep set of stairs to get there. Right as we reached the bottom, I tripped and fell right out of my clogs, landing on the floor. Of course, this happened at the feet of an extremely handsome salesman. How did my mother help me? She looked at him calmly and said, “Well, I’ve heard of women falling at your feet, but this is ridiculous!”. He looked embarrassed for me and helped me up
I got her back recently, but that’s another topic.
@fluthernutter I sure learned that spare clothes thing too. My son leaked out the side of his diaper all over my pretty yellow dress.
@laurenkem ha ha! Sounds like you two have lifetime paybacks going on.
Once while watching my neice I was holding her while in line because she was fussing while sitting in the cart. She always liked to play with the buttons on my shirt and didn’t realize she figured out how to unbutton them. Well I put her back in the cart when it was my turn to put my groceries on the conveyer belt and to my surprise my shirt was open. That poor young boy behind the register got the best view of it all and was fumbling all over the place and though I was totally buttoned by the time I paid he couldn’t look me in the eye.
HA! I can totally relate! I was riding a city bus one time with my son on my lap. He started staring at my shirt. All the sudden, before I could realize what he was doing, he put his hands on each side of my chest, squeezed them together, and let go. While they went boooiingggg, he let out a squeal and with delight screeched, “BOOBS!” All the gang bangers turned even more red faced than I. A couple of grandmas just smiled and gave a knowing nod. I grabbed his hands quickly, as he was about to give it another try. I had to search quickly for distractions out the window. I have NO idea what made him come up with that, but he decided it was a very funny game, and tried to sneak it in on future occasions.
I once went shopping with sister and we were shopping for blouses. It was in the middle of the week and the store was practically empty. We were the only ones in the dressing rooms. Well we had already been to several stores and she kept supplying me with blouses because nothing fit my boobs. It was either too tight on top and fit fine everywhere else or if I went larger it was too loose on the shoulders and waist and looked like a moo moo blouse.
So our voices got louder with every visit back to the dressing room as my frustration grew. So finally I came out and hung the final blouses and turned to her to say the following.
My sister. ” Didn’t fit again I take it.”
Me: I swear, some days if my husband wasn’t as fond of my boobs, I would get rid of them and go down to a size A, just to find some clothes that fit them right. But noooo, I have to have enormous boobs on a small body with cleavage that can only be missed by a blind man. I swear tiny boob people are lucky.”
With that I stepped out and almost bumped into a woman with small boobs and her husband who was sitting outside the dressing room. We both looked at each others boobs and her husband. Who was staring at my boobs. I saw her go from red to killer look in a matter of seconds. He husband quickly shot his gaze down to the floor. LOL I was so embarrassed and my sister must’ve laughed for about 15 as I grabbed her hand and rushed away.
I was dress shopping for a cocktail party last summer. I went into a high end dress store where I was assisted by a couple of “Designing Women” type ladies in bringing me several dresses to try on in the dressing room. After trying them on and deciding on a couple I put my wrap dress back on and headed for the counter, clutching my choices to my chest. I put them on the counter, and one of the ladies looks at me, and in a totally dead-pan voice with a straight face says, “You have no idea how thrilled I am that I get to be the one to tell you that your BOOB is hanging out of your dress.”
Yep. I will never wear a wrap dress without a bra ever again.
@GloPro Haha..I wear a lot of skirts and just the other day I caught my skirt hiked up in the back in my underwear before exiting a public restroom. Whew….!!!! lol
@Coloma… Oh, I’ve done that, too, but not shopping. I was lucky enough to be out bar-hopping and dancing on that great day. I wasn’t lucky enough to catch myself, though. In fact, I’d say a good 20 minutes had passed from walking all the way through a casino from the bathroom back to my friends at a very packed bar before a stranger came up to point out to me that my skirt was tucked into the panties. My friends were standing too close to me in this packed bar to see what’s going on below my waist, but everyone else got a great view… All the way past the card tables and beyond. Sigh. I will never be a classy woman. I try, I really do try.
@GloPro Well! You’ve managed to hang out of both ends of your dress. I guess that covers it (pun DEFINATELY intended). You should be safe from now on.
@Pandora , oooooo. A bit like the music ending suddenly in a noisy club just when you loudly proclaim to your friend what a fine a$$ some guy has. I bet you helped that woman get a new dress from her embarrassed boob staring husband.
He probably had to buy her a lot of stuff after that. LOL
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