Social Question

When you prepare and serve food to others is it almost always unhealthy food?
My MIL called me, because my parents will be stopping by my inlaws house for a quick visit and my MIL wanted to know what food to have for them. Mind you, my parents purposely asked to come by after lunch, so my inlaws will feel no burden to feed them. My MIL feels she has to have something and asked what cake they would like, or if they like ice cream. My dad has heart disease for 25 years and is obese, they both have to watch their cholesterol, they both need medication to control their blood pressure. Needless to say, they shouldn’t be eating cake and ice cream. Plus, they are on vacation, they will be getting fed up with restaurant and other high caloric foods.
It got me thinking, why is it the foods we usually serve to others are high fat and sabotage others. Or, maybe not everyone does.
What healthy foods do you serve other people or have at the ready if someone drops by?
I told my MIL to put out a dish of dried fruits and nuts and some Dove chocolates. They always have those things on hand anyway, i don’t want her to cook, and my parents will like those choices much better than cake.
I guess most people feel their yummiest dishes are the ones where they don’t cut the butter, but don’t most people prefer to eat healthy? I’m guilty of it myself, too often when I cook for others I use more fat or serve foods that I would I usually would not cook for myself.