Meta Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Do you feel annoyed when a jelly post a relationship question here?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23807points) January 17th, 2014

Based on this question, in which the OP doesn’t want to post the relationship question here and asks for help via PM instead.

Does the question imply that most jellies will get annoyed when reading a relationship question?

I posted some relationship questions here some time ago, and if that annoyed you, then please accept my sincere apology. I promise I’ll find another way to ask for relationship advice.

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28 Answers

whitenoise's avatar

No, why should I?

I think in the other thread the op was just a bit uneasy discussing such private matters on a broad platform.

hearkat's avatar

It isn’t that all relationship questions are annoying; I think nearly all of us have been in situations where we’ve sought out advice. Many of us have plenty of experience and like to offer some guidance.

What seems to try the patience of the collective is when the same user asks questions again and again about the same problems, and doesn’t seem to have taken heed to any of the advice that has previously been given.

livelaughlove21's avatar

They don’t annoy me unless it’s one of those, “How do I get my crush to like me?” or “If a guy [insert action here], does that mean he likes me?” Or what @hearkat said. If it’s a legitimate issue, I’ll certainly try to answer it.

I got a PM from the person that asked the question you referenced. The question didn’t annoy me and I didn’t mind answering it.

thorninmud's avatar

For better or for worse, people under the influence of the potent cocktail of hormones and neurotransmitters that accompany a new love go a little crazy. I’ve been there too; most of us have. Eventually, the craziness settles down (thank goodness) and you see how whacked out love can make you.

When some of these questions come up, they’re pretty clearly the product of a mind that’s been torn from its moorings by love. There’s something a little sweet about it, but it’s also coming from a mind that can’t really see reason in its present condition, and that can be a little annoying.

gailcalled's avatar

Would the question be less annoying if the OP gave his or her age; anyone 16 or gets treated more tenderly by the collective perhaps?

Would the question be less annoying if it were written properly; none of that, “OK, well, me and him were in study hall and LOL hes my best freind…”?

Off the record, at 14 in the 1950’s, I would have loved to have found an anonymous forum for help with the tender and mysterious new stirrings of my heart and groin.

JimTurner's avatar

They don’t annoy me and I try to help if I can especially when I know a person is sincere and hasn’t had much experience dating.

gailcalled's avatar

edit; “anyone 16 or younger…”

keobooks's avatar

The only thing I don’t like is when the person has an answer they want already in their mind. When everyone says “Dump the jerk!” they pipe in with “You don’t understand… I love him!” Or they keep adding additional information they think will change people’s minds and agree with their wishful answer.

I hate that. Don’t pretend you want advice or opinions if you won’t listen and just want people to confirm what you wish for.

tedibear's avatar

What @hearkat and @keobooks said is a good summation for me.

I will add that I don’t like any question that is inarticulate. So many times the teen relationship questions are a wall of text with horrific grammar and spelling. That gets old very quickly.

Juels's avatar

This is a q&a site. So, why not ask the question? If someone is annoyed by it, then they don’t have to answer.

marinelife's avatar

No, not at all. Post away.

Coloma's avatar

I answer relationship Q.‘s on occasion, but really, in the ripeness of my age and wisdom I find most of them too much effort and not enough care there to answer.
Really, talking about relationships, on a scale of 1–10 is a minus 20 for me the majority of the time.

rojo's avatar

Not really but if you go back and look, to me they all seem to boil down to someone wanting someone else to either make the hard choices for them or validate the choice they have already made.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@rojo I find that to be the case with a lot of the non-relationship questions as well.

rojo's avatar

@livelaughlove21 Very true

(odd phrase really, can something be a little true or somewhat true? I will have to think on this.)

longgone's avatar

If we wanted to refrain from annoying people, there are many topics which would have to be banned.

I’m annoyed by extremely technical questions sometimes, simply because I can’t answer them. They should still be asked.

Until I have obtained world domination.

Strauss's avatar

Sometimes I am not necessarily in a helping mood. I don’t let it bother me, I just ignore the question and go on to something that interests me, or log off and go do something else. The point is nobody is obliged to read or reply to any question.

I think someone has already addressed the idea that the OP in your referenced question might not have felt completely comfortable discussing the topic on the public forum, so wished to go to PM. I feel that is completely reasonable.

ibstubro's avatar

Ultimately, relationship questions have been the ones I was least likely to answer. They have also been some of the most rewarding when answered.

Either you jibe with the person, or you don’t.

Kardamom's avatar

They only annoy me when I think some critical piece of information was left out of the details. These Q’s often don’t make any sense when taken at face value.

Example: My boyfriend is a really great guy, he has a steady job, tells me I’m beautiful and all of my friends get along with him. Should I break up with him?

The way the Q was worded, makes it sound like this person would be a fool to break up with him, so I wonder why they even asked this question. And it makes me think that there’s something we’re not being told that is critical to give a good/helpful answer.

The missing bit of information in this Q might be that the boyfriend is married, or that he hits her, or that she found out that he was cheating on her.

cookieman's avatar

No, they don’t annoy me — but I do pass on 99% of them.

Smitha's avatar

No, Infact I like answering relationship questions, but I would definitely get irritated if the same question is asked over and over again by different people.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Smitha What if I accidentally asked a question like that?

Smitha's avatar

@Mimishu1995 I might post the link where similar questions were answered. I have not come across any repetitive ones here. Askville was the place where I used to see the same question repeated umpteen number of times.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Smitha We have more of a problem with the same questions being asked by the same person on Fluther, moreso than repetitive questions by different members. That’s even more frustrating if you ask me. If the person didn’t like the answers the first time, why ask it again?

The questions I can think of that are frequently repeated by different members include things like “What does it mean if I dream about my crush?” Ugh…

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Mimishu1995 Well, you’ve been around a while so as long as it was worded well we’d do our best to answer it. What they’re referring to are one hit wonders who come in and say “Does this mean he likes me?” Then goes through a massive amount of detail and explaining, much of which is their impression of what he meant by this or that.

ibstubro's avatar

@Dutchess_III you forgot the part about never leaving Lurve and never re-visiting the question. Oh, or changing the playing field entirely, after 32 Jellies have given really good and heartfelt answers.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That too @ibstubro. You kind of get the feeling that they just troll about on the internets asking the same question on every chat site they can find.

ibstubro's avatar

^^ That, or they’re 14, self absorbed, and as distraught as they are at the time of the post, it never crosses their mind again, 30 minutes later. New drama, new site. lol.

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