Social Question
Any jellies taking a combination of Armour thyroid and Synthroid?
Asked by JLeslie (65850)
January 17th, 2014
I just switched to trying a combination. I had suggested to my doctor taking majority of my dose Armour and a little extra T4, but she saw it the reverse, and I am taking mostly T4 and a little extra of the Armour. I’m just wondering if any jellies have any experience doing this. I already feel better, but that could easily be short lived. When I started Armour a year ago I felt great for a few weeks as I transitioned, but that feeling didn’t stick, although I oreferred the Armour to T4 alone. We theorized my negative symptoms before the change were from my T3 levels being so high on Armour alone.
I’m really glad my nurse practitioner will experiment with me. I hold hope we find the perfect combination.
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