Would you say that intelligent people are usually narcissists?
Perhaps there’s something else behind all of that, or you think that there’s no connection between narcissism and intelligent folks?
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17 Answers
I wouldn’t think it would take much intelligence to be a narcissist…
True narcissists are all about lack of empathy, deception, ruthless pursuit of self interest.
Certain personality types tend towards more self confidence than others. I am a female ENTP and we are known to come across as rather arrogant at times but our true intentions are anything but. We are quick thinkers, able to converse on a myriad of topics with ease, exude a bold and confident aura and are natural entertainers.
We enjoy lively discussion and often play devils advocate looking at an issue from all angles and strive for understanding over criticism and judgement.
Admittedly I do not suffer fools gladly but for a rational, thinking woman I have a very warm and caring side as well, I just have little patience for dumb fucks and the socially retarded.
If you don’t capture my interest I move on easily and quickly without a backwards glance.
Probably why I prefer animals to most humans, they are much more entertaining and amusing. lol
NT types tend towards having a really hard time finding like minded others and are bored to death with small talk and mundane drivel like talking about the weather, what you had for dinner last night and your dull daily to do lists. haha
The quickest way to get me to check out is to start reciting your daily routine stuff. :-/
Nope. I know several absolute morons that think they’re wonderful. Sometimes an ego can be validated by others and other times it’s invalid. It really depends on the person. I know humble smart people too! Ya never know…
Only those precious few of us that really are intelligent.
No, indeed truly intelligent people are not at all narcissistic. By that I mean a person who is not only analytically intelligent, but one who is creatively and artistically and emotionally intelligent.
People who are intelligent across the panoply of experience are generally the most humble, because they are fully aware of how little they know.
I think it’s unfair to say that. It may be fair to say that narcissistic people tend to be intelligent.
Stephen Hawking furiously masturbates over the stunning vista reflected back at him, so…
I see no implicit correlation.
I would say highly intelligent people have more tendencies to be haughty than narcissistic. Not quite like the well-off or very wealthy but haughty just the same, as if their high I.Q. makes them better, or their word or ideas carry more weight.
Most of the narcissists I know are complete dunderheads.
They’re convinced they are brilliant, however.
Most of the truly intelligent people I know have very low self-esteem and self-deprecating behaviours.
I think there is absolutely no relationship between the two.
No, but then again there are very few people as smart as me, so they’re not qualified to call it.
Many intelligent people over the years have worked to come up with better ideas and inventions to make life easier for many others, including the less fortunate. I can think of several other characteristics other than intelligence that tend to correlate with narcissism.
@Seek Kruger-Dunning Effect.
Narcissism and intelligence are unrelated. If there is even a loose correlation, I would say that the less-intelligent are more narcissistic than those of us with brains.
Now, @Hypocrisy_Central is correct that smart people are sometimes—(but not always)—a bit haughty, but haughtiness is something different.
I don’t know. I don’t pay any attention to anyone other than myself. <giggles>
Only those who are bragging.
@jerv I really honestly believe that many, if not most people labeled as ‘unconfident’ simply hold themselves to much higher standards than their supposedly more confident peers. Also, have you ever seen a debate about the Dunning-Kruger Effect on sites such as yahoo or youtube? The hypothesis verifies the truth to itself in my opinion over and over again.
I still feel that you need some confidence to succeed and be happy in one’s life. My problem though is that confidence is so overly emphasized when compared to almost every other characteristic that it has rendered the term almost useless, unrealistic (we all have fear naturally) and worthless.
Fear and doubt will always co-exist with confidence and self-esteem, so society needs to accept this simple fact instead of attacking it. New Age, self-help and positive bullies make a decent living though making sure things stay the way they are.
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