What is the nastiest, meanest, and awful thing(s) you have had said of you online?
What is the worst, most nastiest, vile thing you have ever found said of you online, be it Fluther, a blog, Facebook, or some social network, etc. and how is that different from negative things you have heard said of you in the non-cyber world?
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26 Answers
I hope your ass freezes. (Not really ever said.)
“You sound like a geordie”
What a fucking liberty!
I called someone a “mindless blithering idiot that is destined to flip burgers until you die of multiple venereal diseases.”
Not very diplomatic…
Well, until you asked this question, I was happy not to be the sort of person who dwells on insults. But now, I feel like I should be able to produce something. I know I’ve had several nasty insults on Fluther. Without recalling the exact words, I’ve certainly been told more than once that I deserve to burn in hell for eternity – that’s a pretty nasty, mean, and awful thing to say to anyone, wouldn’t you agree?
@glacial The comeback for that one is easy though. We all deserve hell for one thing or another throughout our lives. That doesn’t mean we’re not savable it just means we’re human.
@DWW25921 I vehemently disagree. I don’t think that I deserve to burn, and I don’t think anyone else deserves it, either. Again – this is an awful thing to say to anyone.
@glacial You’re right, it was an awful thing to say but that’s all I could come up with.
Read my profile. There’s a long list, and it’s growing!
“Those musical notes make no sense!” ~
The late, unlamented J*ck Ad*ms Pmed me once and called me a male pedophile.
“Chocolate chip cookies aren’t all that great.”
Took me a week to get over it.
I was called a taco head once. I’m not even sure what that means… I like tacos.
@gailcalled The late, unlamented J*ck Ad*ms Pmed me once and called me a male pedophile.
I guess that beats “taco head”, or “You sound like a geordie”.
It would be a tough choice for me, and I simply don’t feel like stating the exact words. My experiences on here have been mild. However, on sodahead I’d recieved some very nasty insults. I also had some very negative experiences on an MRA forum, a dating forum, a sceptical forum and a Christian forum. I limit my blogging time and places these days since real life is already stressful enough for me. I only post on here and two other sites in a very limited capacity, and one of these is a private site.
I don’t know. Whomever has said something mean about me has done it in private or perhaps they had me blocked or the comment got removed before I saw it.
@gailcalled and here I was thinking you were a woman! :)
Yep, being called a male pedophile certainly trumps taco head in the mean and nasty department.
@Hypocrisy_Central: When you said, ”… online… be it Fluther, a blog, Facebook, or some social network, etc.”, I thought you meant publicly posted to a web page. Perhaps I misunderstood the question; but to me, private or direct messages and emails are personal correspondence — even though the message is being carried across the internet, I do not consider those “online”. However, @gailcalled has interpreted your question to include private correspondence. Would you please clarify?
“Nazi bitch.” Multiple times, by multiple people. :(
@hearkat However, @gailcalled has interpreted your question to include private correspondence. Would you please clarify?
The question was more directed to site or places where the public or semi-public post or comments can be observed.
All your emails will be deleted unread, It devastated me.
Glober / NASA fan boy / Sheeple / Lib Tard. Actually the later was in a phone call from an old friend, whom I have known since grade school. Never knew she was a Republican, so I made some comments about Trump. Just when you think you know a person huh?
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